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buthole captain

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Well-known member
Sep 23, 2003
So Iam flying with this buthole captain this week. He has a serious case of Captainitis. I do not feel comfortable being in the cockpit with him. I could sit here and right a four page letter on why I do not feel comfortable but the biggest thing I am trying to get over is his excessive overkill of command and response. The times he wants to do it scares the piss out of me. Give me your thoughts. He has called for the after takeoff check list between 1,00o and 2ooo feet of the ground coming out of busy airports. Today he wanted to talk about comnad and response at 6,000 feet in the climb coming out of a High dentsity Airport and I refused and called out "Sterile Cockpit". What are your thoughts on the commmand and response overkill?


Your after take-off checklist is command and response? The last two places I have worked that one has been a silent read and do by the PNF.

For some reason, the weakest aviators, and the ones who rigidly adhere to SOP seem to be the ones that are the most annoying to fly with and get into the most trouble. I think it is because they throw the other person's rhythm off so bad or alienate them so much, that they are basically flying single pilot.
Look at it this way. You are tasked with getting the aircraft and the pax safely from A to B. If Captain Jackhole feels he needs to nitpick you or tell you how to fly to keep himself in the loop, then so be it. If you lash out and tell him to shove it, then he'll be out of the loop which is not what you and the pax need. I've tried it both ways. It seems to me that taking the longer view has been more effective.
Man, if you've got 15,000 hours, that must be purgatory dealing with that. The term reasonable and common sense just aren't that common anymore.

Good luck!
Last time I flew with a Captain that felt it necessary to nit pick at everything I did I said "your controls". After he took them he asked me why, and I told him I didn't need flight instruction and he could fly the rest of the trip and I would take care of the radios. He said he didn't want to fly all the legs for 4 days, so I told him to keep his opinions to himself unless it involved safety. We got along fairly well after that.
What's wrong with an after takeoff checklist after takeoff? Is it normal procedure to do it as challenge/response where you are flying? High density or not, that is when you do the after takeoff checklist...after takeoff. I can only speak for my airline, but challenge/response on most of the checklists is standard. There are some silent checklists too, but if you can't fly, look out for traffic, and do a checklist then you need more practice. Just my opinion.

The sterile cockpit thing is understandable.

after gear up called, we don't do anything checklist-wise until 10,000. Too many other things going on like departing out of TEB? You are right to be cautiously opinionated towards this guy.
Since when does sterile cockpit mean a checklist can't be read? WTF? Like someone said above there's no reason why a checklist can't be completed while in the departure segment. BTW our after takeoff checklist is a silent one performed by the PNF, but our inrange and landing checklist aren't silent and of course we are below 10K for the landing checklist.
aeronautic1 said:
after gear up called, we don't do anything checklist-wise until 10,000. Too many other things going on like departing out of TEB? You are right to be cautiously opinionated towards this guy.

No after takeoff checklist until through 10,000? sometimes out of TEB that can take 30 mins...

seems a bit excessive. If one cant run a quick 6 item after takeoff check without getting distracted then one shouldn't be chewing gun, nevermind piloting...

1-2000ft...um...a bit low...yes, but some guys are very impatient, as soon as its cleaned up they call for the list. Just say "I'll get it in a sec" and continue monitoring until you feel comfy doing it.

challenge/response, sterile cockpit....its all good -- but lets use some guddam common sense also!
Good grief, 15,000 hours and the after-takeoff checklist above 1000 agl is scary? How the heck do you manage to do the before landing checklist when it's busy and you are at 1500' agl? Next thing you know, he'll call for the after-landing checklist while you are still taxiing in!!! The nerve! (BTW...two T's in butthole, since Tonyc doesn't seem to be paying attention today).
How does the old saying go? The sharpest captains are usually the easiest to get along with. In my experience it sure rings true!

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