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COMAIR in Atlanta....

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Gen Lee,

well your first innaccuracy is that it was never said. Aside from that you've got your facts all wrong. Hiring furloughs at Comair without requiring them to retire their number IS bad for the Comair pilots. Its sudo-seniority. You are hiring people who are GUARANTEED to leave, leaving the rest of the pilot group flying the crappiest trips, and flinding themselves back on reserve after 5-10 years. When Delta calls back furloughs, there could be a severe gap in Comair's seniority list, which not only hurts the company, but also the pilots who are at Comair because they want to work there, not the ones flying for a part-time job.

"Hey guys, come on over. We feel for you and we thank you for supporting us when we were striking..."

This was said. However it has been said to every pilot in the industry. Other pilots have swallowed their pride and resigned their seniority number to work at Comair, but your colleagues can't seem to. One major misconception you have about Comair pilots, and your MEC shares in this misconception, is that we look up to Delta pilots. You are paid more, and thats where the admiration stops. Comair is different from other regionals you've dealt with in that there is a great loyalty within its pilot group to make Comair a great airline, not Delta. If you come to us with a take-it-or-leave-it offer, don't be suprised when we leave it. In light of that, our union management has no interest in a subjective preferential hiring offer that hurts the company and every other Comair pilot, but only helps the pilots who want to leave.
One major thing you forgot to mention is that Lawson sent a letter to the DALPA MEC back in December inviting him back to the table after Buergey refused to negotiate. Lawson IS trying to get your furloughs working again; Much harder, in fact, than your own MEC. "So instead of negotiating with Comair, we'll just try and ruin their reputation by saying they won't hire furloughs." There ARE those of us who know better.

For those who take the time to research the true situation, I'm confident in what you'll find. For those interested in General Lee's "facts"...

First of all you need to re-read my post---the part where I said "the MADE UP Quote." I never said that that quote was real, that is just the FAKE quote we would LOVE to hear from Lawson. It never will happen it appears. So, hiring furloughs would be bad for your "career" pilots at Comair? How? Do you think all of our furloughs would came back at once? All 400 for example? Wrong. And, guess what? Delta pays your bills. Yes, you are NOT an independant company anymore. Delta has said (Fred Reid said this in the crew room briefing) that they support the hiring, except there is a "CRM" problem with Comair. (Fred Butrell echoed that also) But, ASA's MEC chair obviously has no problem with the hiring of our furloughs, and it has happened---without having to give up the senority number. You have NO excuse for that---ASA is your Sister company--and they are doing it. You are BOTH owned by Delta---and Delta has left it up to YOU to decide---and ASA (The same type of company as YOU, again I say) has decided to be nice---you have not. You have NO EXCUSE---especially that one about "Well, every airline pilot from the other airlines has to resign their number..." Guess what? Delta OWNS you. They are not objecting to ASA not doing that, but you still do. You admire our salaries only, huh? You don't like the bigger planes, better schedules, better destinations, or anything else, huh? Well, ok then. If you do not want the chance to go to Delta when times are better and fly bigger planes for better money to better places, well that is your choice. You got it. Tell me again how Lawson has tried to "get our furloughs working again?" How? Your Union management has "no interest in subjective preferential hiring." That really is cocky. The ASA union management has had NO problems at all, and we have decided to give them some preferential hiring eventually when our furloughs come back. Also, when our MEC chair met with yours and asked for help, your MEC chair said sure, except with strings attached. Is that not true? It is true. Lawson asked for unlimited 70 seaters and other restrictions to be cut. That made our furloughs "hostages." You weren't going to help them UNLESS you got something else. Admit it, it is true. Sure, you can say Lawson was looking out for you---but slamming our furloughs at the same time. That is low. We didn't hold anything over your heads during your strike---and you won't even admit that we helped you unconditionally. You can never admit that. It all comes down to this----we helped you in your time of need, and you cannot do that for us now without strings attached. We shall remember this----and it is great that you don't want to fly at Delta. Enjoy South Bend, your ASA buddies will be flying 757's someday to Bermuda for Delta----caution wake turbulence.

Bye Bye---General Lee:cool: :rolleyes: ;) :mad: :rolleyes: :cool:
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Don't you get it General, Fred Reid says (remember he's offering Koolaid) it's CRM problem at Comair and there is no problem at ASA. They can't have it both ways. ASA and CMR are basically the same with two different managements being controlled by Mother Delta.

Mother Delta says to whipsaw everyone against each other, it will be done.

If the furloughed Delta pilots were championed by their representatives agressively there would be furloughed Delta pilots at CMR and much larger numbers at ASA.

I believe I would direct any questions about why there are 1300+ Delta pilots on the street to your MEC, because your MEC has the power not the wholly owned or the wholly owned MECs.
General Lee said:
If you do not want the chance to go to Delta when times are better and fly bigger planes for better money to better places, well that is your choice. You got it.

Rectal-Lee flip flops again folks!!! In his previous post he said he had nothing against the line pilots of CMR but in this post he restates CMR pilots won't ever be welcome at Big Daddy Delta.
GL, are you man enuf to admit to the fact that you have a big time grudge against all CMR pilots? Your rhetoric is getting tiring. The good news is you'd probably win a$$hole of the Forum award if one was ever offered.

I'm sure your health insurance covers psych counseling. Why don't you print out a few of these threads you've hijacked to share with the nice doctor while you lie on the couch and tell him about your childhood.

Fred Reid gives koolaid and your MEC Chair does not? He is the only one telling the truth, not Fred Reid. Fred Reid can make the changes himself, and why would he whipsaw us against only Comair and not ASA? That point doesn't make sense. If he wanted to whipsaw us, it would be us against BOTH you and ASA--not just one. I have talked to many of our Dalpa Reps and asked them about this Comair deal, and all of them have said their hands are tied----it is up to your MEC Chair---and they are not willing to give up Scope provisions---soemthing YOUR MEC CHAIR wants. It is blackmail, and our furloughs are paying for it.


Hah hah---I love that Rectal Lee---you really are a professional, resorting to name calling. You can't come up with a good retort without name calling. Rectal and general are kinda close--not. Childish--for sure. Anyway---I have not flip flopped---if you re-read my post I was talking to that particular guy---not the whole Comair group. Re-read it----and you will see. I said, "If YOU do not want to....." That is singular---and you are WRONG again. I need psych counseling? Yeah, ok---I'll do that just for you. I'll give the guy these posts and he will undoubtably say, "You are totally justified in your actions....I applaud you. You stand up for your fellow pilots, and that guy Embdrvr needs some help. What is up with his "rectal" fascination??? " You always resort to name calling, and never ever bring up the facts that we helped you in your time of need, and now Comair cannot do the same for our pilots. That will never be admitted by you or anyone else over there. There is a major CRM problem over there I guess. Oh wait, that is Fred Reid's koolaid message. And I don't remember anyone saying I did not have the right to respond on any thread, let alone hijack one. You guys are the only ones allowed on the regional threads, huh? Wrong again. I am on here to voice my opinion about what affects my friends on furlough. The double standard that took place after we helped you is my central theme. Those of you who don't like it probably agree with me and are ashamed. We helped you and you left our furloughs in the dark---and that is the truth. You want something in return for your help---which is hurting our unemployed. Not good.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: :rolleyes: ;) :p :p :p
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You can believe that all you want, but that isn't the truth.

You have all the control and I can absolutely guarantee that our MEC has none. We can't get jobs for your furloughed pilots if our management doesn't want to change their long standing policy.

Besides a empty promise of preferred hiring from your MEC chairman doesn't do anything to effect the cost of our MEC negotiating in your behalf.

Your MEC Chairman needs to do the right thing and represent his pilots both online and furloughed, my MEC can't do it for him and properly represent us at the same time.

It would be much better if we worked together, but my hope of that disappeared when Mr. Burgey told us what to do, and when we said "lets talk" he turned and left the room, leaving your furloughed pilots without any possibility of work within the Delta family until recalled.
Hey General Lee!

Do you prefer to be called "Genital Ree?"

You're full of BS and it's time to own up to it.
Do you recognize this quote from one of your own posts??

If you are a Comair pilot, the only thing you will ever see on a Delta jet is one of the back seats, well ok, maybe a jumpseat.

Bye Bye--General Lee

So are you against the whole CMR pilot group or just holding a grudge against Lawson. Well which is it,.... punk?

I'm done with this "discussion." This is too much like wrestling a pig.
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You said, "Our management doesn't want to change their long standing policy..." Hey, Fred Reid is in charge of your management. He is the boss of Fred Butrell. Fred Butrell told us that your Management didn't think it was safe for "CRM" reasons, but ASA's did. That is such a joke. That is a slap in the face, and don't expect our furloughed pilots or guys like me to understand the logic in that, except that it is a slap in the face. Fred Reid thought it would be OK, and approved that ASA allowed it, but your management is being advised by Lawson, and that is where the animosity comes from. I am so glad I supported you during your unsuccessful strike. I am so glad I signed those checks. I am sure that most of our 10,000 pilots (at the time pre-9-11) are happy now they supported YOU. We shall remember.


You get funnier and funnier. I admit it that I have said things in the past due to emotions that might have included the whole group. But, I have read posts lately that have changed my mind--and I do not now blame the average Comair line pilot--and I have been solid on that for the last couple weeks. I try to give my own opinions and try to make some people see my point of view, which seems to go on deaf ears as of late. I have always fought for the furloughs at this company, and I am trying to find a way to help them, in some ways by trying to show others my views on what has happened. This is a forum, which allows open posts. Then guys like you try to come in and call people names and shadow the truth. You are the one losing it. What was this about me failing checkrides? Well, knock on wood, I haven't yet. I've been lucky I guess. What was this about me harassing UNDERPAID regional pilots because some checkairman gave me a rough time? You need to be checked for drug use. You are dilusional man, dilusional and grasping for anything. You know I am right, and you need to come up with something. You know that we helped you and you won't help us without strings attached, and it is driving you nuts.

Bye Bye--General Lee:rolleyes: ;)
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This thread is now way off base. I will retreat and avoid this one, but I will still speak my mind and give my opinions--especially about the Delta furloughs.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: :rolleyes: :p

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