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Re: Austin climate

Denver130 said:
With an average humidity of 47 percent, would that be high enough to say that figure would fit the term "saturated humidity" which science says you need for jet contrails to form?

That refers to relative humidity at the surface. Since science also says that 100% relative humidity is needed for clouds to form, are you also claiming that Austin never has clouds?

Perhaps it hasn't occurred to you, despite countless attempts to educate you, that the atmosphere changes significantly with altitude, not just temperature, but wind and moisture content as well. Looking straight up from your apartment, you're looking through a column of air that is constantly changing and likely has attributes from more than one weather system.

The weather front you see on TV isn't a straight wall from the surface into space. It is not unusual for fronts to be sloped 100:1 or more. Think about that. A front that's 200 surface miles from you might also be only 10,000 ft over your head. It could be warm and wet at the surface and yet only 2 miles overhead, the air can be relatively cold and dry. And vice versa. Seven miles overhead, the airmass is nothing like the air at the surface.

Maybe, just maybe, we're not all in on the conspiracy, and since we spend a significant amount of time in the atmosphere some of us actually know what we're talking about.

You remind me of a first grader arguing basic arithmetic with a calculus professor. 1 + 1 <> 3, OK?
all these chemtrail people and other oddball conspiracy theorists are just modern day sun worshipers. they are modern versions of people who believed that the sun, moon, mountain, etc were gods. that the sun traveled through a tunnel to come up on the other side of the earth, and when a storm, earthquake or whatever came or when people got sick or hurt, it was because the gods were angry at them and taking revenge.

those people and these people all suffer from a few common things that drive them to their beliefs. that is fear and a lack of understanding of whats going on around them. it is commonly known and taught that the people of ancient times were victims of this. what makes us think we are free from these things just because its now and we are modern in comparison. odds are, humans are still susceptible to this....they just cant see that they are lost in the same forest that their predecessors were lost in.

the factor that keeps them in denial while others are able to find their way out of the forest is a desire for self importance. to be in on the big mystery that no one else knows. they want to be the arnold schwarzenegger from "total recall", roddy piper from "they live", mel gibson from "conspiracy theory", etc. they want to be the one to discover the "truth" and save the day in the end because they knew all along. when all they need is a good dose of self esteem.

if denver or any of these other people are serious about finding out the truth. they would enroll in some meteorology classes and get some science from the ground up. instead of taking their "facts" and "education" from a nutjob who has written books or articles to "prove" his theory by writing the conclusion first, then writing selective facts to support his conclusion.
Denver, you remind me of trying to reason with a two year old. This is the cliff notes version of everything you've said. (I see the humor, so I'm going to make fun of you a little)

Denver: These are chemtrails, look at my photo's!

Normal people: No, those are CONtrails.

Denver: No they're NOT! Look at them in the photo! They're at 12,000 feet. How can they be contrails at 12,000 feet?!?! Take THAT!

Normal people: Denver, how do you know they're at 12,000 feet? They could be at any altitude.

Denver: They should be pencil thin! Also, the lapse rate shows contrails can't be at 12,000 so they MUST be chem! TAKE THAT!

Normal people: Denver, you understand as much about weather as a three year old understands about brain surgery. By the way, you never answered the queston of how you know those photos show contrails at 12,000.

Denver: NASA says that you have to have -45 degrees to have contrails. That can't be in Houston. Its hot and dry in Texas [Txcap comment here - how stupid is that, anyone who has ever been to Houston knows its the muggiest d@mn place in the world] so there can't be contrails! TAKE THAT!

Normal people: Isn't it odd, then, that there are CLOUDS in Texas. Clouds = Moisture.

Denver: Look at my photos!!!!

Normal people: :rolleyes:
Excellent post, dash. By the way...
dash8driver said:
...Roddy Piper from They Live...
Great flick, man!

"You, you look okay. This one? Real fu_kin' ugly!"
Ok everybody....the gig is up.....he caught us.

They actually are chemical trails.........He has found out our secret.

ALL PILOTS ARE GASSING YOU. I used to think my gas problem was a localized effect after a large bean burrito, but after Denvers relentless pursuit of the truth he has discovered a secret bigger than the manhatten project! PILOTS ARE FARTING ON THE POPULATION OF AMERICA EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Afterall we have to pressurize the aircraft somehow, and we all know that airliners smell a little funny anyhow!

Some pilots have also stepped it up a notch and begun to remove their shoes during flight also.

By the way.......we all got together and caused the sun flares last week too!!!!!!! We needed the increased solar activity to really kick up the effect of our intestinal fragrance.

Hey Denver you also stumbled on to another secret........The reason we all wear dark suits......it is a protective garment in case our air-s#&t separater fails!!! UPS pilots are still in training and have had several messy mishaps with their A/S Sep. valves so that is the reason they wear the brown uniform.

By the way, the earth really is flat

Bumble bees are actually alien spacecraft

Chickens don't lay eggs, fairys stuff them up there.

The moon is made of old charcoal grill dust.

I am a polar bear with very good typing skills.

Cats used to run the planet.

Dogs took over and now run the planet.

They are watching you all the time Denver...........The web cam is posted on the pilots only webboard. Quit scratching yourself!
Wow! Real live crazy people! Thanks for the link- that was enlightening.

It gives you pause that these people occasionally fly the airlines, too. I wonder what they have to say about magnetometers and the TSA's wanding and ETD testing?
It's always fun to watch chemmies visit message forums and try to debate the reality of chemtrails. Their own message boards have long since been cleansed of the 'nonbelievers' and the general populace on these sites are quite happy to buy into the hoax promoters' stories.

I got into this whole deal after someone called my squadron one day and accused our F-16s of spraying them. After a little online research, I found a few message boards and tried to "be nice" to these folks and correct the zillion untruths that were being stated. Call me a masochist, but I put up with personal attacks and threats by these people for almost two years on their boards as I tried to inject some truth into the discussion. I finally snapped after 9/11 when these kooks started posting their "George W. orchestrated 9/11 and the military let him" conspiracy theories. Now, I just like to make fun of them.

Nearly all of the 'nonbelievers' who were banned from these other site all post now on my message board (as do a few of the people here under different names.) Stop by and visit every once in a while......we're always laughing at the latest comedic chemmie acts!


Anyway, great job fellow disnformation agents! Mr. Big will be giving us all great Christmas bonuses this year. :D

I/ve got a couple questions for you Denver if you are still lurking about. What kind of planes are doing this? Civilian or Military? What kind of systems do they use to disburse the chemicals, i.e., are there added components to the aircraft? How many aircraft are taking part in this diabolical operation?
Denver130, I'm getting a vibe here...

We had a guy show up on this forum about six months ago. He identified himself as a twenty-something British Airways Concorde first officer. The trouble was that his description of his career progression didn't make sense, and he was totally unable to answer any operational questions about the Concorde. He finally confessed to one of the moderators that he was a sixteen year old student pilot with a vivid imagination. He came here to try to feel like part of the aviation community. (If he'd only been honest, we'd have welcomed him...but that's another story.)

Now you, Denver, are demonstrating a level of ignorance about Earth science that is simply unbelievable in someone with a college education. In fact, you sound like a seventh-grade student. You're an engineer with ConocoPhillips? Not likely. I like to think that corporation wouldn't employ adults with such staggering neuroses and/or limited intellect.

So tell us, who are you, really? What grade are you in? Where are you from (since you know so little about Texas climate)? What do you hope to gain by bothering us with this "chemtrail" nonsense?
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By the way, about the "Chem Tail" photo:

I've been studying this photo very carefully using PhotoStudio 2000SE. Nevertheless, I'm unable to say conclusively what type of aircraft it is. The shape suggests a Boeing 737-300 or later model...but the fact that the mainwheels are not visible is still causing me to lean toward saying it's a 767-200. It could also be an Airbus A320. The fact is, the photo's too grainy for me to be sure.

I am certain, however, that the underside of the fuselage is white or light-gray, and the visible portions of the upper fuselage are white. This is consistent with the paint scheme adopted by Continental Airlines, as well as some of the "Special" paint schemes used by Southwest Airlines. (Air Canada is also similar.)

In any case, identifying the specific aircraft type is unimportant because aircraft in the photo is not spraying anything from it's horizontal stabilizer. How can I tell? Because if you look carefully at the starboard contrail (the one closer to the bottom of the screen), you can see that it is forming well forward of the tail, just behind the engine itself. It's more obvious if you convert the photo to a negative and/or use some color equalization effects.

So what have you got a picture of? A commercial airliner leaving a pair of contrails in its wake.
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I know that this is coming very late, and his whole lapse rate argument has been debunked, but here goes.
Yesterday flying over east Georgia the surface temp of the airport below me was 18 C, and at 8000' my OAT showed 15 C. How is this possible since temperature always decreases 2 degrees per 1000' no matter what.
Also I lived in San Antonio from 1990 - 1999. There were a couple of summers where the grass did turn brown. But for the most part I was mowing that grass untill the first freeze, which might not come until Janurary (once not at all). Not that this really matters since the surface conditions have no bering on the conditions aloft.
Not that this really matters since the surface conditions have no bering on the conditions aloft.
usc [/B]

Well they do have a bearing of course, its just not an absolute textbook kind of answer with constantly uniform conditions like chemmies think has to happen.

At least Denver130 has done his share to increase chemtrail awareness here hahaha :)
Sorry I was being vague, it does have some effect, but there are so many other variables in the equation that surface weather does not predicate what the weather at 12000, or 350 will be.
uscpilot said:
Yesterday flying over east Georgia the surface temp of the airport below me was 18 C, and at 8000' my OAT showed 15 C. How is this possible since temperature always decreases 2 degrees per 1000' no matter what.

I'll try not to get to technical, but actually uscpilot, that is just the "Standard/average" lapse rate which we all now know is 2 degrees per 1000 ft. Also their is more then just 1 lapse rate.. such as the dry adibatic lapse rate of 3 degrees per 1000 ft , and the moist adiabatic lapse rate of 1.1 to 2.8 degrees per 1000 ft, however lapse rates will vary based on the latent heat of condensation.

Also keep in mind that your variation in temperature can change based on all sorts of factors such as pressure systems, as pressure increases the air gets hotter, as pressure decreases the air gets cooler.

Uscpilot if you remember that standard temp is 15 c and standard pressure is 29.92 at sea level does not mean that when your at sea level the pressure or temperature will be 15 c or 29.92 on any given day.

sierra pilot,

usc wasnt saying the lapse rates didnt vary. he was using his observations to further debunk denver130s assertions that they are a constant in a sort of a sarcastic way.

denver has an ongoing problem with understanding this concept. go back and read the earlier posts and you'll see just how bad it is.
I would suggest reading more of the thread before responding.
SierraPilot said:
I'll try not to get to technical, but actually uscpilot, that is just the "Standard/average" lapse rate which we all now know is 2 degrees per 1000 ft. Also their is more then just 1 lapse rate.. such as the dry adibatic lapse rate of 3 degrees per 1000 ft , and the moist adiabatic lapse rate of 1.1 to 2.8 degrees per 1000 ft, however lapse rates will vary based on the latent heat of condensation.

Also keep in mind that your variation in temperature can change based on all sorts of factors such as pressure systems, as pressure increases the air gets hotter, as pressure decreases the air gets cooler.

Uscpilot if you remember that standard temp is 15 c and standard pressure is 29.92 at sea level does not mean that when your at sea level the pressure or temperature will be 15 c or 29.92 on any given day.
I thought this was supposed to be sarcastic. I read it several times trying to detect it. When I realized he was being serious I about fell over ROTFLMAO.
I could not believe that I was recieving a lecture on lapse rates. Not that I dont need one, this guy probably knows more than me on the subject of technical weather since I havent used it in several years (WSI all the way).
Oh well I am sure he realizes his mistake and is sufficiently embarrased. No back to the topic. I think it was BBQ, Rush Limbaugh, or some gripe with the President.

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