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Classy move Carnival Corporate

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The best is when this happens into SJC. Someone gets aggro about being behind a citation with so cal somewhere along the coast. We get vectored out of the way and they pass us. Then we land on rwy 29 and taxi into the ramp ahead of them. I don't care if they notice or not. I just don't understand captains that get blood boiling over going slow or waiting for anything. Take your big jet paycheck and chill.

I'm sure everyone's situation is different but it isn't like the people in the back will notice. I always try and do my best but in the end it isn't worth high blood pressure meds or sleepless nights.

Of course I am the one always saying mellow out dude or just relax or they don't pay us extra for that. You can find me sitting in the FBO with headphones on and distracting myself from FOX news and the high blood pressure medication club. I avoid uptight people like the plague and there is a bit of irony that I wound up in aviation. I can barely stand 1/2 of you.
Ah yes, the 'Big Aircraft' captain/pilot. I love 'em.

Many years ago, when I was a Boeing 727 Captain for the United States Marshal Service, I had a little run in with a arrogant US Airways “BIG AIRPLANE” pilot flying a 737, yes a 737. At the time we were only using “N” and the aircraft number, we had been using Boeing XXX, but a new boss and new rules resulted in us using just the NXXX call sign. (Using the aircraft type in front of the number is standard in the US.)

Anyway, on with the story:

We were driving down some J-route on the East Coast at FL310 and the ATC conversation went like this.

ATC; “NXXX say mach.”

Little ole us; “Mach .81.”

ATC; “US Air XXX say mach.”

US Air XXX; “.74”

ATC; “US Air XXX can you increase to .80?”

US Air XXX; “Negative.”

ATC; “Can increase speed any?”

US Air XXX; “Negative.”

Having no luck with US Air ATC calls us and asked; “NXXX can you reduce to .74?”

Little ole us; “Well, yes we can if we have to.”

ATC; “Thanks, maintain .74.”

We agree to fly .74 and the 72 does not like to fly at .74, we are wallowing around and damn near using the same amount of fuel at .74 as we were at .81. Anyway a few minutes pass and ATC calls us again.

ATC; “NXXX are you at .74?”

Little ole us; “Yup.”

ATC; “US Air XXX say mach.”

US Air; “.74”

ATC; “NXXX you are still catching the US Air, can you reduce any more?”

My buddy in the right seat allows that we really don’t want to slow down anymore and asks if we can be vectored around the US Air flight. The controller thinks about this for a minute or two and makes a great decision.

ATC; “NXXX you can wrong way 330 and normal speed for a while until you pass the 737.”

Little ole us; “Yes sir we can do that.”

ATC; “NXXX maintain current speed until reaching FL330 and then resume normal speed, cleared to FL330.”

My buddy in the right seat reads back the clearance and I wake up the FE and get max. continuous EPR and off we go. Never being one to let sleeping dogs lie my buddy in the right seat calls ATC when we level at 330 (about a minute after we read back the climb clearance) and lets everybody on frequency know that we are accelerating to normal cruise speed. And our friend in the 73 decides that he just has to say something. (He does not know that we are in a 72.)

US Air XXX; “Sorry to inconvenience the little guy there.” (Said with a very condescending attitude.)

At this time I decide to exert some of that command stuff that I had been vested with and tell my buddy in the right seat that I will handle this call.

Little ole us: (me) “Oh that’s ok, you don’t have to apologize for flying a ‘Baby Boeing Speed Bump.”

Anyway we passed him doing about .87 mach (I was still at max. continuous) and a few minutes later ATC calls us.

ATC; “NXXX you are passed the flying speed bump and you can go back down to 310 now.”

Well, we had a good laugh over it. Don’t know about the ‘Big Airplane Pilot’.
So here is one for ya... I was in a Lear 35 and departed LAS (vegas) behind a Citation CJ. The controller said "maintain visual seperation with the departing citation, cleared for takeoff" I went to pass the CJ and the controller almost lost his marbles... He said maintain visual seperation... never said we couldn't pass him even though we were on the same departure.... figured it would solve the problem for both of us
So here is one for ya... I was in a Lear 35 and departed LAS (vegas) behind a Citation CJ. The controller said "maintain visual seperation with the departing citation, cleared for takeoff" I went to pass the CJ and the controller almost lost his marbles... He said maintain visual seperation... never said we couldn't pass him even though we were on the same departure.... figured it would solve the problem for both of us

Cj Snail trail...
Maybe they had a turd on deck that could choke a donkey.

I would take it too personally, just put a smile on your face and slow to 280. ;)
The best is when this happens into SJC. Someone gets aggro about being behind a citation with so cal somewhere along the coast. We get vectored out of the way and they pass us. Then we land on rwy 29 and taxi into the ramp ahead of them. I don't care if they notice or not. I just don't understand captains that get blood boiling over going slow or waiting for anything. Take your big jet paycheck and chill.

I'm sure everyone's situation is different but it isn't like the people in the back will notice. I always try and do my best but in the end it isn't worth high blood pressure meds or sleepless nights.

Of course I am the one always saying mellow out dude or just relax or they don't pay us extra for that. You can find me sitting in the FBO with headphones on and distracting myself from FOX news and the high blood pressure medication club. I avoid uptight people like the plague and there is a bit of irony that I wound up in aviation. I can barely stand 1/2 of you.

I feel you!! you are my man...

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