I fly into LAS quite a bit and JANET supposedly stands for something like Just Another ....( can't remember the remainder) but they also fly out near SLC. From what I've heard they have moved secret ops from groom lake to this new area which is more difficult to trespass on.
Kind of taking a tangent here, but I personally like "Starcheck" for Airnet and "Waterski" for TWE. I've been out of the loop in St. Louis - does anyone know if they're still using the Waterski callsign anymore on the radio? Just curious...
I believe they are still using the Waterski call sign. I got messed up the other day in MKE because I was told to switch to tower freq after the American jet passed in front of me so I waited for 5 min until the controller told me to switch. Someone forgot to tell me that even though it was painted in TWA colors they are now using the American call sign. I like the call sign Turbo Dog, Packman and some of the other freight companies including mine which is Freight Runner.
Turbo dog has flown into Sprit of St. Louis (SUS) occasionally - mostly at night. I believe they fly freight in Lear 24/25's. I'm almost positive that's right, since I had to give them noise abatment procedures since they were a stage II aircraft.
I used to fly checks at night in a Cherokee-6 for a tiny operation (just the boss and me). There was a company that used the call sign "Fast-Check," and my boss always said he was going to ask the feds if we could be "Slow-Check."
I would bet that Scenic is Scenic Airlines (?) out of LAS. Sightseeing operation for the most part from what I understand. Twin Otters and F-27s. I wouldnt expect to hear them much on center but then I am not familiar with how they operate.
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