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Best View Limiting Device?

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2002
I'm about to start instrument training and I just want to find the best view limiting device. What did everyone use? So far I have tried the ASA's gray hood and that was ok... but I was looking and saw some device that clips on glasses and flips up if need be. Thanks
Probably not what you are looking for, but in my limited experience, I think the Francis IFR hood is the best. I think it's too easy to cheat with the Jiffy hood and Foggles.

Good Luck.

Francis Hood
I've used the francis IFR hood. That blocks everything out.

If you wear glasses, it's a little uncomfortable due to it pushing back on the glasses. I have also tried on (but not in flight) some from VIBAN. Here is a link to what they look like. They felt quite comfortable.

mocaman said:
I'm about to start instrument training and I just want to find the best view limiting device.


:D :D :D

My vote goes to Foggles. I found them much more comfortable to wear for long periods during training. As an instructor I much preferred them as they didn't limit my outside view as much when I was looking across the students side for traffic. I don't buy the cheating argument. With any of the devices cheating is possible.

The Francis hood can be a pain to remove if you wear glasses, especially right at the DH when you're trying to doing a few things at once. I started with glasses, but switched to my contacts whenever I wear the hood. Works great.
KickSave said:
Best view limiting device? A cumulous cloud!

No, I had a DE bust my chops for using those Jepp flip up shades. He said they were too easy to cheat, they don't completely block the view. He recomended a full hood type, like this Jiffyhood


I bought one of those two days ago. If your hat size is greater than 7 1/2 then it is too small.
I use foggles.

Then every-other lesson or so, to make sure they aren't looking up, I take a sectional and put it in front of their side of the windshield, and a piece of paper on the left side of the windshield so they have no peripheral either. Used it today in fact. No cheating there, unless they look out the side window, and I'll notice that (hopefully).
labbats said:
I use foggles.

Then every-other lesson or so, to make sure they aren't looking up, I take a sectional and put it in front of their side of the windshield, and a piece of paper on the left side of the windshield so they have no peripheral either. Used it today in fact. No cheating there, unless they look out the side window, and I'll notice that (hopefully).

Wouldn't that affect your ability to be the "see & avoid" guy?

Not flaming, just wondering, b/c it sounds like a cool idea.

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