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Classy move Carnival Corporate

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This is a first class company and if a couple of jack offs did this, they embarrassed their employer.

The boss is a pretty good guy and he would not approve this behavior.
Some airplanes cost more and have a different performance envelope. Someone paid a lot of money for an amazing aircraft like the Global Express that hauls ass. C'mon, it's a jet, it's supposed to go fast.

Anyone ever been motoring along in the left lane on a highway safely passing the slower traffic in the right lanes, and suddenly find themselves in a tightly packed group of cars, all queued behind someone who may or not be aware of passing lane courtesy? How does that feel?

I operate my aircraft at the speeds that best suit the conditions including on-time considerations, turbulence reported or experienced, unique airport environment considerations, and awareness of those around me. I don't get thin skinned if someone else has different ideas.
Just move outta the way and get in the slow lane grandma!:p
Just imagine the indignation when a Gulfstream crew doing 340KIAS is asked to slow for an overtaking Falcon doing 370KIAS :laugh:
Maybe the guy was minimum bladder, maybe he had a bunch of barfing kids in the back, maybe his wife was shooting out a tricycle motor and he had to get to the hospital (or wherever the bath tub was). Perhaps he was about to be late for a first date. Maybe his "life partner" was waiting at home with candles burning and getting tired of being "lonely all the time" because of the Global's long legs. Or maybe, just maybe, it doesn't make sense 99 times out of 100 to slow down behind a Citation and it was a knee-jerk reaction. He may have realized as the words were coming out of his mouth that the scenario wasn't gonna play out much differently in any case.

All possibilities. But I can tell you this for certain: I don't know anyone that flies a jet which actually goes fast that hasn't complained (at least to the guy sitting next to him, maybe on the radio) about getting moved around behind a Citation.

OUTTA THE WAY, SPEEDBUMP! Man, sometimes I wish I could roll the window down.....
All possibilities. But I can tell you this for certain: I don't know anyone that flies a jet which actually goes fast that hasn't complained (at least to the guy sitting next to him, maybe on the radio) about getting moved around behind a Citation.

OUTTA THE WAY, SPEEDBUMP! Man, sometimes I wish I could roll the window down.....
It's almost as bad as getting stuck behind an RJ on climbout on to J75 from TEB...You just want to ask if they could hold the RJ down for 5 minutes so you can blow over the top at a real speed...
Some airplanes cost more and have a different performance envelope. Someone paid a lot of money for an amazing aircraft like the Global Express that hauls ass. C'mon, it's a jet, it's supposed to go fast.

Anyone ever been motoring along in the left lane on a highway safely passing the slower traffic in the right lanes, and suddenly find themselves in a tightly packed group of cars, all queued behind someone who may or not be aware of passing lane courtesy? How does that feel?

I operate my aircraft at the speeds that best suit the conditions including on-time considerations, turbulence reported or experienced, unique airport environment considerations, and awareness of those around me. I don't get thin skinned if someone else has different ideas.

Was that you the other day on the 405? Jerk!!!!!!!! LOL
Well I'm paid by the flight hour, so the slow it goes the fatter my wallet is.
No, this is the way it went down. We were in front and Miami assigned us 280 or faster (us in a 560, VMO 292) and assigned the Global 280 or slower. Few mins later ATC queried us as to our speed, we said 280. ATC queried the Global's speed, they said 280. Then they asked Center, "Can you slow down that Citation and let us go fast?" At first Center said no, then he changed his mind and said yeah. He gave us lower and we saw them go over us. Approaching FLL, the Global got vectors to join the final with all the airliners, 27R, which slowed them down anyway and we got right in on the shorter runway, 27L. It struck me as an a$$hole move just to eventually slow down for the final anyway, kinda like someone who squeals the tires and floors it at a green light only to catch up with him when he's sitting there at the next red light...what's the point??? If we were enroute at 390 and I was in his way I could totally understand wanting to get around us, but this close to the terminal area? Typical south florida mentality, always in a hurry to get nowhere fast.

Don't even get me started on those Gulfstream pricks... :) JK

Oh, I see, thanks. YES....a total cheeseball move. I can't stand pilots who need to make up 10 seconds to feel like they've made up some significant time..... :LOL:
It actually shows their lack-of-knowledge......I guess they've never figured out how LITTLE time they save when trying to speed up with just 20-30 miles remaining. You can only do so much as the distance remaining gets less and less.

When ATC asked you to slow down....you guys should have sqwaked 7600, kept your speed up and landed.....hahahaha j/k

Its like the idiot pilots that keep bothering ATC while enroute to cut every single corner and go direct to a fix down the road, when its not going to do hardly anything to change thier ETA. Its usually a matter of seconds saved, not worth the hassle.

Its too bad that pilots literally turn into pricks when they fly a larger plane, like it makes them a better pilot. When in reality all they become are stiffs staring out the window longer. I hated flying the 747, 12-14 hour flights....total gayness...... But I also loved it, just because it was the 747. But you know what I mean.

***I've also learned....some Global, Gulfstream, Challenger and Falcon operations......ALOT of times have the most cheesy pilots that really are not that good of pilots either. Lots of old timers too.
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