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Comair Vote Results ???

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JoeMerchant said:
Hard to see the bus that's about to run you over if you don't look back. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.......

Yea, but living in the past will never allow someone to move beyond it. Ask Al Bundy.

BluDevAv8r said:
Yea, but living in the past will never allow someone to move beyond it. Ask Al Bundy.



I dare you to find one RJDC supporter or ALPA sceptic who is "living in the past", or doesn't want to move beyond the past. The ways of the past aren't working. It is ALPA that continues to "live in the past". I realize you want to change things. I don't doubt that for a minute. I don't question your motives, nor your desire to reverse this "race to the bottom". I do question your ability, and that of your fellow "task force" members to move ALPA in a timely and effective manner. There are many people higher up in the food chain that are resistant to change and are living in the past. While you look forward, I encourage you to look back also. This will help you understand how and why we got to this point. It will also allow you to learn from the mistakes of others.

Again, good luck and I hope you can prove me wrong.
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JoeMerchant said:
I doubt it is $160,000 per year, but it was probably close to $135,000 year under the old payrates.

Lawson’s budget for 2005 was over $165,000 dollars, according to a close friend of mine who was on the MEC at the time. This included his pay $141,000 (100 hours at 70 seat top pay), his home office expenses, his free cell phone, and his gas mileage to and from.

My buddy also told me he had a $500 per month unaccountable expense allowance before the MEC FO Reps got it thrown out.
wolfpackpilot said:
Lawson’s budget for 2005 was over $165,000 dollars, according to a close friend of mine who was on the MEC at the time. This included his pay $141,000 (100 hours at 70 seat top pay), his home office expenses, his free cell phone, and his gas mileage to and from.

My buddy also told me he had a $500 per month unaccountable expense allowance before the MEC FO Reps got it thrown out.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!

Why any Pilot at Comair wants this guy around is beyond me. He gets credit for the 2001 contract but as far as I can tell it was in spite of him! CT has 10 times the knowledge but has the personnality of a rabid badger.

The rest of the MEC is window dressing(GA) and a yes man (BB)! So where do you go from here is the question, one I'm sure will be answered soon. This once proud and capable pilot group will continue its death spiral until someone either sees its' potential or the spiral becomes tighter!

As for me I would think it's time to "punch out"!

get rid of him and his good ol boys spending your hard earned money. Its all ALPA dues, the company only pays for the 12 landings he does a year. POS.
Now this, I believe. Wolfpackpilot knows about which he speaks. He is versed in the inner workings of CMR037 and is a stand-up guy.

wolfpackpilot said:
Lawson’s budget for 2005 was over $165,000 dollars, according to a close friend of mine who was on the MEC at the time. This included his pay $141,000 (100 hours at 70 seat top pay), his home office expenses, his free cell phone, and his gas mileage to and from.

My buddy also told me he had a $500 per month unaccountable expense allowance before the MEC FO Reps got it thrown out.
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JoeMerchant said:

I dare you to find one RJDC supporter or ALPA sceptic who is "living in the past", or doesn't want to move beyond the past. The ways of the past aren't working. It is ALPA that continues to "live in the past". I realize you want to change things. I don't doubt that for a minute. I don't question your motives, nor your desire to reverse this "race to the bottom". I do question your ability, and that of your fellow "task force" members to move ALPA in a timely and effective manner. There are many people higher up in the food chain that are resistant to change and are living in the past. While you look forward, I encourage you to look back also. This will help you understand how and why we got to this point. It will also allow you to learn from the mistakes of others.

Again, good luck and I hope you can prove me wrong.

I've looked backwards...read all the articles, followed the issues, enjoyed the vitriolic yellow journalism spewed by the RJDC (my view and my view only) and while I believe that all mainline MEC's (including AMR's APA as well as the ALPA MEC's) dropped the ball on the RJ issue over 10 years ago (all jet flying should have remained at those carriers in my view)...that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying to curb this problem and manage through it as best as we can. So again, while understanding the past is part of understanding the problem, I choose not to dwell on the past and choose to look forward to the future in dealing with this issue.

wolfpackpilot said:
Lawson’s budget for 2005 was over $165,000 dollars, according to a close friend of mine who was on the MEC at the time. This included his pay $141,000 (100 hours at 70 seat top pay), his home office expenses, his free cell phone, and his gas mileage to and from.

All of that sounds fairly reasonable for an MEC Chairman. Should he be penalized for doing union work? What would he make on the line (with far more time off)? Do most pilots realize how much time MEC chairmen spend on the phone? On email? I don't know about Comair...but I know how much time our MEC chairmen have put into their job. It is real easy to throw stones from the crowd but pilots should at least try to understand the demands and constraints of the position before going on an all-out attack on the few extras such as having your cell phone reimbursed (when most people in those positions would love nothing more than to toss their laptops and cell phones into the river).

BluDevAv8r said:
>>> enjoyed the vitriolic yellow journalism spewed by the RJDC (my view and my view only) >>>>

You're entitled to your own opinion but thanks for providing a window of opportunity to voice mine. I find that statement not only humourous but extremely naive, especially coming from people who cow-tow to the back stabbing SOB's who, while smiling to your face and taking you to free lunches, spend their time plotting how to piss on your pilot group and cheat you out of your livelihood at every opportunity. [My view and my view only.]

Enjoy your tenure on yet another "new" do nothing committe that is no more than the latest scam and window dressing from that group of entrenched wind bags. About the only thing surprising is that Woerth didn't again choose that lackey TW to chair it once more.

I find it ludicrous that you want to "mange through" what you call a "problem", which in reality is a long-standing scheme to eliminate pilot groups like yours and mine. I give them credit in that they are always able to come up with a crew of Kool Aid drinkers willing to help them plot against their fellows without even realizing it. I would classify those who fall for it not as potential saviors but as Trojan Horses. [Again, my view and my view only.]

There's a sucker born every day.
surplus1 said:
There's a sucker born every day.

Yep, and the bank accounts of the RJDC's lawyers prove that! [my view and my view only ;)] Keep sending those checks, although I guess they'll have to be a little smaller since you just took a big paycut that even managed to undercut my already-horrible rate.

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