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dash8driver said:

either that or he's just flamebaiting everyone...which is what i'm starting to think because he's evading questions and really... who can be this ignorant and gullible to believe such far fetched stories.

Flamebait, say it ain't so.

Actually, I think that Denver has stumbled on to the secret Luftwaffe plan to resurrect the Third Reich. It's all of those Krauts at El Paso that are out spreading chemicals all over Texas. If you pay attention, they avoid areas like Fredricksburg, Walburg, New Braunfels, and Ennis because they know that fellow Germans live there. The last time I was out over Texas, I think, just maybe, I may have seen a ME262. They said that it was just a replica built at Meachan five years ago, but I don't believe it. It had to be piloted by Goering's clone from Brazil. What are we to do now? I mean, we finally beat back the Commie threat, then we found ourselves threatened by the Muslims, but they could just be a red herring. If you think about it, George W keeps telling us that the Muslims are peaceful, maybe he really knows but is afraid to tell us that Nazi's are the real threat because he wants to avoid panicking the public. Man, this is getting scary. I think that maybe I'd better move to Idaho. Do they get chemtrails there?


PS destroy this message as soon as you finish reading it.
I challenge denver to document his claim that he took the photo
on his website titled "ChemTail" in Austin, TX on a day when ground temperature was 95F and humidity was 15%.
He needs to supply the date and a link to the archived relative humidity data at the National Weather Service. He won't do so, because he just made it all up. He is a fraud, like most chemmies.
I doubt humidity has been that low in Austin, ever.

I'll bet he doesn't really believe he is being sprayed by chemicals at all, as well. Guess how you can tell a 'true believer' from a faker?

answer: The True Believers actually wear, at minimum, a particulate dust mask at all times. All others are pretenders for one reason or another, as shown by their disregard(and obvious lack of consequences) for protecting themselves from putative "toxins".

Not 1 in 1000 people who claim to believe in chemtrails actually does in truth 'believe', the rest are all fakes.

Here are photos of the two dopey women from Houston who administer the messageboard ChemtrailTrackingUSA which regularly features terrorist threats against aircraft. They are seeking new chemcult members outside a health food store.

The caption reads, "As you will see in the following photographs, plenty of visual aids were provided by the trails being laid overhead throughout the morning."

Note the unprotected smiling faces of these two frauds:


Jay Reynolds
Re: Typhoon1244 #2

See, Denver, the difference between you and me is that I'm willing to do a little research when questions like this come up.
Denver130 said:
I would be hard pressed to say from looking at the bottom of that jet, in the photo Chem Tail that the jet is a Continental 767 airliner. It appears gray.
Denver...guess what color Continental paints the bellies of its aircraft. Go ahead, guess.

If you said "gray," you're correct.

So your credibility isn't getting any better.
I've seen military jets on Wings and at air shows and on movies that appear gray...
Well that certainly makes you an expert in my book! "I've seen military jets on Wings..." Give us a freakin' break, Denver.
Also, you use the word "assume." Your guessing.
Yes, but my guess is rooted in observation, fact, and logic. I can't be certain that this is a Continental jet because USAirways also paints the underside of their aircraft gray!

So tell us, Denver, if two major U.S. airlines operate aircraft that are identical to the one depicted, why must we assume that this is a military aircraft? Hmm?
What is factual is this. Austin is arid, dry, and hot with typically clear skys and the locals will tell you point blank that jet contrails are not a part of the scenery. Its so hot and dry in Austin that by the beginning of May the grass has browned out or is dead, the creek beds are dry and the animals are thirsty.
Most of the time, the moderating affects of the Gulf of Mexico limit daytime highs [in Austin]; however, they also add to the discomfort with higher humidity. (Emphasis added.)
You beloved NOAA doesn't seem to be supporting your contention that Austin is "arid, dry, and hot," Denver.
If chemical engineers at ConocoPhillips with no background in the chemtrail issue can call what they see a chemical spill in the air, it might not be a bad idea to step off of your plane, open up your mind and look up at the sky.
Denver, step outside this winter when it's down around forty or thirty and exhale broadly. You're going to see a plume of water vapor and CO2 appear behore your eyes. Is it a chemtrail? Or is it a natural process called "condensation?"

If you had even the vaguest understanding of basic Earth sciences, you'd know that fog, contrails, low clouds, and high clouds are one and the same.

Answer the stupid question: if we can see condensation at ground level at temperatures as high as forty or thirty, why do you believe that aircraft contrails can only form at minus forty? (You still haven't explained the pictures we've shown you of contrails appearing behind aircraft on takeoff and landing.)
A pilot pat answer is not a good enough explanation.
Your right. You'r ignorant conjecture is far superior to a pilot's "pat" answer. :rolleyes:
Other favorite topics

You're kidding me. You actually have either a need to embarrass yourself or you're plain ignorant to post on a PILOT bulletin board that you have a leg up on us with identifying aircraft because you saw it on the TV show WINGS! HA!

You remind me of those morons I just got done arguing with (on the same chemtrailcentral.com board) that the Air Force stood down on 9-11 on purpose. One of the items of evidence....that only a handful of the 30-some-odd air force installations on the east coast launched fighters.

Let's see...the conspiracy author listed Bolling AFB (no runway), Hanscom AFB (no runway), Cape Cod AFS (a radar site), McGuire AFB (KC-10 base), Dover AFB (C-5 base) and a host of other non-fighter installations that since they didn't provide F-16s on 9-11, there must have been a stand down! Not to mention that most of those *with* fighters don't sit in an alert posture.

Basically, it's a bunch of guys who get their aviation education from Wings, sitting around making assumptions about US air defense capabilities and procedures. When I tried to explain that if an airplane loses radio contact, it's typically (at least prior to 9/11) assumed they are having electrical problems of some sort, and fighters aren't automatically launched just to go check out a potential NORDO situation. Anyways...back to chemtrails....
I've got another question for you, Denver...not that you'll answer it. You seem to be pretty weak in that area.

I don't know much about petrolium engineering, but I know about combustion. I have frequently flown over and driven past refineries and seen tongues of flame shooting into the sky from these facilities. Now since the petrolium industry has made it very obvious that they are intent on destroying all life on Earth (eg. the Exxon Valdez "accident"), I guess I have to conclude that these "flamethrowers" are part of an evil plot to burn off all the oxygen in the atmosphere. All of us "outsiders" will suffocate while you and your cronies survive in underground shelters, waiting for the atmosphere to restore itself so that you can emerge and take over the globe.

Am I right? Is that what those flames are all about?

Or am I jumping to conclusions due to my ignorance of a very specialized field?

(We've got some nerve, dont we? Thinking we know something about aerodynamics and meteorology, just because we're pilots. Well Denver, you asked what we though about this issue. Satisfied?)
Last edited:
Typhoon1244 said:

I don't know much about petrolium engineering, but I know about combustion. I have frequently flown over and driven past refineries and seen tongues of flame shooting into the sky from these facilities. Now since the petrolium industry has made it very obvious that they are intent on destroying all life on Earth (eg. the Exxon Valdez "accident"), I guess I have to conclude that these "flamethrowers" are part of an evil plot to burn off all the oxygen in the atmosphere. All of us "outsiders" will suffocate while you and your cronies survive in underground shelters, waiting for the atmosphere to restore itself so that you can emerge and take over the globe.

dern typhoon, now you've screwed us. you've let the cat out of the bag and our fate is sealed. they are going to "liberate" us so the truth of world domination by the petrol refineries wont get out.

wait.. i think i hear the black helos outside my window. no wait, i wouldnt be able to hear them because they are stealth helos...but i know they're out there to get us now that we know! everyone run for your lives, start some websites to alert the public. let the chemkooks know so they can save themselves! before its too late!

bwahahahahahaha.. oh man... must be the chem-exhaust from the illuminati-mobiles spraying my neighborhood.

good nite...dont forget to check for monsters under your bed and in your closet, denver.
I was biting my tounge, but i will say it now. I think that you are stupid.

I see that you have chosen not to respond to any of the questions I or many other have posed to you. You are completely unqualified to speak on the subject of meterology.

Go and beleieve what you want. The operative part of this is "GO".

You're a flake. Go away.
Austin time lapse

I know your all crabing at me.
Your thinking how can he possibly think a jet contrail might be a chemtrail in disguise.
Its very simple. Average intelligent citizens are seeing trails that don’t fit the definition of jet contrails.

The best way to illustrate this is the new time lapse link at


There’s no way according to jet contrail science that those photos represent normal jet contrails unless you deny jet contrail physics or say that jet contrail exceptions are the norm.

1. The climate is too hot and dry
2. The trails are too low
3. Their too big looking from the ground up.
They should be pencil thin
4. Their lasting TOO LONG – If trails in hot and humid
Houston last 30 seconds, how can they be lasting over
an hour and beyond in hot, dry Austin?
Typhoon1244 #3

You said...

Denver...guess what color Continental paints the bellies of its aircraft. Go ahead, guess.

If you said "gray," you're correct


To assume that if the jet belly is gray then its a Continental jet is false. You're still guessing. All gray belly jets are not Continental jets.
Re: Austin time lapse

Denver130 said:

There’s no way according to jet contrail science that those photos represent normal jet contrails unless you deny jet contrail physics or say that jet contrail exceptions are the norm.

1. The climate is too hot and dry
2. The trails are too low
3. Their too big looking from the ground up.
They should be pencil thin
4. Their lasting TOO LONG – If trails in hot and humid
Houston last 30 seconds, how can they be lasting over
an hour and beyond in hot, dry Austin?

Okay. You guys are right. He's a troll. I took him seriously initially, but this post seals it for me.
Austin climate

Heres a few sentences from articles I've read on Austin climate.

Around the San Antonio-Austin region, average temperatures surpass 90 during the summer. Rainfall is also moderate in Central and South Texas. Only four months see precipitation above 3 inches. The relative humidity averages 47 percent.

The area’s low humidity, combined with warm days and cool nights, contributes to the year round comfort of the San Antonio-Austin region. Residents enjoy over 300 sunny days each year.

With an average humidity of 47 percent, would that be high enough to say that figure would fit the term "saturated humidity" which science says you need for jet contrails to form?

By the way, 3 inches of rain over a 4 month span is not a lot of rain to talk about.

So what about the comment that there's a lot of jet contrails now in Austin? There is... just look at ....


It looks like train tracks in the sky. Wet drippy, dispersing jet contrails that just don't want to go away.

Question...question...question....turn over the stones...
the truth is out there.....
must be the chem-exhaust from the illuminati-mobiles spraying my neighborhood.

"illuminati-mobiles" ROFL. dash8driver, that's the funniest thing I've seen on this board in a long time.


It's hard to believe that you take yourself seriously. Your whacko theories would have high school science students laughing at you.
I'm late getting in here, but this is ridiculous...

This guy can't get his OWN facts straight, let alone anyone else's:

originally posted by Denver130
c. Chem Tail: This photo came from Austin, Texas with 15 percent humidity (not 70 percent or saturated humidity) at 95 degrees at noon...
originally posted by Denver130
...Since it was 100 degrees out that particular day when I took the photo...in this arid climate on a normal hot day its between 5 and 10 percent humidity...
originally posted by Denver130
...With an average humidity of 47 percent...
Get your facts (?!) straight before you come in here spouting off this nonsense. As it is, you're making yourself look like a fanatical idiot.

'Nuff said, I'm out.
Re: Typhoon1244 #3

Denver130 said:
To assume that if the jet belly is gray then its a Continental jet is false. You're still guessing. All gray belly jets are not Continental jets.
No, they could also be United or USAir.

And since the military doesn't have any of the type pictured...

I also noticed, upon further inspection, that the trails in that picture are forming slightly ahead of the horizontal stabilizer. That would make it impossible for them to be the result of something being sprayed from the tail.

And as for the climate in Austin, assuming that the 47% average you mentioned is uniform at all altitudes (which is highly unlikely), that's plenty of moisture to form contrails at moderate altitudes (24,000 and above).

It's impressive the way you're undermining your own argument, Denver. Please, continue.
Re: Austin time lapse

Denver130 said:
Its very simple. Average intelligent citizens are seeing trails that don’t fit the definition of jet contrails.
Dude, until a day or two ago you didn't even understand lapse rates. Now you are telling me that you can distinguish between a legit contrail and something else? Exactly how are you qualified to make that determination?

Denver130 said:
1. The climate is too hot and dry
1) What consistutes a climate that is too hot and dry to form a contrail?
2) Are you aware that conditions aloft may differ dramatically from conditions on the ground?
3) Did you actually read a book to get your climate data or even contrail forming data, or did you get it from somebody else's chem trail website?
4) Isn't it true that what you are really doing is letting someone else do your thinking for you?

Denver130 said:
2. The trails are too low
1) As we have asked you repeatedly before, how the hell do you know that these contrails are to low? You have no freaking clue.
2) What emprical data have you read that describes altitudes where contraisl form?
3) Why do you think that certain weather can ONLY happen in some small finitie range? You have heard of FOG, right? You do know that its forms close to THE GROUND, right?

Denver130 said:
3. Their too big looking from the ground up.
They should be pencil thin
1) You do understand that a contrail is nothing more than a cloud, right?
2) You are aware that clouds can grow and expand, right?
3) What would compel you to think that larger contrails are anything other than clouds formed behind a large airplane that have simply expanded or been blown?
4) Why do you think that contrails should be pencil thin? Based on what literature have you made this conclusion?
5) A contrail is a cloud. Clouds, once they form can grow into all shapes and sizes, right?

Denver130 said:
4. Their lasting TOO LONG – If trails in hot and humid
Houston last 30 seconds, how can they be lasting over
an hour and beyond in hot, dry Austin?
1) Ref all my replies to you under number 1.
2) There is no reason whatsoever that contrails must only last 30 seconds. Where did you get this number? On exactly what scientific data did you base your 30 second rule?
3) Have you investigated the winds and temps aloft?

Denver, here's what I see:

You have never bothered to learn about the basics of weather phenomena. You have never subjected your own arguments to several basic logic tests. You use as your sole source of data a forgone conclusion that the only explanation for what you see is some devious government program.

finally, you disregard any fact or question that would force you to conclude that you are wrong.

Now, one final serious question for you. If you are intelectually honest, could you be convinced that every single one of the contrails you show pictures of really was just that - a contrail? Could you allow yourself to be convinced that there was no devious program?

What would it take to convince you?

If you cannot answer these reasonably, then you're a flake.
denver130= liar

I see Denver130 has declined to show proof of his claim that he took his "Chem-Tail" photo on a day in Austin, TX at 95degreesF and 15% relative humidity. If he told the truth about the incident in the first case, a response would have been no problem.

It has become painfully obvious he chose to lie in his claim, and now dissembles. He is toast in so many ways, I cannot count them all.

Jay Reynolds
Contrails- or 'Trails-CON?
main site http://goodsky.homestead.com/index.html
mirror site#1 http://worldzone.net/science/reality2u30/
mirror site#2 http://www.geocities.com/unclejayjay/
Stop reasoning with the monkey, dammit!

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