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COMAIR in Atlanta....

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To Captainv Part 2 of 3

Besides that, it happens that the Delta pilots are the ONLY airline pilots that constantly remind Comair pilots of how much they "gave" and how much they "helped". They make it sound as if their "giving" and their "helping", such as it was, created an obligation to them and them alone, that surpasses our obligations to all the other pilot groups that gave and helped and who, by the way, never remind us of the fact. Sorry my friend, but that's extremely tacky. I don't blame every Delta pilot for doing that because every Delta pilot is not doing that, but enough of them are to make it quite clear that is their collective thought process. It is how they think. The American pilots have a lot of folks on furlough too and so do the UAL pilots. USAirways has more than anyone else does. How come none of them are reminding us of how much they helped, how much they gave, how much we "owe them", and demanding preferential treatment. How come? My guess is that if the Comair leadership had known (during our strike) that the mandatory assessments paid by Delta pilots and the donations "given" by a handful (out of 10,000) of Delta pilots would later be used in an effort to buy influence with the Comair MEC, they would probably have been told to keep their money.

They also remind us constantly that "they didn't fly struck work." Well, neither did anyone else. Is that supposed to be "special"? Based on what they say now, it is pretty evident that they didn't fly struck work because they didn't want to be called Scabs. It had nothing to do with wanting to "help" us. When you "help" somebody out of good will, you don't remind him or her all the time and you don't call it "help" when in fact you are merely fulfilling an obligation or covering your own a$$. Maybe you think what the Delta pilots are saying is "cool" Captainv, but I don't. I say again, I think it's tacky and cheap (that's what I can write on here. If you could read my mind you'd know what I really think of it.).

I'm sorry about your personal friend Captainv and yes it does "suck", but as you yourself point out, that is the business we're all in. You take your chances and hope that you make the right choices. Sometimes you do and other times you get furloughed; still other times your airline goes out of business completely. We should always regret when that happens to anyone and I do. I've been furloughed myself and I've had more than one airline go out of business and pull the rug from under me. I don't expect any special treatment because of it and I've never reminded any pilot group of how much I paid in assessments on their behalf over the years. I hope you won't do that either if it should ever happen to you. As for the level of their alleged support, that is also a matter of opinion. If you listen to them you might believe we could not have had a strike but for the "support" of the Delta pilots. They can believe that if they so choose, but I know different and I think it's laughable and unadulterated BS. They did what was required of them and, with rare individual exception, nothing more. No medal; no "T"-shirt.

The union dues and what they are is not important. That's not why I wrote to you at all, it just gave me a chance to say something. What bothers me was that fact that you appear to support a pilot from another airline in preference to your fellow pilots from your own airline who make up your MEC, and many hundreds more who agree with our MEC and support it.

I have no problem whatever with you or any other Comair pilot that disagrees with our MEC. That is not only your right, it is your responsibility whenever you feel that your MEC is not acting in the interests of Comair pilots. Let me say that again so that it is absolutely clear -- not acting in the interests of Comair pilots. NOT Delta pilots, Comair pilots.

When you decide to disagree with your MEC, (which I have often done myself) it should be after you have all the facts and you clearly understand why the MEC made a particular decision. IMO, your decision should not be based on political rhetoric from a bunch of outsiders, especially Delta pilots whose interests are in direct conflict with ours. If you still disagree, then by all means you should voice that opinion. With all due respect, in this case I do not think you have all the facts, neither do you appear to understand fully the reasons for our MEC's decision. I urge you to consult with the members of our MEC and ask them why they made that decision. I am confident they will tell you and explain it to the best of their ability. Have you done that? When things are not crystal clear to you, as a Comair pilot, which is what you are, I would expect you to put greater trust in your fellow Comair pilots than you do in the pilots of another airline. Especially when the best interests of that airline's pilots is in direct conflict with the best interests of your own pilot group. Your real "brothers" are Comair pilots first and foremost. Comair pilots are the one's who will give their all to support and help you when the chips are down. If you don't learn anything else while you're here, please learn that.

I don't expect you to take my word for anything, sir. As a matter of fact I don't want you to do that and it would upset me just as much, if not more, if you did. Comair pilots are not "yes men". You are one of us now, and I sure don't want you to become a "yes" man. I certainly don't have all the answers Captainv and I never will. Yes, I know you're "new" and I'm not "new" but, I once was new and I haven't forgotten. That doesn't make me smarter than you are. I'm not a Delta pilot and I will never be, but guess what -- being a Delta pilot doesn't make them smarter than you or me either. What I would ask you to do is investigate and explore the evidence, whatever the issue may be. That way you will find your own answers to the questions. I'm willing to bet there will be little, if any, disagreement between us once you do and you really understand what is happening here.

Continued in Part 3
To Captainv Part 3 of 3

I wish no harm to any Delta pilot and I would like to see all of the furloughed pilots recalled as soon as possible. However, if for some reason I should have to choose between the welfare of Comair pilots and the welfare of Delta pilots, I do not mind telling you and the world that I will choose Comair pilots first, seven days a week and twice on Sunday. If you don't realize that Delta pilots will choose their own best interests ahead of ours, think again please.

I gathered that you were not here during the strike. That doesn't matter to me, you are still a Comair pilot, just like those of us that were here. The disagreements and dispute between the Delta pilot group and the Comair pilot group are not related to our strike. The strike resulted from a dispute with the management of Delta Air Lines and the management of Comair. It had nothing to do with the Delta pilots and our disputes with them do not involve any type of retribution (your term) for what happened during the strike. It has nothing to do with that.

The dispute is directly related to the past and present effort of the Delta MEC, supported by a majority of Delta pilots, to take away our CL65-700s and, if they can't do that, to limit the number that we can operate. Further, to limit our flying in the CL65-100/200 and stop our growth. Those activities on the part of the Delta MEC began long before there was any strike. They continued during the strike and they continue at this very moment.

Those activities on the part of the Delta MEC are injurious to the well being of EVERY Comair pilot over the term of his/her entire career at Comair. At the very moment that they are demanding (and yes they did both demand and threaten) preferential treatment for their furloughed pilots from our MEC, their MEC is actively engaged in attempting to damage or restrict the careers of every Comair pilot on the property. In exchange for that we should bend over to get them hired at Comair in preference to others? Why in Gods name would we want to do that? Let's call a spade a spade. It is bad enough to have an enemy. Having an enemy within is far worse.

Why should we want to facilitate the hiring of potentially hundreds of pilots from another airline, none of whom have the slightest desire to be Comair pilots, and who will never become Comair pilots, when that very group has made it perfectly clear that it they could, they would transfer all our best aircraft to themselves and leave us with as little as they can of the remainder? Why should we favor a group whose activities, if successful, would cause our fellow Comair pilots to be downgraded or perhaps be furloughed? Why should we favor a pilot group whose activities, if successful, would prevent the future promotion and upgrade of potentially hundreds of Comair pilots for the foreseeable future? These are people that we should help to get on our seniority list, because they have a problem, when they are the same people that have repeatedly told us (when they did not have a problem) that we were not good enough to be on the bottom of their seniority list? I hope you're kidding me.

The General and his associates tell us in their posts that we are "using their furloughed pilots as bargaining chips" and that's dirty. Well I don't think we're doing that at all. We are not bargaining with their Company or with our Company against them. However, I know that their MEC has been using our entire pilot group as a "bargaining chip" in their direct negotiations, with their company, for years and they are still doing it at this very moment. On top of that, they are using the labor union that WE pay to represent our interests against us, and that labor union is aiding and abetting them in that activity. That is not just my opinion, it is fact. The evidence is there for anyone that takes his head out of the sand long enough to see.

According to them, it is right for them to use all or any Delta Connection group as bargaining chips to achieve their objectives, it is right for them to try to take from us whatever they can, it is right for them to stop our growth, it is right for them and their MEC to do to us or with us, whatever they please, if they please, and whenever they please and its is absolutely wrong for us to do anything at all with which they might not agree or to attempt to protect our own interests. Hogwash! Any Comair pilot or ASA pilot that buys that crap is a fool. If anyone believes that will get you a job or a number at Delta Air Lines you have a totally unrealistic perspective and you're letting yourself be played for a sucker..

Take a good look at what is happening to the pilots of American Eagle right now, and recognize that if the Delta pilots could do that to us tomorrow, they would do it in a heartbeat, without the slightest regret or concern for what might happen to any Comair pilot or any ASA pilot. They have been actively attempting it for several years and it is no secret. They talk of it openly and proudly. It happens that I think that’s "dirty" too and a lot more dirty that us merely saying that we are not going to fight to make our Company change its hiring policy. We have not asked our Company not to hire furloughed Delta pilots. We have simply declined to ask our Company to make a special exception for Delta pilots that furloughed pilots from other airlines do not get.

If they aren't happy with that it's just too bad. We're not happy with what they are doing either. When the Delta MEC is ready to stop the activities that are injurious to Comair pilots, that will be the time to talk about doing them favors, not before. Favors are exchanged for favors in the world of business and this is business.

Do I know how to "fix" it? No, I do not. I used to have some ideas but not any more. With the Delta pilot group, it's their way or the highway. That doesn't work with me and, in my opinion, it doesn't work for Comair pilots. If we can fix anything, it's not going to be their way. It has to be a jointly agreed way. This is not a one way street and the sooner they figure that out, the better it will be for everyone concerned. It is time for Comair pilots to stop rolling over and pretending that those folks like us. They don't and they have made it quite clear. You are not paranoid when someone has made it clear that he intends to shaft you and is actively engaged in the process.

Maybe you and some other Comair pilots are too new to realize that they have been actively trying to take from us for at least 9 consecutive years. It is high time we protect our own interests to the extent that we are able. I'm sorry that the furloughed are out of work and I know that they didn't start this dispute, but many of them are very willing participants. It is not our MEC that they need to talk to or about, it's their own MEC.

Those are my opinions and you do not have to agree with them. You asked for my reasons and I have given them. If you see something better than Comair in your future, I have no argument with that and would help you to get whatever you might want if I could. However, while you are a Comair pilot, I would hope that you will stand with your brothers and not with those that seek to harm them. .

Good job Surplus!

Beautiful well written eloquent series of posts. Thanks for putting all the time and effort in. Hopefully some folks will take what you said to heart because it rings true.

Man alive, you really do hold a grudge against "the Delta pilot group" in general. I like your continuing diatribe of the history of all of this. It makes interesting reading, especially when I have insomnia. Now wait a second, I am not "slamming you" or being a Delta pilot who is "beating down on the poor Comair pilot" like your article suggests. We do not have a continuing campaign to "keep the Comair pilots below the rest of us" or whatever. You are obviously seeing things that the rest of us don't. Here is my take:

#1---on your Idea that your company can keep the "resign your senority number " policy. Well, that is your policy. When Fred Reid and Fred Butrell talked to us in the ATL crew lounge a week or so ago, they both said that it was your policy and up to your management (MEC) to decide---they weren't going to force it on you. If you decide to uphold that policy (and ASA--your sister airline that is your mirror image---changed theirs), then that is a direct slap into our furloughs faces, pure and simple. If ASA could do it, why wouldn't you? Upholding history? That is stupid. I guess we cannot believe Fred Reid and Fred Butrell now? They said it was a CRM problem. Your leaders said that. I am not making this up, and I am not trying to divide the groups---they said that. Who are we supposed to believe here? Others keep saying we are drinking the koolaid----well I would like to see a memo that states otherwise.

#2---Our MEC Chair is ruining it for everyone. After 9-11 and the subsequennt announcement to furlough 400 pilots on November 1st of 2001, our MEC started to look for options for our furloughs. It is my understanding that he met with ASA's chair and Comair's chairman, and Comair's chairman wanted things in return for their help---like the elimination of 70 seater restrictions etc. Did that happen or not? Answer the question. That would amount to, "We will help you and your poor furloughs (who probably wrote checks for you during your strike---like the other pilot groups...) if we win out in the process." That is hostage taking. Did your MEC chair ask for something in return when we were in need---like you during your strike????

#3---We will not hire Comair pilots when hiring resumes. I did not say that exactly. I did say that your pilot group is being catagorized as an unhelpful one as a whole because of your company's refusal to drop your senority number issue. Most of our pilots think that is not helpful, and therefore think, "Well, we won't hire them then...!" I have heard that from a lot of our pilots, and there is atleast one pilot (usually a retired one) in the hiring interview, along with an HR person. That doesn't mean that a Comair pilot will never be hired again, it just means that the retired pilot may have his/her own ideas before the person already sits down. It certainly won't help. A lot of our pilots are very protective of our own, and that makes sense, right? To say that the offer to ASA and their pilots won't be honored is ridiculous. It is you spouting that off to the ASA pilots to try to win them over. I have a feeling a lot more (and I mean a lot more) ASA pilots will be hired at Delta than Comair pilots. Their help will be remembered----and the furloughed pilots will probably remind the interviewers. It is stupid to think that this will not affect future hiring, because it very well might. But, if you do not want to go to Delta anyway, well then ok for you.

#4 I never said we at Delta were the only ones to contribute to your strike fund. You really don't know me or what i was thinking during your strike. I actually wanted you to win, and I think all of us did. Leo and his gang outlasted you. I am not making fun of that, it is the truth. We know that all ALPA pilots were required to make contributions, but that doesn't mean our money didn't help you guys. We also did as much as legally possible, which means we didn't fly struck work and some of our guys walked your line. What else did you want us to do? We were being watched very closely and already had been told by Bush that there were going to be NO strikes during that Summer. We told management that we were not going to fly your routes etc---and we stuck to that. We thought you would win, but Leo stuck it out longer and that cost our company (and yours really...) over $250 million in lost revenue, and about $1 Billion total to revamp the airline and re-train everyone. Guess what? That has added to our big losses, and you claim your airline is only helping our bottom line......It also hurt it right before 9-11.

#5 Why would the Delta MEC chair only want infighting at Comair, and not ASA? That doesn't make sense. We think your senority resignation policy stinks, and we want to point that out so that your people may tell the MEC their feelings. This could affect them if they want to fly at Delta. I don't think our MEC chair wants infighting at Comair---just help for our 1310 furloughs. I don't think he is covering up for his lack of fighting on the No Furlough clause---did you or anyone else see 9-11 coming? Did you? That day really hurt this industry. We know that some of the furloughs may have been justified, but we argue on the time it is taking to bring back our furloughs. We needed some help for our most junior furloughs, help that would have put them back into a cockpit for awhile, providing you with good pilots. That didn't happen. Not one of our guys would have bumped any of your pilots, and the costs for training them would have been paid for ultimately by Delta--not you. Delta thought it was ok that ASA went along with it, but you did not. I am just telling you what has happened. No koolaid drinking here. We heard it from Fred Reid and Fred Butrell. Who should we have heard it from, Leo himself? To tell us that they are lying to us and not to believe them is wrong. They said it was ok if your management team agreed---and they didn't. That is a slap in the face.

#6--You say that most of our pilots did not contribute to your "family fund." How much have any of your pilots given to our furlough fund? I bet it is a lot less than we gave you. We actually (along with all of the other ALPA carriers) gave money, and you have given our guys NOTHING. Are your pilots more special than ours? A lot of our furloughs probably were your pilots. What a slap to them! What do you "owe" us? How about eliminating a stupid policy that ASA also eliminated and allowing our furloughed pilots to the bottom of your list to fly the crappiest trips and stay on reserve the longest? Wow, that sounds like that would create a lot of hardship for your pilots.....ASA didn't mind, but you guys can't.

#7---The merging of lists. We never said we did not want you on our lists---but your senior guys want the impossible----date of hire merge. Why would we not want a staple? Sure, looking back now you are probably thankful that you didn't get a staple, but no one knew 9-11 was coming. The staple idea would have provided you with a sure means to getting better pay, bigger equipment, and a better retirement. 9-11 has hurt everyone, but things will get better.

I think my diatribe has gone on for awhile here too. I guess I like to write just like Surplus1. He is also entitled to his opinion, and I respect him. But, captainv, don't always believe everyone in your company. The senior pilots have certain objectives too----like getting a date of hire number at Delta etc...and that hurts the chances of all of the mid-level and junior pilots over there. I do not have an agenda to divide Comair pilots----I just want you to see the whole picture, and my point of view. This is a forum.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: :rolleyes: ;) :rolleyes:
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Great post surplus.

For the benefit of the people who don't have time to read the three posts, I'll pick out the important points:
The fact is that the Comair MEC is NOT preventing Comair from hiring Delta pilots. They are not being hired by Comair because they choose of their own free will not to comply with Comair's requirements.
Yes, Delta does own Comair but the Delta pilots do not. The Delta pilots also do not own or control Comair pilots or the Comair MEC...
Delta management can tell Comair management what to do and when to do it at any time...Why is the Delta MEC asking the Comair MEC to secure the hiring of furloughed Delta pilots? Why doesn't the Delta MEC ask Delta management to direct Comair management to do so?
my opinion is that the Comair MEC was chosen by Comair pilots to represent the interests of Comair pilots, and to protect the job security of Comair pilots, not the interests of Delta pilots and that is exactly what it is doing.
Maybe they will also tell you that the check we got from the American pilots alone, was the biggest and was nearly as much as the donations we received from ALL ALPA carriers combined...Besides that, it happens that the Delta pilots are the ONLY airline pilots that constantly remind Comair pilots of how much they "gave" and how much they "helped".
When you decide to disagree with your MEC, (which I have often done myself) it should be after you have all the facts and you clearly understand why the MEC made a particular decision.
I wish no harm to any Delta pilot and I would like to see all of the furloughed pilots recalled as soon as possible. However, if for some reason I should have to choose between the welfare of Comair pilots and the welfare of Delta pilots, I do not mind telling you and the world that I will choose Comair pilots first, seven days a week and twice on Sunday.
The dispute is directly related to the past and present effort of the Delta MEC, supported by a majority of Delta pilots, to take away our CL65-700s and, if they can't do that, to limit the number that we can operate. Further, to limit our flying in the CL65-100/200 and stop our growth...Those activities on the part of the Delta MEC are injurious to the well being of EVERY Comair pilot over the term of his/her entire career at Comair.
Why should we favor a group whose activities, if successful, would cause our fellow Comair pilots to be downgraded or perhaps be furloughed?
From the General:
I guess we cannot believe Fred Reid and Fred Butrell now? They said it was a CRM problem. Your leaders said that.

So then Leo speaks for you?

A lot of our pilots are very protective of our own, and that makes sense, right?

...and so are Comair's pilots.

The Comair pilots are trying to secure their future at Comair. Whichever way you twist it, scope is directly detrimental to regional pilots, and directly beneficial to mainline pilots. The way we see it, the Delta pilots are trying to take the aircraft we pioneered into the industry, and then demanding we help them out further by hiring the pilots they can't afford to pay. The greatest threat to a Comair pilot's job isn't competition, Ossama, nor the bad economy. The greatest threat to a Comair pilot's job security is a group of pilots from its very own union, and very own company. Don't be suprised when we reject your demands.

The fact is that the Comair MEC is NOT preventing Comair from hiring Delta pilots. They are not being hired by Comair because they choose of their own free will not to comply with Comair's requirements.

--Why should they give up their chance to have a great retirement and great pay? ASA has not prevented them from giving up their number....Why should you?? Oh, that's RIGHT---you're a different type of company.........whatever---cocky cocky.
IF you think we think we are the airline, "Gods"---then you guys also need to look in the mirror.

Yes, Delta does own Comair but the Delta pilots do not. The Delta pilots also do not own or control Comair pilots or the Comair MEC...

This is obvious. We never said we owned you. That is why our MEC chair met with yours to "ask" for help, to which he was given a list of demands. Did this not happen? Answer the question. Did your MEC chair ask for the 70 seat restriction to be lifted? HMMM---Hostage taking...Not nice.

Delta management can tell Comair management what to do and when to do it at any time...Why is the Delta MEC asking the Comair MEC to secure the hiring of furloughed Delta pilots? Why doesn't the Delta MEC ask Delta management to direct Comair management to do so?

Fred Reid and Fred Butrell said it was up to your management, and ASA's obviously said it was ok. Why would it be wrong for you guys? Hmmmm. Somebody must have told them not to do it---could it be LAWSON? He is holding all of you back. He has an agenda-----my only agenda is to help the furloughs---not to gain extra 70 seaters....The only reason I have ever brought that up is to help out the 1300 or so furloughs.

my opinion is that the Comair MEC was chosen by Comair pilots to represent the interests of Comair pilots, and to protect the job security of Comair pilots, not the interests of Delta pilots and that is exactly what it is doing.

Great. I can understand that. But, to ask for something when people are in need is not nice. That will be remembered. Do you like to kick people when they are down? We were in crisis mode right after 9-11, and your MEC chair saw that. The ASA MEC chair extended a hand, and yours truly slapped ours. Tell me if your MEC wasn't trying to get something in return? That is underhanded.

Maybe they will also tell you that the check we got from the American pilots alone, was the biggest and was nearly as much as the donations we received from ALL ALPA carriers combined...Besides that, it happens that the Delta pilots are the ONLY airline pilots that constantly remind Comair pilots of how much they "gave" and how much they "helped".

Well, I am sure the money from the AA pilots helped a lot, and that is good. We also gave a lot of money, and I am sure that ours helped plenty of your pilots. I don't remember many of our pilots complaining then that they were paying a lot of money each month, but now I hear a lot of pilots saying you are ungrateful. Your "management" or MEC or whatever has stuck their noses up at our furloughs---and there is no reason they should have to give up their senority numbers when ASA doesn't do that. Come on! You are not ultimately paying for the training costs---Delta is. Fred Reid said he thought ASA giving jobs to our pilots was a good thing---he didn't have a problem with it. Can't you see that? Fred Reid and Fred Butrell wouldn't mind if you stopped that policy, but someone over there wouldn't---Lawson?

When you decide to disagree with your MEC, (which I have often done myself) it should be after you have all the facts and you clearly understand why the MEC made a particular decision.

All the facts, huh? Your MEC is making decisions for you that might hurt your pilot group. How would allowing Delta furloughs hurt you guys? They would go to the bottom of the list, not bumping anyone. When they would leave to go back to Delta, they would not go back in one large chunk, it would be over time, and that would help move up people junior to them. The training costs are paid for ultimately by Delta, so that is not a factor. Admit it, your excuses are weak.

I wish no harm to any Delta pilot and I would like to see all of the furloughed pilots recalled as soon as possible. However, if for some reason I should have to choose between the welfare of Comair pilots and the welfare of Delta pilots, I do not mind telling you and the world that I will choose Comair pilots first, seven days a week and twice on Sunday.

I expect that from anybody. I know that we all have our own worries and we need to help our own first. But, in this case you are not freely helping anyone of our pilots, and your sister company ASA is. If they could, why couldn't you? What is the difference between you and ASA? Do you "owe" us anything, especially since we supported you? I guess not, but don't expect us to help much in the future. Your image over here has been tarnished. The idea that Fred reid and company want us to dislike you and not ASA doesn't make sense. Think about it. Tell me again what their motives are? What are your motives? More 70 seaters?

The dispute is directly related to the past and present effort of the Delta MEC, supported by a majority of Delta pilots, to take away our CL65-700s and, if they can't do that, to limit the number that we can operate. Further, to limit our flying in the CL65-100/200 and stop our growth...Those activities on the part of the Delta MEC are injurious to the well being of EVERY Comair pilot over the term of his/her entire career at Comair.

You guys have benefited greatly since 9-11. Your upgrades have multiplied ten fold. Don't cry about what you haven't accomplished as of late. The limits we had have now been stretched and you have gained. Your growth has been only helped by 9-11. And, we have never said anything about taking your 70 seaters. I have pointed out that maybe we should take NEW 70 seaters (after your 57) and place our furloughed pilots in them. What? You don't like that? Why not? You won't hire them without them giving up their numbers, and they want to continue to fly big Delta jets someday. If you would have been nicer to our guys, then maybe we wouldn't be looking for some place to put them. Dalpa is seriously looking into it, and that is because all of our furloughs and more are telling them to. You won't help them, so we have to---which is good for them. Your pilots who are worried about their careers at Comair should also worry about their MEC's decisions---which in turn is hurting their careers.

Why should we favor a group whose activities, if successful, would cause our fellow Comair pilots to be downgraded or perhaps be furloughed?

Why would they be furloughed? Our guys would have gone to the bottom, not yours. That makes no sense. We just wanted jobs for our unfortunate furloughs, and you guys couldn't deliver without restrictions (give up your number) and more restrictions--(give us more 70 seaters). It is all just too bad.

Bye Bye---General Lee

:cool: :rolleyes: :mad: ;) :p :cool:
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General Lee said:

#1---on your Idea that your company can keep the "resign your senority number " policy. Well, that is your policy. When Fred Reid and Fred Butrell talked to us in the ATL crew lounge a week or so ago, they both said that it was your policy and up to your management (MEC) to decide---they weren't going to force it on you.

General must be right. Historically Comair management has deferred to the MEC to make all those important policy decisions. Oh and Fred R and Fred B are up for a nomination to sainthood and always strive to maintain good relations between CMR and and mainline.
Yumm. This is the best Kool-Aid I've had in ages. Anyone want some?
General, I've got some lovely oceanfront property in PHX that I'll sell you.

Sweet, I would love to go to the beach in PHX. Anyways, I guess Fred R. and Fred B. have something up their sleeves? I got it---They want to divide everyone and have the Delta pilots only like the ASA pilots, and hate the Comair guys....Don't you think they have other important things to do? Come on, where do you come up with this? I can see them trying to divide the groups--Delta vs Regionals, but not Delta and ASA vs Comair.... Don't get paranoid on me now. It is a simple policy change-----you can do it. Why can't you? Oh, you dont WANT to. Oh, I see. That is a CRM problem.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: :rolleyes:
To set the record straight, ASA management told our MEC that they were going to hired furloughrd DAL pilots, then asked what our people thought about it. Our people said that it is the right thing to do. I'm glad they did the right thing, but our management would have done what they want to do anyway.

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