My first job out of high school was ag work (crop dusting). Since that time I've done everything from spray illegal crops to emergency medical to aerial firefighting in every form, to towing banners, gliders, and tossing skydivers, and other duties involving some element of pressure, certain hazards (ranging from people shooting to high winds, extreme turbulence, high density altitudes, numerous low level obstacles, and other threats).
In my experience, banner towing is hardly anywhere near the top of the list, or even the bottom of the list, when it comes to hazards, risks, or danger. It's a slow, simple, easy job. True enough, mishaps occur, but by and large these are the result of inexperience and poor pilot techniques and practices, as well as poor maintenance practices...and are hardly the fault of banner towing.
Again, a poor carpenter blames his tools. One who blames banner towing for one's misadventures is misplacing the blame, and making a ringing condemnation on one's self.
In my experience, banner towing is hardly anywhere near the top of the list, or even the bottom of the list, when it comes to hazards, risks, or danger. It's a slow, simple, easy job. True enough, mishaps occur, but by and large these are the result of inexperience and poor pilot techniques and practices, as well as poor maintenance practices...and are hardly the fault of banner towing.
Again, a poor carpenter blames his tools. One who blames banner towing for one's misadventures is misplacing the blame, and making a ringing condemnation on one's self.