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CFI expiration date?

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Three BASIC ways to renew a CFI certificate:

1)Taking a practical test for CFI.

2)Complete an approved FIRC.

3)Present a satisfactory student pass rate to FSDO.

So no, the ATP checkride (or any checkride other than that for a CFI) would not count toward the CFI renewal.

There are four, so I corrected your statement......

1. Passing a practical test for ...

(or) Presenting to an authorized FAA Flight Standards Inspector:

2. A record of training students showing - least 80 percent of those students passed that test on the first attempt

3. A record ... showing... in a position involving the regular evaluation of pilots

4. A graduation certificate showing that

But the OP still doesn't know how to find the answer or is too lazy.
Got a ATP certificate back in April of 2008. (CFI was current then) Since I took a practical does my CFI renew because of that? It says on my CFI that it expires in November 2010? Is this true? It would be 24 months from the date of ATP.


I think the only answer for a question like this should be "YES, you are good to GO - I would not do a thing......." Free legal advice - you get what you pay for.

What do you think Mr. Wu????
You can renew by taking an online course for $100-150 thru many companies. Gliem is a decent one. make sure you complete it within 3 months BEFORE your exp date !!

Getting your atp only counts as a BFR and 6 month IFR currency.
And you gave him/her the answer, he still doesn't know how to FIND the answer or is too lazy. You did him no favors. It makes one wonder what he will be teaching a student or other pilots when they seek his "wisdom".

Sometimes it's classic case of a blind leading a blind with some of the instructors out there. I once ran into a CFI who was convinced he could log turbine time on FBO's T-182 (because turbochargers have turbines) and told his students as such. Yikes!
Sometimes it's classic case of a blind leading a blind with some of the instructors out there. I once ran into a CFI who was convinced he could log turbine time on FBO's T-182 (because turbochargers have turbines) and told his students as such. Yikes!

I was reviewing a pilot’s logbook when I noticed he had some B737 PIC time. I asked him how he could have logged PIC time in a B737 when he did not have a B737 type rating........ I think CLASSIC is a good term....not dumb enough for a Darwin award, but not even close enough to consider a "Knowledgeable Professional".

Aviation Law (Regulations) is not an easy read. You have to know how to “speak” FAR (now CFR) to understand exactly what you need to do to remain legal. I think as an industry, Aviation does not teach the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR’s) well. No one enjoyed reading regulations so our instructors glossed over them in ground school. Remember how they read them fast so they could meet the requirement and get done quickly. As a new Instructor, we did the same. The longer the time out of ground school and with the need to maybe learn Part 141, 142, 125, 135, and 121Regulations we start to forget 61 and 91 which still apply in many cases. The Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics do not review all the regs as in Instructor ground school. It really irritates me when Professional Pilots do not even try.

This is an extreme case but true.

An Airman showed up at the office and said he wanted to renew his CFI. I started him on the 8710 and asked if he had any paperwork for me to review. He said “No” and went back to filling out the application. I asked if he had a Graduation Certificate (from a weekend refresher school) or a record of a pass rate. He said “No”. I waited a moment and said “what are you basing your renewal on?” He said “I want to renew my CFI”. I said “I understand that, but you have to base the renewal on one of the items in regulations”. He had a blank look and said “I want to renew my CFI”. I asked him to wait until I got a copy of the regulations. I showed him 61.197 and pointed out the items he can accomplish to base the renewal. He read the reg twice and looked at me and said “I want to renew my CFI”. I said we cannot renew your CFI unless you meet one of the requirements. He looked at me then walked out the door. He started this 15 minutes before closing time on the day of his CFI expiration. By the time he got to his car, his CFI expired.
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I was reviewing a pilot’s logbook when I noticed he had some B737 PIC time. I asked him how he could have logged PIC time in a B737 when he did not have a B737 type rating........ I think CLASSIC is a good term....not dumb enough for a Darwin award, but not even close enough to consider a "Knowledgeable Professional".

Aviation Law (Regulations) is not an easy read. You have to know how to “speak” FAR (now CFR) to understand exactly what you need to do to remain legal. I think as an industry, Aviation does not teach the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR’s) well. No one enjoyed reading regulations so our instructors glossed over them in ground school. Remember how they read them fast so they could meet the requirement and get done quickly. As a new Instructor, we did the same. The longer the time out of ground school and with the need to maybe learn Part 141, 142, 125, 135, and 121Regulations we start to forget 61 and 91 which still apply in many cases. The Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics do not review all the regs as in Instructor ground school. It really irritates me when Professional Pilots do not even try.

This is an extreme case but true.

An Airman showed up at the office and said he wanted to renew his CFI. I started him on the 8710 and asked if he had any paperwork for me to review. He said “No” and went back to filling out the application. I asked if he had a Graduation Certificate (from a weekend refresher school) or a record of a pass rate. He said “No”. I waited a moment and said “what are you basing your renewal on?” He said “I want to renew my CFI”. I said “I understand that, but you have to base the renewal on one of the items in regulations”. He had a blank look and said “I want to renew my CFI”. I asked him to wait until I got a copy of the regulations. I showed him 61.197 and pointed out the items he can accomplish to base the renewal. He read the reg twice and looked at me and said “I want to renew my CFI”. I said we cannot renew your CFI unless you meet one of the requirements. He looked at me then walked out the door. He started this 15 minutes before closing time on the day of his CFI expiration. By the time he got to his car, his CFI expired.

It almost sounds as if the guy thought a CFI renewal is akin to a driver's license renewal where all one has to do is to show up, fill out some forms, and pay a fee... :laugh:

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