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Buffett Bites Back at NetJets Pilot Complaints

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Here is my definition of a Thug in this context. Anyone who would coerce anybody else to do something is a Thug. Anyone who plans to mistreat anybody for the rest of his career for not doing what you want, is a Thug. If you do NOT intend to do these things, you are not a Thug, and thanks for that. Diesel is a Thug, and proud of it, and shame on him. I think meanness and coercion are not things to be proud of. If I joined the strike because I believed it was the right thing to do, and you did not, I would not mistreat you for a second, nor coerce you to join us on the picket line. It is perfectly ok to disagree with me about the efficacy of unions, but to act on that belief with bad behavior is thuggish.
If the final contract offer we get is a bad deal, I will be joining y'all on the picket line. It will feel strange, and my Dad would be shocked, but there you have it. I think the pilot shortage will help our negotiating team get us a good deal, so I doubt a strike will be necessary.


All I see is a lot of I's in there.

But you can bet if you get called in for a PRB you'll be using the term WE pretty damn quick.

Thug whatever makes you sleep better at night for screwing your fellow pilots.
What's sad about G4 is he can't see how the company is coercing him and manipulating him, by him buying into the "you gotta help the team out boys" cry from management.

He's a simpleton, nothing more. We've all seen them and their pathetic supporting roles in life. Sad characters that think their work ethic is superior,never to be educated or swayed, then in the end they are handed a pile of crap to eat. It'll be fun watching him 10-12 months from now when the reality of his pathetic existence comes to fruition.

He reminds me of Ash in Alien....

At the beginning of the film, Ash is depicted as quiet and logical, greatly adherent to company regulations. However, he breaks quarantine protocol (disobeying Ripley, the ship's ranking officer, in the process) and allows the infected Kane aboard the mining ship, seemingly out of compassion, and is later seen marvelling at the creature attached to him.
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What's sad about G4 is he can't see how the company is coercing him and manipulating him,

He sees the union thugs but not the management thugs and intimidation....

Just wish he would read A Union Buster confesses...

Union thuggery can hold no candle to management thuggery and intimidation of workers
He sees the union thugs but not the management thugs and intimidation....

Just wish he would read A Union Buster confesses...

Union thuggery can hold no candle to management thuggery and intimidation of workers

I think I will read that book.

All I see is a lot of I's in there.

But you can bet if you get called in for a PRB you'll be using the term WE pretty damn quick.

Thug whatever makes you sleep better at night for screwing your fellow pilots.

I agree with some of the things unions, especially in house unions, bring to the mix. I abhore the coercion of fellow members that accompanies the good stuff.
I abhore the coercion of fellow members that accompanies the good stuff.
You are not allowed to do that, you must be beat into silence like most of the other pilots at NJ who share your views. It is not about issues, it is personal it is about you because you dare to speak out. The name calling, insults and slamming will continue until you are silenced.
I agree with some of the things unions, especially in house unions, bring to the mix. I abhore the coercion of fellow members that accompanies the good stuff.

Not sure why you're so hung up about "coercion".

There is no coercion going on. All I see are attempts to educate. We are not the unions of old. No one is going to key your car or TP your front yard or break your kneecaps to get you to get in line.

Are you referring to how scabs are treated? Sorry, that's not coercion. That's called "consequences". Yes, there is a big difference.

Coercion involves actions that try to force you to take or participate in certain actions. In other words, if you refuse to picket, or even choose to become a scab, coercion would involve something like "You will join in or we'll break your legs/ steal your paycheck/release the secret video of you with that farmer's cow.".

Consequences happen after the fact. When all is settled and done with the strike, what happens to you then are the consequences. There is no coercion as the act which we wanted you to join with is over.

Having your license suspended after violating the FAR's is not coercion. It's consequences. No one will try to stop you from violating the FAR's. It's your choice. But there are consequences for it. You can say hateful things like, "All African-Americans should be hung." (well, I hope someone would coerce you into not making that public statement) but the likely backlash you would receive from most folks would be the consequences, not coercion.

You can cross a picket line and scab, but your treatment after the strike is over is not coercion, it's consequences. If you can't see the difference, then there's no hope for you.

You just don't like the consequences, so like a child you try to deny they are "consequences", play the victim and say it's "coercion".

We are trying to educate you about the consequences of making a bad choice. You don't like those consequences. Fine. You don't have to. They are what they are. Even Diesel, who can be a bit rough with you, is only trying to tell you what the results will be of crossing a picket line. Rather than say, "Okay, I now understand the consequences and still freely choose to scab even knowing the consequences much as I don't like them. I accept the results of my actions and stand by them." you prefer to say, "You're just trying to bully or coerce me into doing what the union wants.". It's a stance that essentially takes no personal responsibility and is in complete denial of the consequences.

By telling you how scabs are treated is not coercion anymore than telling you what the likely results will be of running a red light at a busy intersection.

We're trying to PROTECT you from bad consequences (yes, and hopefully garner your full support for a better contract as it will take the vast majority of us working together to accomplish it) and you call it being "thugs".

Hopefully, even if you don't agree with a strike and won't actively picket with us, you'll at least not cross the picket line. Time will tell.
Is it coercion to try and stop a friend from cheating on his or her significant other? Is it coercion to suggest a certain purchase may be over the top? Both "legal" activities, but both wrong. Crossing a picket line is just wrong. Calling someone a thug who is trying to convince you of what many consider obvious is just one more example of someone trying to justify their behavior.
Is it coercion to try and stop a friend from cheating on his or her significant other? Is it coercion to suggest a certain purchase may be over the top? Both "legal" activities, but both wrong. Crossing a picket line is just wrong. Calling someone a thug who is trying to convince you of what many consider obvious is just one more example of someone trying to justify their behavior.

I give up. Enjoy your message board.
I give up. Enjoy your message board.

But you've made such great arguments to support the reason why you should be able to SCAB and still be treated like a normal human being after.....

Were you involved on the townhall meeting yesterday? Lots of good info and all you had to do was dial a phone number.

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