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Concerned Mom Won't Fly with Arabs (who train Marines)

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Your a skig skag bro... Your way to paranoid...Do not bring your prejudice towards Islam here and expect us to agree to a ignorant blanket statement Over 10million muslims that were born in America that love and serve their country like any other citizen of this great country... This country is great because our freedoms which I'm pretty sure freedom of religion is still there... We planted a seed in the Middle East and you can't under estimate the youth movements in some modernized parts of the region who will take a successful lead into the western world and adapt towards higher education and improving their poor one source economies. Shira Law would never anywhere and give the Middle East another 10years and it will be more westernized and democracies will flourish and economies will be the new religion (a lil rosy future)...Then in 2020 you can beware of the rising sun brain hurts.
I can only hope. You still have a problem (assuming you are Muslim) with the rest of Islam deciphering the Koran, the Hadith, and Mohamaad's example of living. That is our problem, because the Muhadjeen believes that Islam must conquer the world. That is what they believe and are willing to Martyr themselves for. Who knows, maybe American Muslims will step up and lead the rest of Islam in a new direction. I hope so but I sure don"t see it happening.

1.skig-skag5 up, 2 downA bar skag without a bar.
A hideous, nocturnal bar-dwelling groupie/parasite that is at least 2 decades older than its target audience: drunken, desperate young men and middle aged men willing to engage in conversation with any thing they can fvck without it being considered gay.
drunkenpimpguy1: G-dizzles! Let's go blitzen wit da flip-flops and skig-skags!

Now that I know what a skig skag is, I am pretty sure it does not apply. Are you sure you were using the words properly?

Rising Sun? Are you involved in this cult?:

Good Luck with that.
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Yeah, that, and OIL.

No, another "Takeover the world group" called communists

Incorrect on several counts. The only ones talking fatwas and jihad statements that I've seen so far are you and al-Qaeda terrorists/extremists.
Not just Al Quieda--and you know it.

Don't confuse the two. You just went from extremism/radical Islam, into mainstream Islam.
They are one and the same.

From third world poverty countries? Not much. They barely have enough to survive on their own. That charity thing is for those who can afford to.
Ah, another rock solid loop hole in Islam! Who would ever have thought that?

Wrong assumptions, you just made. Waaaaay wrong assumptions.
Ok, but only if you do the same. After all, we were all immigrants to this country at some point.
No, I'll stay here and make sure you toe the line thank you.
I doubt I would be picking up my teeth if you attacked me. You would be very likley be quietly moaning on the floor gasping for breath, more than likely a result of a strike to the solar plexus. In public I politely keep my opinions quiet. On a public forum which is where we come for an exchange of ideas, I give you my thoughts. You can say words like "coward" very easily on an anonymous forum, however, however my actions in life and my accomplishments stand for themselves. How about you sonny?

Solar Plexus? Maybe you should be worrying more about solar power before you get yourself into trouble. Thats whats cowardly, you admit to keeping it to yourself but yet lash out on an Internet forum. Next time you see someone from somewhere else you need to come out of your shell and tell them how you feel. I as an American think that your extreme right wing attitude and extreme fear of world is a threat to my freedoms and rights. Maybe you need to be the one to go (wherever you came from).
That is our problem, because the Muhadjeen believes that Islam must conquer the world. That is what they believe and are willing to Martyr themselves for.

But! But! They were 'friends' back in the 80s!!!!! We supplied weapons, cash, and knowledge to use those weapons to the Afghani Muhadajeen so they could beat the Russians! What happened to the "Islam must concur the world" threat back then?

Double Standard.

No, another "Takeover the world group" called communists

Um, no. Like I said, OIL.

Not just Al Quieda--and you know it.

Yes, al-Qaeda, and YOU.

Don't confuse the two. You just went from extremism/radical Islam, into mainstream Islam.
They are one and the same.

Ah, finally. The truth emerges: you DO lump all 1.5 billion Muslims as the same. That's all I needed to hear to grasp the true paranoia state you're in.

Ah, another rock solid loop hole in Islam! Who would ever have thought that?

According to my research into the subject, it's not another loophole, it's actually written quite clearly. Not to mention, it's common sense. If a person has a job that pays money, then they are expected to give to charity. If they dont even have a job (like many in Somalia), then they are not expected to.

No, I'll stay here and make sure you toe the line thank you.

My apologies, I didn't realize you were Native Indian. And if you aren't, then you/your family (at some point) came to this country just like everyone else did, and for the same reasons.
Solar Plexus? Maybe you should be worrying more about solar power before you get yourself into trouble. Thats whats cowardly, you admit to keeping it to yourself but yet lash out on an Internet forum. Next time you see someone from somewhere else you need to come out of your shell and tell them how you feel. I as an American think that your extreme right wing attitude and extreme fear of world is a threat to my freedoms and rights. Maybe you need to be the one to go (wherever you came from).
Yes Big Meat,
solar plexus, dense cluster of nerve cells and supporting tissue, located behind the stomach in the region of the celiac artery just below the diaphragm. It is also known as the celiac plexus. Rich in ganglia and interconnected neurons, the solar plexus is the largest autonomic nerve center in the abdominal cavity (see nervous system). Through branches it controls many vital functions such as adrenal secretion and intestinal contraction. Popularly, the term “solar plexus” may refer to the pit of the stomach. A blow to that area, if it penetrates to the true solar plexus, not only causes great pain but may also temporarily halt visceral functioning.

So it is cowardly to be polite in society by not regailing people with my opinion? Is that what you do? A FORUM is a place where people come for debate. That is what keeps it civilized. And what have you done in your life, young man, that makes you an expert on cowardace? Have you served your country in combat? Were you a cop in a rough town? A fireman during 9-11? I did not think so. So I'll file your opinion on cowardice where it belongs. As for my right wing attitude, get used to it. My fear of the world? Right. How many countries have you been in? I thought so.
That is our problem, because the Muhadjeen believes that Islam must conquer the world. That is what they believe and are willing to Martyr themselves for.
But! But! They were 'friends' back in the 80s!!!!! We supplied weapons, cash, and knowledge to use those weapons to the Afghani Muhadajeen so they could beat the Russians! What happened to the "Islam must concur the world" threat back then?

Double Standard.
Once again your ignorance precedes you. The "Muhadajeen" is a term any Muslim can call himself if he decides to battle for Islam. It is not limited to A'stan. We dealt with a group called the Muhadajeen, but the term comes from the Koran and the Hadith. At the time we had a communist superpower in Russia, and we had nukes pointed at each other. That was a pretty big problem. To defeat that problem, we did what we could to undermine the Soviets so they could not gain any more real estate in oil rich asia, because to do so would have weakened us severely. Now in your clown brain, I know that means "its about the oil!" but it was not. It was about denying the Soviets the extra power.

No, another "Takeover the world group" called communists
Um, no. Like I said, OIL.
See above. Defeating Communism (which I am sure is what really irks you)

Not just Al Quieda--and you know it.
Yes, al-Qaeda, and YOU.
Dude, research the terror cells broken up in Spain and London just as a starting point. They were not al Queida. And the guy who drove into the students with his car reciently--these things are being done in the name of Islam--because that is what the Koran and Hadith say to do.

Don't confuse the two. You just went from extremism/radical Islam, into mainstream Islam.
They are one and the same.
Ah, finally. The truth emerges: you DO lump all 1.5 billion Muslims as the same. That's all I needed to hear to grasp the true paranoia state you're in.
Fine, I am paranoid because I have researched Islam and I understand where Richard Reed got his crazy ideas--The Koran! Its all in the book, says Richard Reed! I just followed the religion! So knowing that makes me paranoid, well that puts you in a state of denial.

Ah, another rock solid loop hole in Islam! Who would ever have thought that?

According to my research into the subject, it's not another loophole, it's actually written quite clearly. Not to mention, it's common sense. If a person has a job that pays money, then they are expected to give to charity. If they dont even have a job (like many in Somalia), then they are not expected to.
Ok, so although written into the Koran, you only have to follow it if you feel your need allows it. Another great rock solid given that lets you feel this religion has its act together!

No, I'll stay here and make sure you toe the line thank you.
My apologies, I didn't realize you were Native Indian. And if you aren't, then you/your family (at some point) came to this country just like everyone else did, and for the same reasons.
Yes and some of those people integrated quite nicely without demanding calls for prayers, seperate foot washing facilities, and demanding seperate government funded schools. Like I say, I will stay right here and make sure you toe the line.
I can only hope. You still have a problem (assuming you are Muslim) with the rest of Islam deciphering the Koran, the Hadith, and Mohamaad's example of living. That is our problem, because the Muhadjeen believes that Islam must conquer the world. That is what they believe and are willing to Martyr themselves for. Who knows, maybe American Muslims will step up and lead the rest of Islam in a new direction. I hope so but I sure don"t see it happening.

1.skig-skag5 up, 2 downA bar skag without a bar.
A hideous, nocturnal bar-dwelling groupie/parasite that is at least 2 decades older than its target audience: drunken, desperate young men and middle aged men willing to engage in conversation with any thing they can fvck without it being considered gay.
drunkenpimpguy1: G-dizzles! Let's go blitzen wit da flip-flops and skig-skags!

Now that I know what a skig skag is, I am pretty sure it does not apply. Are you sure you were using the words properly?

Rising Sun? Are you involved in this cult?:

Good Luck with that.

LOL @ skig skag.... I watched a lil too much Chappelle Show but it's still pretty funny word to say aloud... I said it towards an arrogant post in which I shouldn't really care since it's flightinfo... I hate debates about religion since it ends in hateful words... Peace bro and sorry and the whole skallywhop thing...
LOL @ skig skag.... I watched a lil too much Chappelle Show but it's still pretty funny word to say aloud... I said it towards an arrogant post in which I shouldn't really care since it's flightinfo... I hate debates about religion since it ends in hateful words... Peace bro and sorry and the whole skallywhop thing...
Ok, I forgive you only because the Chappelle show is funny.
Once again your ignorance precedes you. The "Muhadajeen" is a term any Muslim can call himself if he decides to battle for Islam. It is not limited to A'stan. We dealt with a group called the Muhadajeen, but the term comes from the Koran and the Hadith. At the time we had a communist superpower in Russia, and we had nukes pointed at each other. That was a pretty big problem. To defeat that problem, we did what we could to undermine the Soviets so they could not gain any more real estate in oil rich asia, because to do so would have weakened us severely. Now in your clown brain, I know that means "its about the oil!" but it was not. It was about denying the Soviets the extra power.

Justify it however you like, but you are the one in denial. Bottom line is the Republican administration is in bed with terrorists when it deems us fit. So to defeat a communist nation, we team up with terrorists. And now, we're all 'surprised' the terrorists attacked us. They were terrorists back then, and they are still terrorists today. But the righties still supported terrorist groups to defeat Russia. Even today, Bush has allowed our US troops to defend/protect the MEK terrorist group in Iraq. Why? cause they got intel on Iran. So, history repeats, and we see our country teaming up with terrorists when the Republican government deems it fit. You want to play the blame game? Blame our government, where the President says "Either you're with us, or you're with the terrorists!" all the while supporting terrorist groups himself. Double Standard.

No, another "Takeover the world group" called communists
Um, no. Like I said, OIL.
See above. Defeating Communism (which I am sure is what really irks you)

Look up and you will see I already admit that we supported the Afghani Muhajadeen to beat the Russians (Communism).

But Middle East, like I said before, OIL.

Dude, research the terror cells broken up in Spain and London just as a starting point. They were not al Queida. And the guy who drove into the students with his car reciently--these things are being done in the name of Islam--because that is what the Koran and Hadith say to do.

If it was written in plain words to do all that, then all 1.5 billion Muslims would be doing those terrorist activities. But that's not the case. The majority (you wouldn't know, since you clearly don't have any Muslim friends like I do), are very nice people who will show you exactly what the real Islam is and just how wrong the radicals are to commit murder/suicide bombings/etc.

Don't confuse the two. You just went from extremism/radical Islam, into mainstream Islam.
They are one and the same.
Ah, finally. The truth emerges: you DO lump all 1.5 billion Muslims as the same. That's all I needed to hear to grasp the true paranoia state you're in.
Fine, I am paranoid because I have researched Islam and I understand where Richard Reed got his crazy ideas--The Koran! Its all in the book, says Richard Reed! I just followed the religion! So knowing that makes me paranoid, well that puts you in a state of denial.

Richard Reid was what I call a 'convert idiot.' He doesn't know jack squat. I know countless Muslim families and I have yet to see any of them practice things which YOU claim are all in the Koran. Again, you misunderstand the problem. The radicals are taking things out of context and suiting it to their needs to justify their actions. Just as centuries ago, you could have used the testament to say the Crusades were justified.

Ok, so although written into the Koran, you only have to follow it if you feel your need allows it. Another great rock solid given that lets you feel this religion has its act together!

I just talked to a friend of mine, and he showed me the part in the Koran. It mentions that 'Zakat' is to be paid by those who are able to do so by [holding down a job]. It is not required if you are unemployed. Similarly, my friend pointed out the other pillar of Islam, 'Hajj.' It points out that Hajj should be made at least once in a lifetime, and only if it can be afforded. Those are mentioned in the Koran, as I learned.

Your ignorance on the subject clearly shows.

No, I'll stay here and make sure you toe the line thank you.
My apologies, I didn't realize you were Native Indian. And if you aren't, then you/your family (at some point) came to this country just like everyone else did, and for the same reasons.
Yes and some of those people integrated quite nicely without demanding calls for prayers, seperate foot washing facilities, and demanding seperate government funded schools. Like I say, I will stay right here and make sure you toe the line.

Your ancestors to this country integrated after giving Native Indians diseased-blankets and treaties that were all violated. So much for integrating nicely. Anyway, American Muslims are doing much better than British Muslims, primarily because American Muslims have integrated very nicely within the society/culture. In attendance at UMich, I have yet to recall a time that prayers were to be announced on some loudspeaker. That never happened, not once. Separate foot washing facilities was brought up for the Dearborn campus. Students were just using sinks for that purposes, so what does it matter if they build them a separate foot bath facility, using the students' money? And demanding separate government funded schools? I have yet to hear or read about that in this country. Got any links?

Bottom line is that we've both established that you are paranoid/fear/distrust/hate ALL 1.5 billion Muslims, and that is your viewpoint. Essentially, you're basically admitting to having fear in your heart from all Muslims, because you don't trust them, and you think many/all are out to get you. One of al-Qaeda's goals is to strike fear in the heart of all Americans. Clearly, they've got that one up on you.
Too bad I won't give into fear. I will live my life normally, and just remain on guard and vigilant at all times... not paranoid, but vigilant.

A FORUM is a place where people come for debate. That is what keeps it civilized.

Civilized? Telling me to "go back to your country" and "calling you a tool was too nice" is your idea of civilized?
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Once again your ignorance precedes you. The "Muhadajeen" is a term any Muslim can call himself if he decides to battle for Islam. It is not limited to A'stan. We dealt with a group called the Muhadajeen, but the term comes from the Koran and the Hadith. At the time we had a communist superpower in Russia, and we had nukes pointed at each other. That was a pretty big problem. To defeat that problem, we did what we could to undermine the Soviets so they could not gain any more real estate in oil rich asia, because to do so would have weakened us severely. Now in your clown brain, I know that means "its about the oil!" but it was not. It was about denying the Soviets the extra power.
Justify it however you like, but you are the one in denial. Bottom line is the Republican administration is in bed with terrorists when it deems us fit. So to defeat a communist nation, we team up with terrorists. And now, we're all 'surprised' the terrorists attacked us. They were terrorists back then, and they are still terrorists today.
Clown Boy, The A'stan Muhadajeen were not targeting America at this time, nor had al Queida become an official group. They were not terrorists at this time in the sense that the word is used today meaning large scale attacks on the USA--remember, you are American now and that means that you have to be on our side. That means that America can defend itself from a Communist threat and to do that, America has to act in its own best interest. But the righties still supported terrorist groups to defeat Russia. Even today, Bush has allowed our US troops to defend/protect the MEK terrorist group in Iraq. Why? cause they got intel on Iran. So, history repeats, and we see our country teaming up with terrorists when the Republican government deems it fit. You want to play the blame game? Blame our government, where the President says "Either you're with us, or you're with the terrorists!" all the while supporting terrorist groups himself. Double Standard.

You are above the age of 12 right? Power politics is not an easy game. You are acting like everything in war is black and white. Life is not like that.

No, another "Takeover the world group" called communists
Um, no. Like I said, OIL.
See above. Defeating Communism (which I am sure is what really irks you)
Look up and you will see I already admit that we supported the Afghani Muhajadeen to beat the Russians (Communism).

But Middle East, like I said before, OIL.
You know, your tantrum could be held on a school playground. You stamp your foot and say OIL. Great. Now I'll say: Communism, Communism, Communism times a billion! What does that prove. I have given you the quick history of why we could not grant the A'stan real estate to the Soviets, and you stamp your foot.

Dude, research the terror cells broken up in Spain and London just as a starting point. They were not al Queida. And the guy who drove into the students with his car reciently--these things are being done in the name of Islam--because that is what the Koran and Hadith say to do.
If it was written in plain words to do all that, then all 1.5 billion Muslims would be doing those terrorist activities. But that's not the case. The majority (you wouldn't know, since you clearly don't have any Muslim friends like I do), are very nice people who will show you exactly what the real Islam is and just how wrong the radicals are to commit murder/suicide bombings/etc.
Clown Boy, have you read the Koran and Hadith? I have copies of both at home. You can not leaf through these.....works without finding violence and twisted thinking. I would rely less on what your good Muslim friends say than what is in the book, that is unless "the friends" you claim are really you and you are simply here as a Muslim apologist.

Don't confuse the two. You just went from extremism/radical Islam, into mainstream Islam.
They are one and the same.
Ah, finally. The truth emerges: you DO lump all 1.5 billion Muslims as the same. That's all I needed to hear to grasp the true paranoia state you're in.
Fine, I am paranoid because I have researched Islam and I understand where Richard Reed got his crazy ideas--The Koran! Its all in the book, says Richard Reed! I just followed the religion! So knowing that makes me paranoid, well that puts you in a state of denial.
Richard Reid was what I call a 'convert idiot.' He doesn't know jack squat. I know countless Muslim families and I have yet to see any of them practice things which YOU claim are all in the Koran. Again, you misunderstand the problem. The radicals are taking things out of context and suiting it to their needs to justify their actions. Just as centuries ago, you could have used the testament to say the Crusades were justified.
No, this defeats your kooky posts above that it was only al Queida and myself claiming that the Koran said to do violence unto non Muslims. You are wrong and you defeat yourself.

Ok, so although written into the Koran, you only have to follow it if you feel your need allows it. Another great rock solid given that lets you feel this religion has its act together!

I just talked to a friend of mine, and he showed me the part in the Koran. It mentions that 'Zakat' is to be paid by those who are able to do so by [holding down a job]. It is not required if you are unemployed. Similarly, my friend pointed out the other pillar of Islam, 'Hajj.' It points out that Hajj should be made at least once in a lifetime, and only if it can be afforded. Those are mentioned in the Koran, as I learned.

Your ignorance on the subject clearly shows.
And your friend is very handy. Hmmmmm.

No, I'll stay here and make sure you toe the line thank you.
My apologies, I didn't realize you were Native Indian. And if you aren't, then you/your family (at some point) came to this country just like everyone else did, and for the same reasons.
Yes and some of those people integrated quite nicely without demanding calls for prayers, seperate foot washing facilities, and demanding seperate government funded schools. Like I say, I will stay right here and make sure you toe the line.
Your ancestors to this country integrated after giving Native Indians diseased-blankets and treaties that were all violated.
No, you have the wrong people.
So much for integrating nicely. Anyway, American Muslims are doing much better than British Muslims, primarily because American Muslims have integrated very nicely within the society/culture.
Yes, very much like Mohammed Atta integrated so well with his neighbors, until of course, he hopped on an airplane, slit the throat of a flight attendant, killed the Captain and then thousands of others by smashing the plane into the WTC. Other than that...oh wait, hey, American Muslims are not doing so well after all.......
In attendance at UMich, I have yet to recall a time that prayers were to be announced on some loudspeaker. That never happened, not once. Separate foot washing facilities was brought up for the Dearborn campus. Students were just using sinks for that purposes, so what does it matter if they build them a separate foot bath facility, using the students' money? And demanding separate government funded schools? I have yet to hear or read about that in this country. Got any links?
Sigh....do I have to do all the work here?

Bottom line is that we've both established that you are paranoid/fear/distrust/hate ALL 1.5 billion Muslims, and that is your viewpoint.
I am pretty sure that is only in your own mind. My viewpoint is that the religion of Islam is violent and is a catalyst for chaos.
Essentially, you're basically admitting to having fear in your heart from all Muslims, because you don't trust them, and you think many/all are out to get you.
No, I am only talking about what the Koran and Hadith are telling Muslims to do. I am not afraid, of Muslims, but I am telling the truth about what they are doing.
One of al-Qaeda's goals is to strike fear in the heart of all Americans. Clearly, they've got that one up on you.
Hmmm, I am pretty sure that I have delivered enough munitions in that conflict that it is the other way around.
Too bad I won't give into fear. I will live my life normally, and just remain on guard and vigilant at all times... not paranoid, but vigilant.
Of course....You are a useful idiot! Winston Churchill talked of an appeaser as the guy in a room of snakes who was nice to the snakes so that he(the appeaser) was the last bit!

A FORUM is a place where people come for debate. That is what keeps it civilized.
Civilized? Telling me to "go back to your country" and "calling you a tool was too nice" is your idea of civilized?
Well its better than cutting off your head while video taping it, or attempting to bomb you or slamming an airplane into your house isnt it?

I am pretty sure you loose this round clown boy.

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