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Comair Idiot Pilot

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I've heard some captains say some pretty stupid things on the radio....and I'm sure I've even said some stupid things myself....who cares?
What I love are the threads that get started and don't mean a gosh darn thing. Just a bunch of pilots bichin! This is what it's all about!

Bich on!
That's what we do best is bitch. If it weren't for bitching we wouldn't have anything to talk about. This is my first post, I can't believe the responses, what a great site. I have to think of something else to bitch about now.
lear60Captain said:
I was recently flying in New York Center Airspace when ATC asks a Comair flight to advise him on what his speed was going to be. It was bumpy that day and the airspace was congested. The Comair FO replied "It will be whatever we want it to be". I was laughing so hard, but gained my composure and keyed the mike and said, "just what does that mean?". The controller replied, "I was trying to figure that one out myself. Again he asked the Comair, "What is your speed?". Comair replied "we'll do whatever we want to do, and that's what that means." At that point the controller was silent. I asked the controller if I could be vectored around the guy who was doing whatever he wanted to do, but, luckily he wasn't on my route. Is this the norm at Comair? I once considered interviewing with them. If anyone else heard this on the radio, please comment.

And your comments on the radio were professional too?
lear60Captain said:
I care when dumb@sses like that ruin the system for everyone else. And yes we do have some dumb@sses where I work also.

Honestly....ruin the system?? Have you ever flubbed a call?? I'm just trying to make the point that we all make mistakes, however at least when somebody f's up a call it gives you something to laugh about when you've been up in the air for a few hours...I've heard some doozies (not sure that's even close to the spelling), and it kept the other guy and myself laughing for days!
:D And yes, there are a bunch of morons out there who transform into blithering idiots with monkey brains once the push to talk button is pressed...we all do it but oddly have no recollection of the offending transmission .
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Or maybe you misunderstood what you heard on the radio. Center often asks our speed and I tell them "300, but we can do whatever you need," or "what speed do you want us to do." Simliar phraseology, different meaning. I know the Lear cockpits are not a quiet as the RJ's and all those 6,000+ FPM climbs must be a little disorienting.
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