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COMAIR in Atlanta....

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All I'm trying to say is you hijack every thread and turn it into Lawson bashing. Many of us are tired of it seeing it every day on every thread.
I feel for anyone who is furloughed right now. I hate to see anyone on the street. I have friends and family that are either furloughed or spent time on furlough. It's an ugly situation that noone is happy with. I'm sure almost everyone agrees.
Many CMR guys and gals would support mainline furloughees joining CMR as a new hire. Lawson does not speak for every swinging di_ck on the property. You've chosen to turn this into a vendetta against all CMR pilots, the majority of which are not your enemy.
Obviously I don't own this board but you're sounding like a broken record.

I have said many times that I am not against the regular Comair line pilot, just the MEC Chair and his cronies. I cannot believe that I supported a group (and I really did---I wanted you to win, and I happily signed those checks for you guys), and the group's LEADER does not want to help my friends that are on furlough. I can't believe it. Can I get over it? Probably. But, I have to hear about my friends and their job searches, and their WORRIES often. It makes me feel bad that I am still flying and they are not. I just want them to get back in the air. That is what I want, and by getting on this forum and seeing what your views are, it helps me a bit. I am a team player, and if you were to ever get on this team, I would support you too.

Bye Bye--General Lee:rolleyes:
General Lee said:

I have said many times that I am not against the regular Comair line pilot, just the MEC Chair and his cronies.

Do I need to pull up some of your previous posts where you make threats that noone from CMR will get hired at Delta? That doesn't sound like something that you'd be saying if your only gripe was with Lawson et al. You have gone on record stating that CMR pilots won't be hired at Delta due to the actions of the CMR MEC? Are you denying those statments?

Actually, beyond the issue of furloughees, Gen. Lee and I rarely agree. in this thread, we agreed that 1) it would suck to sit in the back of an RJ for 3 hours and 2) 767s have large cockpits. feel free to look up some of my past posts.

why do i back bringing the furloughees to Comair? a good friend of mine, who taught me how to fly, is one of them. he's paid his dues and then some, through instructing, flying in the regionals in conditions far worse than i enjoy today. when his hard work pays off, he gets hired at Delta, his dream job. and then 9/11 happens and soon after he's on the street.

I, on the other hand, have had a pretty easy ride in my career. i fell into a sweet corporate gig early on and didn't have to make the sacrifices that he did. so then, with no previous airline experience, i land a job flying at Comair, a great airline, flying a great airplane. it's really been a lot of fun so far. meanwhile, even though he's got years of airline experience, he's unemployed. i just think that's unfair. that's the way the airlines work, and we all sign up knowing it can happen, but it still sucks.

union dues: the actual percentage was mentioned to us at the dinner they held for us in the first week of training, haven't heard a thing about it since. all my manuals and whatnot are in cincy, so i made a guess in that post. i was wrong, so thanks for putting up the correct info. i'm not sure i see the significance though, whatever the percentage is, i still have to pay it. (once i'm off probation, of course)

and, yes, i am willing to disagree with my MEC. is that wrong? am i not able to form my own opinions about things? in large part, i participate on this board to help flesh out my own opinions. as you know, i'm new to all this, so it'll take a while. i don't hold myself out as being some kind of expert on how to make things right, but i'm not afraid to express my view of things. i'd certainly like to hear your take, especially considering your wealth of experience compared to mine, but don't expect me to agree with you until i see the validity in your arguments for myself.

for example, i wasn't here during the strike, so i don't know what went on. did Delta pilots support you or did they try to screw you? it depends on who you ask. what really happened when our MEC met the Delta MEC. Did the Delta MEC try to railroad us into taking their furloughees, knowing we'd react defensively, so they could start a PR war against us? Our did our MEC tell Delta to p1ss off, in retribution for treatment we received during the strike? Or did Delta management nix the whole idea before it was offered, because Leo doesn't want the pilot groups to work together? Or did our management say no because of the training costs involved, and because it might hurt attendance at the Academy if the students think they won't have an interview spot? in my short time here, I have heard either a Delta or Comair pilot swear to me that each of the above was the REAL reason behind the current ruckus. so which is it? and how do you know?

as for being furloughed, i already dodged one bullet by turning down ACA and waiting for a class date from Comair. my gut feeling is that the RJ won't go to mainline. however, if i were to get furloughed, i doubt that simply changing my opinions to match yours would in any way prevent that from happening. still, i'd like to hear your thoughts on things. you may find that we agree on more than you might think.


Surplus1: It's amazing captainv, that you're busy agreeing with General Lee, who advocates banning you for life from Delta, but (in another thread) you don't even know what your union dues will be when you get off probation. Nevertheless you are willing to disagree with your MEC. It's little wonder the union is so screwed up.

I hope you realize that when the people you are supporting win the battle they are waging against us, and succeed in transfering our airplanes to themselves, it is YOU that will be on the streets. Ignorance is truly bliss.
General Lee,

Why do you keep quoting Fred Butrell?

Is he your father? (just kidding)

No really. Why is what this management type, who I'm sure goes to sleep every night wondering how he can whipsaw the pilot groups again, says the "Gods Honest Truth".
Of couse he is going to say someting like that to a group of Delta folks - Comair CRM issue. And you evidently bought it hook, line and sinker.

Whipsaw comes in many forms my friend.
Fred Butrell probably laughed all the way back to his office.
surplus1 said:
It's amazing captainv...you don't even know what your union dues will be when you get off probation. Nevertheless you are willing to disagree with your MEC. It's little wonder the union is so screwed up.

give me a break...

what are your dues surplus? from what i've heard they are $0.00 since you don't work at comair anymore...

i don't know what my dues are either, are you going to bash me? oh, wait, you already did that once before...
Anaconda and Jeckel,

Well, what am I supposed to think? You have to back up your words with action. Fred Butrell and Fred Reid (No, I don't believe everything they say) recently gave a talk in the ATL crew lounge. They both were taking a lot of flack, and a lot of our pilots were asking what was up with Comair. Fred B. claimed it was a "CRM" problem, but did say that ASA was hiring our furloughs (this is NOT flame bait---he said this to our pilots), but not many have tried so far, then someone pointed out that ASA has pretty much stopped hiring due to the E120 parkings. I think they would rather not give some 70 seaters to us, but we pressed them on that issue. In the end they said that if the price was right, then maybe.....I am sure Dalpa is looking into it. We have to do something with our 1260 furloughs (1310 in June), and Comair and ASA(right now anyways), are not helping the situation. I am not trying to flame anyone, I am just trying to state the facts as I see them. Fred Butrell, by the way, is not my father----I am just relaying what he said in an actual meeting at our lounge. I give the facts.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: :rolleyes: ;)
Koolaid from a guy that runs your company. I haven't seen your MEC Chair come out and say, "Hey guys, come on over. We feel for you and we thank you for supporting us when we were striking. We won't even try to take advantage of this situation by asking for things in exchange for LETTING your unfortunate furloughs fly our crappiest trips on reserve forever...." I just don't think I will ever hear that from Lawson. Tell me one thing in that made up quote that is inaccurate? Tell me. This isn't flame bait, it is a real question.

Bye Bye--General Lee:rolleyes:

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