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buthole captain

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out of cusiosity, what kind of airplane are we talking about?
Excuse me, but i just read a few of your other posts made here before. You have 500 multi, but still believe you should be captain in a multi crew airplane?

a lot of the stuff i read from you doesn't seem to add up. I don't think i would be very happy with having you sit to the right of me during work hours.

Do you consider yourself God's gift to aviation by any chance?
Gulfstream 200 said:
If one cant run a quick 6 item after takeoff check without getting distracted then one shouldn't be chewing gun, nevermind piloting...
1-2000ft...um...a bit low...yes, but some guys are very impatient, as soon as its cleaned up they call for the list. Just say "I'll get it in a sec" and continue monitoring until you feel comfy doing it.

Once again I'm in agreement with G-200. When I'm the PF and I call for after T/O checks all I want to hear is after T/O checks complete. Maybe a min. or maybe 10 mins., depends on the situation. Hopefully before the 180 check.;)

Bro, I'm glad I fly with the same group as I do. Everything standard once we strap in.
Well I am sorry I ever even posted anything on here. I am offically signing off from this website. You can not post anything on here without getting someone to blast on your question.
Well I am sorry I ever even posted anything on here. I am offically signing off from this website. You can not post anything on here without getting someone to blast on your question.

Bro' I believe some guys post the truth. It may be harsh, but ya' gotta deal with it! When I'm in a pub with a true Irishman, I might slap him in the face for no good reason, doesn't mean I don't love 'im.
Deal with it or be gone!
Hawker rider said:
Excuse me, but i just read a few of your other posts made here before. You have 500 multi, but still believe you should be captain in a multi crew airplane?

a lot of the stuff i read from you doesn't seem to add up. I don't think i would be very happy with having you sit to the right of me during work hours.

Do you consider yourself God's gift to aviation by any chance?

Amen Hawker. God Forbid that Mr KSU 1500 hour wonder pilot should listen to what his Captain is telling him. A Captain never has to be a Captain when he has a good FO and that isn't the case with this Idiot. Sounds like KSU pilot got put in his place and he didn't like it.....Boo Friggin Hoo you punk. I miss flying with wet behind the ears new bies who think they know it all.

You know it, dang low time punks. We should all be shot....... HEHE

I agree with what your saying. Ignoracne/Arogance makes for a very uncomfortable cockpit. (Yes, I can't spell, but its not my fault, its the captains)
Well I am sorryI ever even posted anything on here. I am offically signing off from this website. You can not post anything on here without getting someone to blast on your question.
Later!, much
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