Fly91--I'm not trying to pi$$ in your cornflakes but your two friends have serious non-corporate resumes. (Over 10,000 hours and buckets of Int'l. experience on 747's as PIC. At least they can find you cheap beer in Almaty...)
skipro--Here's my take: I know the guys Fly91 is friends with. They did go the zero-time route. They are bringing in some serious bucks. They were also sweating their balls off a few months ago with a 'wet' type and silent phone. You never know how the market will go. Bristol-Meyers just closed, spitting out some experienced GV guys. I don't know what Lucent, I mean, flew but there's some more bodies on the street.
AND, you've got a bunch of airline captains retiring with lots of cash and big dreams--and no qualms about flying for 50% of the going rate for contract guys just to get some beer money.
It is a hard road. I'm not saying don't do it. Fly91 is pointing out how good it can be. I just want to be devil's advocate. I will say that one of the guys he talks to is advising me to hold off from taking the contract route (probably doesn't want the competition...) to see what happens into next year. I have that luxury--for now.
If you do go for it, let us know and there's some info you could use to ease the transition. Good luck. TC
With "skipro's" experience I would recommend he get a type on a mid-size jet like Lear 60/Hawker 800, there's a ton of work in the southeast for those. Friends of mine that do contract flying on those can almost work every day if they wanted to. Challenger 601 is good too.
I was gonna do the G550 with S.Y., the first Simuflite class early this year, but I decided against it just because I can't stand the long haul flying anymore. Did it with S.Y. at Southern Air on the 747 and I got sick of it after 2 years.
It still is mainly who you know though, and I know alot of operators down here in the GV/550 world, I'd fly non-stop if I got the GV/550 type. I'll be getting it with the new company I'm with early next year, so I'll have it anyway, I'm sure I'll do some contract from time to time on my off days.
B.H. is doing really well, S.Y. told me today he's doing 1 mon on/1 month off on the 550. Not bad after just a few months out of school.