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Captain Annoying

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Don't you ********************ing hate those CAs that ask you if you have any hobbies? NO! I don't play with RCs airplanes.
Don't you ********************ing hate those CAs that ask you if you have any hobbies? NO! I don't play with RCs airplanes.

Haha...it's better than the guy I flew with who wouldn't stop talking about prarie dog hunting and the new 9/1 barrel he was getting for his rifle. Had to listen the 3 days of that crap
In both seats, I have frequently made the weird things the other person does into my own entertainment...in the form of screwing with them about it. The best was the captain I flew with my last month as an fo here....staunch liberal and there was no swinging him. He had no actual opinions of his own, but had certainly picked the team he was on. I would talk all kinds of sh!t such as:
How I only vote for republicans because I hate liberals
What a great job I thought W was doing, and how mad it made me that nobody realized Clinton was to blame for most of the country's problems (true statement) When he'd ask me what I was doing for the weekend I'd tell him I was going to find a homosexual to use for a suicide bomber at an abortion clinic...because abortion is wrong according to the bible and homosexuals aren't real people (not true)
I suggested sterilizing people who were on welfare, and only giving them their checks if the passed a pee test first
Saying we'd be better off shooting prisoners because bullets are cheaper than prisons, and besides they always go out and do more bad sh!t when they get released...bad investment of my tax $$$!

Once I had him all wrapped up I'd turn off my intercom and read. That'll teach him to be a grumpy old SOB. I'll be he was counting the days until I was gone and wishing like hell he hadn't tried to brainwash me with his dirt worshipping horse sh!t!

Before all you flame baiters get all riled up, remember I was SCREWING with him..just thought it was funny so don't go attacking the stuff I said, it was only to p!ss him off. It's a shame there are so many people who can't just relax and enjoy flying...and especially that they have to make everyone else suffer.
-Streak out.

Anybody dumb enough to bring up politics at work deserves whatever abuse he gets. Doesn't matter what party he thinks represents him!
I suggested sterilizing people who were on welfare, and only giving them their checks if the passed a pee test first
Saying we'd be better off shooting prisoners because bullets are cheaper than prisons, and besides they always go out and do more bad sh!t when they get released...bad investment of my tax $$$!

You have my vote!

Hmm conservatives who believe in government pee tests and government ordered genocide.

Sounds like the sh*t you figure the liberals are doing with health care.

I subscribe to the party of Smith & Wesson. I suggest you do the same.
When I was a kid, I once asked someone how much they made. My mom then spanked me for being rude. I have probably broken this rule myself before but I should still try to live by it. Other people's finances are no one's business but their own. That also goes both ways. You shouldn't share that info with others unless they are close friends or family.

Remember a long long time ago when society had these little rules called social etiquette?

Guy 1: "How much do you make?"
Guy 2: "None of your damn business!"

Guy 1: "Well I make/don't make...."
Guy 2: "I really don't care."

Q: How much do you do make?

My answer: Less than I'd like and more then they want to pay me. :)
iPhone - Check

iPod - Check

Bose X - No, I don't have the money for it...saving for the Zulu though!

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