Just to let you know I interveiwed Febuary 19th and was called yesterday for the July 8th class. I spoke to Kathy earlier in the week I don't know if this helped but it couldn't hurt to see where you stand. I also know there is another class on the 15th. Good luck.
Anybody know how many people interviewed in March and April? It was my understanding that interviewing slowed down for a while during those months (either that or it's just wishful thinking) Thanks...
Thanks for the info. I'm going to call on Monday and see how many people they're putting in those classes...If they're still getting guys from February into those July classes, then it'll probably be August before the March interviewees (including myself) see a class date.
As far as the interviewing question goes, I would guess that somewhere in the ballpark of 40 people were hired in march and probably next to none in april. I don't think they started interviewing on a regular basis again until May....I'm not sure what's been going on since then. So, if you interviewed in May, there's probably not too many poolies inbetween you and the end of March.
I spoke with Kathy Avent very briefly on Tuesday. I told her that I had interviewed on the 21st of Feb and that I just wanted to know when I should expect a class.
She said she would call me right back after she found something out. 33 hours later haven't heard anything. Guess she didn't find anything out. I now wish I would have asked a ton of questions since I actually got a warm body when I called and not an answering machine for the first time.
I would have asked if they were really having classes at the beginning of July for starters. Is this just a rumor or is it a fact?
Since I interviewed Feb 21st I should be getting called soon, I'm guessing. Anyone else interview before that and not have a class yet??
I interviewed Jan 31 but turned down two prior class dates due to mil duty so I'm not really a good indicator of which group of interviewees is getting called. It seems like you should be getting the call soon if you interviewed in Feb. I would definitely keep calling them. Good luck!
I call everyday and always get a voicemail. Understandably, no one returns my calls...I bet they're swamped. Is there any trick to getting a live voice?
I really want to find out how many people will be in each class. I interviewed 3/21 and am curious if july classes will extend that far into the pool. Is it safe to assume they'll be 2 more classes in august?
I'll keep my eyes open on the company website for future class dates...
Otto...did you have 1300 hours when you got hired? Seems kind of low for Comair these days, I was just wondering if they took into account your military experience. I'm trying to get a mil buddy of mine hired and he is around the same time.
I actually had just over 1,000 back when I was hired (January) and I must admit I was a little surprised to get the interview call with the market being what it is. I told the guy who called me for the interview that I was surprised and he said they've had a really good experience with herc guys and their ability to work with a crew (I guess a crew of five will do that to you) versus single seat guys. True, the total time is lower but almost all of it is multi-turbine. He said that, combined with the experience of flying all over the world makes the disparity in experience less than it may appear. I'm sure there will be those that argue (been down that road before on this board) but I do feel truly blessed to have this job. So to answer your question, yes they did take the military experience into account but only because it was multi-engine crew. If you have a bud in the same boat, I think he would have a good chance. Good luck!
thanks for the response otto, and welcome aboard. my bud flies the king air, but in around the world opns so i'm hoping it will be looked upon favorably.
see you in cvg...i finally start on the jet in late august myself...
I talked to Kathy or Linda (don't remember which one gave me this information since I have talked to both recently) about upcoming class dates for those of us who interviewed in May. I mentioned that with the ending of stop-loss, it seemed that our class dates would be in Jan or Feb. She said that they try to keep a mixture in the classes - that is, a certain percentage of Comair instructors, a percentage of military, and a percentage of other. From what she said, I gathered, as they are released, the military hires will have to wait to get into a class. The good news for those of us civilians awaiting a class date is, the ending of stop-loss apparently won't flood the classes.
If it sounds like I have no sympathy for the military, I apoligize. I do. I served enough time (non-flying) for a retirement and I know how the military can take advantage of you. On the other hand, those kept on active duty for stop-loss are still pulling down a paycheck (a pretty substancial one) while I have been unemployed and out of the cockpit for 6+ months with a wife and three kids to support. No violins, just wanted those military people who are trying to get released and finding their class date being pushed back for people who interviewed much later to understand.
Good luck to all and hope to see you in class soon.
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