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Colgan ??

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outtahere said:
So when is Colgan going to get a union?

Good one dude .... but hopefully with the expansion and if enough people actually stay with the company more than a year we can get something going.

outtahere said:
But seriously, any old Coganites that want to leave that hell hole

Plenty ...

outtahere said:
ASA is hiring like crazy and it would be my pleasure to help any of you get the heck out of there.

... but not to ASA, except for some FOs.

outtahere said:
Unless you paid to be there then you deserve every bit of misery you get.

Not many of them left, most jumped ship to the other regionals, enjoy ...
Thunderchief said:
How much is the training contract at Colgan?

1 YR, $16,000 prorated monthly, as far as I hear it has not been enforced on anyone who broke it, these types of contracts are very difficult to enforce.
Thanks Big H, looking for a J O B....Have some 1900 time and was considering Colgan....

Thunderchief said:
Thanks Big H, looking for a J O B....Have some 1900 time and was considering Colgan....


well now's a great time to get in, still hiring another 200 or so this year ...
TheBigH said:
1 YR, $16,000 prorated monthly, as far as I hear it has not been enforced on anyone who broke it, these types of contracts are very difficult to enforce.

I agree that it has not been enforced, however, I have heard they have a way of messing up your credit (rumor) if you break the contract.

If the EG - 717 rumor is true, looking forward to her being about 300 lower than me in seniority! Nothing against her though, really, just funny how things turn.
I do know of people that they have gone after and I do know of people paying it back. At least half anyhow. I have heard of people getting letters for court dates.
BRA said:
I do know of people that they have gone after and I do know of people paying it back. At least half anyhow. I have heard of people getting letters for court dates.

Are they actual court dates, or might it just be a scare tactic? I would think their lawyer(s) would be more involved in another case about (or already) to start.

Best thing, if you leave early and can afford it, is to pay it off. Better yet, suck it up for the year and you might be close to upgrade by then.
I'm not a lawyer but I did watch this show on TV and these types of contracts are not really enforceable.

OK I did ask a real lawyer and as long as you have (or make up) a good reason to leave (such as you don't want to work there, get consistently screwed by scheduling, don't like the way your captain smells, etc...) you cannot be forced to remain in employment with anyone. I still have my contract laying around but I'm too lazy to look for it, however, something in the wording is off (again coming from my lawyer dude) and just to put it simply it would cost Colgan waaay to much to enforce all the contracts that have been broken.

In any case that's besides the point, if you sign a contract you should have the moral character to stand by your word (signature.) Besides Colgan has a very fair contract compaired to CHQ and such, they want 2 years for the same training.

BRA I heard the same things but I don't think anyone has actually gone to court have they ?

Funny thing too is that most of the Beech guys that have/had the 1 yr contract don't even get to finish it since they upgrade before that year is up and get the 6 month captain contract. And the way things are going, they will barely be finishing that one up before transitioning to the Saab. Yes, I like it here .... Now just wondering, is there a 3 month contract with the Saab transition ... ?
Kaman said:
Yeah, I saw LVS in the hangar at HEF a couple of weeks ago. Airplane is one of two that they picked up from an airline in Mexico. Anyone heard anything more on the SAAB 2000 rumor?


ex-Navy Rotorhead

Colgan got airplanes from a mexican airline? They are dumber than I thought!

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