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Connie just picked up another -400

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Well I just heard that Connie bought another 400. That makes 4 now. He is looking at getting 3-4 more. JAL is having a fire sale and Connie is cleaning up.
i look fwd to seeing them at JFK/EWR before they end up at OSC
Whats the schedule like at Kalitta?

Right now it is the busiest I have ever seen it. Most places is min rest. We are way understaffed right now. The guys here are making great money. I have flown 44 hours in the last 6 days.

The schedules are fluid. Many changes every day as scheduling tries to cover trips. They really need to call everyone back and start hiring. I don't think we can keep this up indefinitely.
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Rumor has it that all furloughed FO's are being recalled, but only 4 FE's.
Originally they were allowing guys to bypass, but now since they want to bring back everyone, bypass probably won't be available, unless someone want's to roll the dice for a later class and have the other guys gain seniority.
I see pilot hiring in the near future.
If it keeps up like this I think we'll see more birds come out of Oscoda and some more -400's sooner rather than later. It's really not worth taking any clothes for layovers as your not there long enough to enjoy it!

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