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Classy move Carnival Corporate

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Mar 21, 2003
25 miles out of FLL, a Carnival corporate Global Express asks Miami to slow us, in a Citation in front of them, so they can get home 5 mins earlier. We might be slow but we still beat your big bad Global to the airport. Classy move pricks, you guys suck.
Ya know, I just don't understand the guys who blow a gasket if they get delayed by 2 minutes by being vectored behind someone. We scrounge and scrounge and scrounge for flight time when we're coming up in this business, then all the sudden it's becomes a race to get on the ground.

Relax and enjoy the ride, I say. You could be sitting in a freakin' cubicle somewhere.
So I'm safe assuming you were below 10K at 25nm out? What a bunch of pompous pricks.
You should have declared minimum fuel just to piss them off...
25 miles out of FLL, a Carnival corporate Global Express asks Miami to slow us, in a Citation in front of them, so they can get home 5 mins earlier. We might be slow but we still beat your big bad Global to the airport. Classy move pricks, you guys suck.

Not good to get emotional about such insignificant stuff. I doubt they were trying to screw YOU. :erm:
Descending into Louisville last year in our old Citation II, Indy Center slowed a Lear 60 behind us on the arrival to 250kts. The Lear guy said "We'll slow ONE.HUNDRED.KNOTS to 2-5-0", then asked "What are we following?". When told a Citation 550, he said "When I was a Citation pilot, we got 90 degree turns off course for faster traffic." :rolleyes:

We got handed off to SDF approach and got direct the airport, getting off the arrival so when he switched over he got normal speed for the last few thousand feet of his descent to 10,000.

Point of my story?

People like that are everywhere...just shake your head and laugh.

Besides, if you were in a X they shouldn't be catching you :laugh:
How would they save time with just 25 miles remaining if they asked you to slow down and you are in front of them....that would slow them down more since they are behind you.

Either way, how can they shave off 5 minutes with just 25 miles remaining, impossible.

I know a few of the pilots at Carnival...I'll see who it was and tell them what a cheeseball request that was.....and people think Gulfstream guys think they're something special...pilots have Global desease too.

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How would they save time with just 25 miles remaining if they asked you to slow down and you are in front of them....that would slow them down more since they are behind you.

Either way, how can they shave off 5 minutes with just 25 miles remaining, impossible.

I know a few of the pilots at Carnival...I'll see who it was and tell them what a cheeseball request that was.....and people think Gulfstream guys think they're something special...pilots have Global desease too.


No, this is the way it went down. We were in front and Miami assigned us 280 or faster (us in a 560, VMO 292) and assigned the Global 280 or slower. Few mins later ATC queried us as to our speed, we said 280. ATC queried the Global's speed, they said 280. Then they asked Center, "Can you slow down that Citation and let us go fast?" At first Center said no, then he changed his mind and said yeah. He gave us lower and we saw them go over us. Approaching FLL, the Global got vectors to join the final with all the airliners, 27R, which slowed them down anyway and we got right in on the shorter runway, 27L. It struck me as an a$$hole move just to eventually slow down for the final anyway, kinda like someone who squeals the tires and floors it at a green light only to catch up with him when he's sitting there at the next red light...what's the point??? If we were enroute at 390 and I was in his way I could totally understand wanting to get around us, but this close to the terminal area? Typical south florida mentality, always in a hurry to get nowhere fast.

Don't even get me started on those Gulfstream pricks... :) JK

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