You might as well add a 30-40% job reduction system wide as redundancies and unprofitable routes are eliminated.
Airlines are already doing this. (FUEL) ][/COLOR]
Don't forget to include the economic collapse of small to medium sized cities that lose all or most of their airline service. Businesses close up and move out. Tourism dies up.
[COLOR="red"] Medford, OR is the latest example of airlines pulling out of smaller cities. (Not profitable). [/COLOR]
Next, it should be fun to watch all those people in congress and those "airline managers" arrested for graft and racketeering as they try to "acquire" influence on capitol hill.
Did you just come to America?
And lastly. I'm sure you'll be happy as your airfares increase 20%,
Just went up $20 more today...what is that??...50% increase total since last year?
or so, overnight for an advanced purchase fare as dictated by some unelected official that would determine the "fare market value" of the ticket. Don't forget the boarding "tax" Taxes are out of control as it is.that would be levied to make sure that whatever airlines are left get "support" from the gubmint to ensure service. And, you know that money will disappear in the greater budget for some unknown reason.
Capitalism would work better if left unfettered. Let the weak die and be eaten by the rest. You can blame Pelosi, and Boxer for that as they couldn't stand KSFO getting any less busy. They're the leaders in making sure that UAL stays (stayed) aloft. Feel free to blame the Repubs too. They're just as guilty. I remember seeing Sen. Kay Bailey and the Cong. from Ennis/Waxahatchee (forgot his name), both GOP, publicly lobbying against the repeal of the Wright amendment. Wanna know why? AMR was in their pockets with campaign donations.
Go back to school and learn some economics.
Everything you just tried to use that supported your argument for de-regulation is already happening as apart of the "free-enterprise you speak about. There are some industries where a government control does work better. This is one of them. It would mean better pay, better working conditions and a solid, committed schedule. No more undercutting LCC's.