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Bush Resignation Hailed By World Leaders

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Dinner is still not ready...

Maureen Dowd is looking for you.

By the way, MSNBC slants even further left than CNN.
if you didn't have to resort to insults and name-calling.

Agreed Typhoon ...

If you go back and look at all the political threads of the past year, it's quite obvious that the Chickenhawks are generally the name callers, the folks who are first to get personal when they are upset. Go look ... it's pretty sad. It's as if reasoned, intelligent debate among mature, educated, professionals somehow eludes them.

If someone from another country, who knew little about American politics, were reading the political 'debates' here they'd logically conclude that right-wingers are rabid, obnoxious, automatons loudly and rudely proclaiming the gospel according to those who are selling our personal liberty down the river, selling our economy out to the lowest bidder, selling their souls to big business fat cats in order to line their own pockets, and sending our sons and daughters to die for oil money.

And they'd be right on the money. :eek:

"It's a sorry world ... and getting sorrier every day that the foxes are guarding the hen-house."
Snakum said:
If someone from another country, who knew little about American politics, were reading the political 'debates' here they'd logically conclude that right-wingers are rabid, obnoxious, automatons loudly and rudely proclaiming the gospel according to those who are selling our personal liberty down the river, selling our economy out to the lowest bidder, selling their souls to big business fat cats in order to line their own pockets, and sending our sons and daughters to die for oil money.
On the other hand, they are very snappy dressers... :D

(Maureen Down and I are having dinner tonight...wanna come over?)
chawbein said:
P.S. My father was dirt-poor. He managed to find a spot in the guard when his draft number was about to come up. Nobody in their right mind would have wanted to be an infantry conscript in that big sh!t-@ss mess. Thank you so much LBJ.

Met him once, LBJ, gave me a little medal. Didn't want to be infantry draftee, joined up, then volunteered for jump school, then Special Forces. Good decision. Lost lots of good friends, real friends, the kind you can bet your life on, because they are betting on you. Unfortunately, some lost that bet. Fortunately, I didn't.

Presidents have a tough job. Eveyone blames govt, but mostly govt is a bunch of people doing what they think is necessary to get by. Best folks are upper echelon, but they have little influence on the mediocre civil servants that make all our lives hell.

Smaller govt would be a good thing, except the civil servants couldn't survive in the real world, and we couldn't afford the unemployment, and in reality, it's all about power, so the more people you have working for you, the bigger the budget, the more power you have. No one is going to give that up.

Oh, and while we are so far off topic, I don't understand the religion thing. I mean, Moses pre-dated Muhammed, and Jesus, and is a fundamental tenent of all religions , so when he came down from the mountain with the tablets, I thought it said "though shalt not kill". I didn't think it meant "though shall not kill unless you live in northern ireland, in which case it's okay to kill protestants if you are catholic", or, "though shall not kill unless you are jewish, in which case it is okay to kill muslims", or any of a hundred variations on the above. Now, I have, but we called it war. Doesn't make it any more right.

We try to apply our western mores to people who do not share them. And then are suprised when they don't.
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Maureen Down and I are having dinner tonight...wanna come over?)
I'm there dude! :D

joined up, then volunteered for jump school, then Special Forces.
Me too. But they wouldn't let me out of the Mech Infantry, unfortunately. :D

Minh "4187 for Everything" Thong
(Former Pseudo Candy-striper, 10th Special Forces - Bad Tolz)
No candy stripper, got the real thing. 6th and 5th, then back to 6th.
I begged, pleaded, and filled out 4187s till my COs (both units) told me to "Cool it!". Still a no go for a Q-School slot. At the time, the only way to get to JFK was to re-enlist under the BEAR program.

I just heard on NPR that recruiters can now sign a young, patriotic 'career-changer' up to go to Q-School immediately after Infantry School. They're getting alot of sharp, late-twenty somethings who want to give back to their country and have a little adventure before returning to cubicles in the business world.

A good deal! Wish I was 20-something again. :D

Snakum said:
Wish I was 20-something again. :D
Don't we all.

That is, we all wish we were twenty...not just you. ;)

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