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Comair to furlough 500??!!

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General Lee said:
Explain why ASA allowed the furloughed pilots to come over and you could not again? Oh, it was the golden rule, that was later BROKEN. You couldn't do it back then, right? Why were you different than ASA? Explain it please. You are better than them? Flying Gods. Riiiiight. Ridiculous. Delta owned both of you back then, but only they could help our furloughs. You have no excuse.

Bye Bye--General Lee

General, obviously your reading comprehension skills are lacking to say the least, assuming you did read my post. Comair DID offer ALL furloughed Delta pilots a position at Comair. The Comair pilot group and MEC had no problem giving each and every one of the Delta pilots preferential hiring. The problem lies with the furloughed pilots themselves. The fact of the matter is most, (I say most because there are some furloughed DAL pilots that came over to Comair) just couldn't part their lips from Delta's big ole crusty tit! Now get over it!

As for ASA, you can't compare ASA to Comair, regardless of ownership. Each company has their own individual policies and procedures and are at liberty to make independent business decisions. It's not that one company is better than the other, or their pilots are gods, just that each company has a different business plan and needs to make decisions to fully execute that plan. The Comair MEC agreed with the Comair management regarding their seniority resignation policy for new hires.

A Delta, ASA, Comair, merger may have been welcome after Delta purchased the two carriers 5+ years ago, but you nor I had any input in that decision. Did Delta pilots support any such endeavor? I think not. On second thought maybe you Delta pilots just simply sold us out! I'll have to see what kind of self-centered "Genital Lee" story I can come up with why Delta pilots wouldn't back us up and create a single seniority list......I'll get back to you on that!
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Sir Muttley said:
General, obviously your reading comprehension skills are lacking to say the least, assuming you did read my post. Comair DID offer ALL furloughed Delta pilots a position at Comair. The Comair pilot group and MEC had no problem giving each and every one of the Delta pilots preferential hiring. The problem lies with the furloughed pilots themselves. The fact of the matter is most, (I say most because there are some furloughed DAL pilots that came over to Comair) just couldn't part their lips from Delta's big ole crusty tit! Now get over it!

As for ASA, you can't compare ASA to Comair, regardless of ownership. Each company has their own individual policies and procedures and are at liberty to make independent business decisions. It's not that one company is better than the other, or their pilots are gods, just that each company has a different business plan and needs to make decisions to fully execute that plan. The Comair MEC agreed with the Comair management regarding their seniority resignation policy for new hires.

A Delta, ASA, Comair, merger may have been welcome after Delta purchased the two carriers 5+ years ago, but you nor I had any input in that decision. Did Delta pilots support any such endeavor? I think not. On second thought maybe you Delta pilots just simply sold us out! I'll have to see what kind of self-centered "Genital Lee" story I can come up with why Delta pilots wouldn't back us up and create a single seniority list......I'll get back to you on that!

Well, most of us pilots thought one list was a good idea, but your senior dogs thought DOH was entitled to them. That is one reason why the preferential hiring thing went out the window. Your senior dogs, most who probably couldn't get hired by a major anyway due to a multitude of reasons, wanted it all. They didn't want to get a preferential interview, because they knew they would have failed. So, they went to that ex Comair chief pilot and refused for the rest of you. Sad but true. The VOCAL MINORITY, the senior pilots, scared the majority of junior guys into doing what they said. You all know it is true. We had no problem with a staple type situation----because ALL of us interviewed and had to go through the process. Your senior people didn't want to, and the junior people lost out.

Then you say I can't compare ASA to Comair. Oooooooh....kay. Are you sure about that? Who owned both at the time? Who? You can't get out of your head that Comair is OWNED BY DELTA. But, your MEC Chair Lawson wanted something else before he would persuade Comair management to allow furloughed pilots on without seniority resignation. Oh yeah, he wanted more 70 seaters, and so did management. It is true, and YOU KNOW IT BUDDY. Keep doing your little dance, you look pathetic. Sir Smutty---nice name.

Bye Bye--General Lee
We can be superheroes: Genital Lee and Sir Smutty.....I like that.....and were both Delta pilots who would have ever thought!

Let's get back to the doom and gloom of Comair being liquidated!


Oh and by the way My MEC can beat up your MEC! :)

Puck Mugger said:
Nero fiddled while Rome burned......
is anybody else getting the feeling that pitting mainline v. regional is the same as that episode of "Twighlight Zone" where the aliens were able to invade by turning power off in one house or the other with a divide and conquer strategy?
jetflyer said:
Oh and by the way My MEC can beat up your MEC! :)

Actually, your average ol line pilot can beat up the Delta MEC. I refer you to the matter of Ford v. ALPA.

And General, come up with some new material. The DOH lie is just, tired, old, stale, material. You are a bright guy - admit it - your MEC screwed up and still believes in an ALPA apartied to this day. The alternative proposed by Mr. Ford would have resulted in a more financially secure Delta and would have prevented any Delta pilots from being furloughed.
Anyone wondering how this profession could have fallen so far, so fast, need look no further than Exhibit A.

As much as management enjoys screwing pilots, it's got to be even more fun for them to just stand back and watch us run each other into the ground.
~~~^~~~ said:
Actually, your average ol line pilot can beat up the Delta MEC. I refer you to the matter of Ford v. ALPA.

And General, come up with some new material. The DOH lie is just, tired, old, stale, material. You are a bright guy - admit it - your MEC screwed up and still believes in an ALPA apartied to this day. The alternative proposed by Mr. Ford would have resulted in a more financially secure Delta and would have prevented any Delta pilots from being furloughed.

A precise observation.
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