I am a CLE FO and could not honestly tell you the last time I departed CLE or any outstation officially late. It has been months. Sure, I've had to wait for an airplane in LEX that is coming from EWR that snowballs the entire day, but even then we are well within the 25 minute turn times and make up as much time as possible.
I am really posting to say the ground crews in CLE are top notch and it's known throughout the CAL system. Again, I don't doubt you were on a late flight, but ground crew delays in CLE are at a minimum. FWIW.
Maybe I'm just an on-time machine.
Maybe, but the last two times out of CLE, we were late. Maybe you should have been in command. Like I said, it had nothing to do with the pilots. Like someone else said, you get what you pay for. Pay someone 10 bucks an hour, and you tend to lose the motivation to get out on time.