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Bush Resignation Hailed By World Leaders

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siucavflight said:
Did you just say that you were making statements without documenting them like Ann Coulter? I do not know if you have ever read one of here books but they are filled with documentaion throughout the entire book.
Yeah but if you look carefully, her end notes often have little or nothing whatsoever to do with the "fact" she's put forward.

Ann is one of those conservative collumnists who claims to want to "raise the bar" of political discourse, then writes a book that is basically a lot of virulent ranting and raving. She lost me when she called Chelsea Clinton "ugly." And let's face it, Chelsea is no Anna K., but she didn't ask to have a a very bright spotlight on her from age 11...

...wait a minute! Why am I having to defend my opinion of Ann Coulter the anyone? She makes Rush look like a serious journalist!
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Have a nice day and thanks for protecting my freedom to criticize you.

Any time, bro! :)

I love these threads. It really brings out the 'passion' many of us have for social and political issues. Of course they usually wind up in a lot of name-calling and finger-pointing, but it's largely hillarious and often quite informative.

Anyone seen Timebuilder? Did I miss his post? He's usually here by now with his Liberal-to-Conservative 'testamony'.


"Join the Commies for Mommy"
"The problem with the world is that the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt." - Bertrand Russell.

"The future of politics won't be a battle so much between liberal and conservative as it will be a battle between moderate and extremist." - Jon Stewart.

"Can't we all just get along." - Rodney King.

'I'm not going to be the first President to lose a war."
- LB Johnson, 1967
- Richard Nixon, 1972

"Give us six months, and if we haven't ended the war by then, you can come back and tear down the White House fence."
- Henry Kissinger to a group of Quakers, March 1969
Typhoon Said:

"Here's the difference between you and me: I love our country the way an adult loves his mother...with great caring and support, but knowing that they haven't always been right (eg. slavery, Indian affairs, U.S.S. Maine, Korea, Chile and Pinochet, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, the environment, etc, etc.). You and the other FoxNews conservatives love our country the way a four year old loves his mother: mommy is good, everything she does is good, and anyone who says otherwise is bad."

Oh, I get it, you are an individual and conservatives are one big group that all think the same. I can inderstand that, simple minds generally have to force complex and varied things into large, homogenous groups in order to not challenge their simplistic and illogical worldview.
I think that it is much more simple than that, judging by some of typoons other posts he thinks that he is always right and everyone else is just stupid.
Typhoon1244 said:
Here's the difference between you and me: I love our country the way an adult loves his mother...
Sorry, Typhoon1244 - judging by this comment, I'd have to say you're not the moderate you claim to be, but a liberal.

Liberals believe the country/government is superior to the individual and individual rights.

Conservatives think the country is made up of individuals, dominated by indiciduals rights, with the country possessing no such superior attributes.

In my eyes, this country *is me*.

Okay, I've had it with politics for a while. Discussions like this are like masterbation...without the big payoff at the end. [/B]
Two things here: 1. The picture you're painting isn't one I care to visit, 2. You sound like you're quoting Clinton's Surgeon General, Joyclyn "safer handgun bullets" Elders.
Liberals believe the country/government is superior to the individual and individual rights.

What?! :eek:

You must be looking at a different encyclopedia than I have.

bart[/i] [B]...simple minds generally have to force complex and varied things into large said:
...judging by some of Typoons other posts he thinks that he is always right and everyone else is just stupid.
...and all this because I have the nerve...the nerve!...to dislike the President of our country. All this because I refuse to be duped into believing that George W. Bush is a "Great Leader." Don't try and understand me. Don't even listen to me! It's easier to malign my character, discredit me, and move on.

Well done.

all of those statements were made based on all of your postings, not just those stating your dislike of the current administration.

You poor pathetic simpleton. Again, lump it all into one big pile so you can fathom the meaning.

Maybe one day you will figure it out...
bart said:
You poor pathetic simpleton. Again, lump it all into one big pile so you can fathom the meaning. Maybe one day you will figure it out...
It would be impressive to see how well you could debate an issue if you didn't have to resort to insults and name-calling. Maybe that's the best you can do...

I've noticed you haven't even attempted to refute the most important issue I raised in this entire thread. It was easier for you to call me pathetic...that relieved you of the responsibility of thinking. Again, well done!

(Let me know if you can't figure it out...I'll give you a hint.)

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