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Colgan Update!! 1-22-07

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2nd year colgan captain pay
Colgan 42
mesa 40
am eagle 44
horizon 52
island air 45
mesaba 45
piedmont 44
Commutair 38
Era 53

average 44.8
Well, it would make SOOOOOO much more sense for you guys to get jets since you are set up for it already. Especially if it is rj7's. your pilots already have the type ratings. plus i am sure insurance would be really danged high for us since almost no one here has any real time in turbo jets.

PCL bought colgan to get a piece of that 70 seat tprop market that no one seems to be aggressively going after because of our relationships with some of the big players that want them. We have some infrastructure in place, the relationships are already there that would make it cheaper.

RJ's would be so much cheaper on your side of the house. props on our side.

Are you kidding? Mesa started freedom too fly jets, Trans States started gayjets from scratch, nothing, nada to fly jets. Colgan has infrustructer, pilots, schedulers, mechanics and alot more resorces to add jets to the fleet. Nothing is too expensive to break a union. Most regionals flying jets today were Turboprop only in the not so distant past.

Will it happen? Only uncle phil and uncle mike know. But don't think for ONE second that they would even hesitate because of the cost. Look around you. Oh, and by the way don't use logic. Just because it would be more logical to operate jets at the company the already has them does not mean they will. No logic in the airlines, just labor busting.

I hope that you are correct, but we have to expect the worst from uncle phil because that is what he has demonstrated in the past. Again my point is that there is nothing to force uncle phil to keep his word.
For the love of Pete....Everyone on here speculates worse than the popular girls in high school on who's going to be Prom Queen.

People doing the most belly-aching and firing shots on here are simply going on what history has shown with by-outs and mergers....Are you blind or deaf? Newsflash: THIS IS NOT A MERGER! As far as I know, the *entire* Colgan mgmt. team (save for Sen. Colgan, who will consult) isn't going anywhere, so what does that tell you? You think the Colgans are just going to roll over and die? Nooo way.

And another thing: How would merging seniority lists be good? I think I speak for everyone at CJC when I say: We would not go for that in 100 years.


You are soooo disconnected from what has gone on in this industry. We know this is not a merger. Whipsaw does not take place in a merger. Get educated before say stupid things.
"You are soooo disconnected from what has gone on in this industry. We know this is not a merger. Whipsaw does not take place in a merger. Get educated before say stupid things."

Now there is the 9E spirit ! Relax man. Don't worry I am sure your ways of knowledge will trickle down to us dumb and disconnected pilots. God are you something else pal.
"You are soooo disconnected from what has gone on in this industry. We know this is not a merger. Whipsaw does not take place in a merger. Get educated before say stupid things."

Now there is the 9E spirit ! Relax man. Don't worry I am sure your ways of knowledge will trickle down to us dumb and disconnected pilots. God are you something else pal.

It is becoming very obvious that a few of you guys are unaware of what has taken place at other RJ operators over the last five years. You just don't know. You are also showing us that you care nothing about the people that come too Colgan or Pinnacle after you leave in 2 years( if that even happens). You are showing all of us that you will do nothing to demand a fair wage to be a proffesional pilot and will take whatever uncle phil-mike will give you. You do not care that your attitude might cause us hardship in our negotiations. You may think I am something else, but I stay well inform about what other managements and pilots are doing in the profession that WE share. Which is much more than I can say for you. GET educated about what managements strategies are and stop hanging blindly off what uncl phil-mike SAY they will do.
2nd year pay at 50 seat jet operators

pinnacle 24
Air wisc 35
chataq. 30
psa 27
tsa 25
am eagle 32
ASA 34
comair 39
ex jet 34
mesa 28
skywest 35

The average here is 31/hour

Point well taken. On a side note our MEC has recently turned down the companies offer of approximately 30 an hour for second year. Not good enough. Our current pitiful rate was signed in 99 when we did not even have any jets. The Colgan rate was just evaluated last year, not 7 years ago and soon to change. Get my point, it is not a good comparison.
It is becoming very obvious that a few of you guys are unaware of what has taken place at other RJ operators over the last five years. You just don't know. You are also showing us that you care nothing about the people that come too Colgan or Pinnacle after you leave in 2 years( if that even happens). You are showing all of us that you will do nothing to demand a fair wage to be a proffesional pilot and will take whatever uncle phil-mike will give you. You do not care that your attitude might cause us hardship in our negotiations. You may think I am something else, but I stay well inform about what other managements and pilots are doing in the profession that WE share. Which is much more than I can say for you. GET educated about what managements strategies are and stop hanging blindly off what uncl phil-mike SAY they will do.

Wrong...What I'm saying is no one (especially on this blog) can predict what's going to happen. I DO care about my fellow pilots at both airlines, but sitting here and endlessly bickering and speculating is really tiresome.
Wrong...What I'm saying is no one (especially on this blog) can predict what's going to happen. I DO care about my fellow pilots at both airlines, but sitting here and endlessly bickering and speculating is really tiresome.

That's right, we can't predict. Which is why we should be working to protect ourselves in the future by trying to combine the lists and get a decent contract (with solid scope).

See the attitude at Colgan is much different than most places. We are in and out in about 3 years. We don't care about long term stuff. After two years our minds are numb and we no longer know how long we have been here. the majors don't hire us, they rescue us. That has been the Colgan way since it started.

A significant percentage of the Pinnacle pilots are there for the longhaul. To protect that interest in their current collective bargaining Agreement (signed by Phil T) there is a 'scope' clause. Phil T signed an Agreement stating that ALL flying done by Pinnacle Corp would be performed by pilots on the Pinnacle seniority list. It doesn't matter if they are 172's at a flight school, Phil promised they would be flown by Pinnacle pilots.

Now he is directly threatening the Pinnacle pilots. In the release to all 'Pinnacle People' he stated clearly the only way people would move from one company to the other is as a new hire with no seniority or longevity of service. The threat to all Pinnacle pilots is clear. Cave in to management and give them the concessioary contract they want or your job will be as a new hire at the bottom of Colgan's list. For the senior half of the Pinnacle list this would be a life shattering event. The senior half of the Pinnacle list has also heard Phil T's 'promises' one too many times.

When Phil became CEO of Pinnacle in '97 it was then 'Express Airlines One' and consisted of 33 SF3's and 15 J31's. The crews were all outstation based. Sound familiar? Any one that doesn't think Phil can pull off his threat is ignoring history.

This is why the Pinnacle pilot group will respond to Phil's challenge. Phil has put them in a position where they have no choice. There certianly is no ill will towards the Colgan pilots. There is actually a lot of opportunity for them. There are no Pinnacle pilots that are interested in any kind of seat grap or any other subjugation of Colgan Pilots. They are only interested in keeping their lively hood, longevity and seniority that Pinnacle management wants to strip from them.
Point well taken. On a side note our MEC has recently turned down the companies offer of approximately 30 an hour for second year. Not good enough. Our current pitiful rate was signed in 99 when we did not even have any jets. The Colgan rate was just evaluated last year, not 7 years ago and soon to change. Get my point, it is not a good comparison.

i understand. the only carrier with a decent rate is comair. the good news is they are already and are going to continue to have a problem finding people and that will work in our favor when negotiating contracts. the trans states and mesa's of the world are going to be really hurting in the coming year for pilots.

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