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Comair exit poll

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MetroSheriff said:
Now that I know Jetflyer wasn't there for the strike it all makes sense. It sure is easy to justify giving away what you were not involved with earning in the first place.

Yes.....that makes perfect sense to me. ONLY those Comair pilots who were employed there during the strike should be allowed to vote on any contract related issues. Only the 1200 who were there in March of 2001 should have a vote. The additional 700 who were hired afterwards should NOT have a vote that affects their well being.

THAT, is what makes sense to me, and the logic is sound! (unless of course you certify that your vote will be a "no" vote)
jarhead said:
The additional 700 who were hired afterwards should NOT have a vote that affects their well being.

THAT, is what makes sense to me, and the logic is sound! (unless of course you certify that your vote will be a "no" vote)

Are you for real! Tell you what, you're full scale deflection. Go Missed and Hold as Published until the fog clears, and then come back for the visual. Oh, and don't call us, we'll call you.
Calm down bud. Don't you recognize sarcasm when you see it? I'm on your side of this issue.
jarhead said:
Calm down bud. Don't you recognize sarcasm when you see it? I'm on your side of this issue.

I owe you an apology then. I stand corrected. Nice Weekend....
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Comments like this from CMR pilots make me regret sending my own funds during their strike. And I even received a letter from their MEc Chair thanking me! Vote NO and grow a pair!
~~~^~~~ said:
Waco, I sent money from my business to cater lunch (BBQ as I recall) for your guys in MCO, sent money for pilot assistance and sent much more money to the RJDC. You sound ungrateful.

Careful Fins, you're entitled to your opinions but you're beginning to sound like a Delta pilot.

Don't bring the RJDC into this, it has nothing to do with it. I will also tell you that if your long proclaimed support for the RJDC was genuine and you truly believed in those issues and principles, this separate and totally unrelated subject would not change your mind.

You're letting your emotions control your thinking. I'm not asking you to agree with Comair pilots and I am not asking you to agree with a proposal/LOA that you probably haven't even read and that we ourselves have not yet decided upon. The vote is still in progress, it is not yet final. Express your opinios freely, but try to employ enough logic to prevent a result that is the opposite of what you would like. You're getting real close to that edge.

You said you had "rested your case" against JetFlyer and that were going to call Surplus to the stand. Just so you know, JetFlyer is a Comair pilot and he is not standing alone. More will follow, so stay tuned.

That was hilarious. I just read your comment about the 700 of us that came after the strike. I sat here with my mouth open and my eyes bulging out staring at the screen in disbelief.

I wasn't sure you were being sarcastic either. I was thinking the same thing as "JI Gone OH" for a second there.

Then when I read you were being sarcastic, I laughed uncontrollably for a second. Thanks for being on the side of us junior guys.

Last I checked Junior or Senior, I and the 700 that came after the strike are still Comair pilots. We still have a voice.

I'm glad people listen to us and don't disregard us for their benefit only.

Thank you,
surplus1 said:
You said you had "rested your case" against JetFlyer and that were going to call Surplus to the stand. Just so you know, JetFlyer is a Comair pilot and he is not standing alone. More will follow, so stay tuned.

Thank you Surplus.

Deleted. PM sent to Surplus.
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surplus1 said:
Careful Fins, you're entitled to your opinions but you're beginning to sound like a Delta pilot.

Yeah, those pesky Delta pilots. You know the ones who knock down regional pilots, especially comair in particular! Surplus, shouldn't you be on your soap box preaching how great comair is and how lousy every other commuter is.
You are a hypocrite!

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