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Backlash grows against full-body scanners in airports

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Then why don't you move to Europe if everyone is so fat and ugly here? Better yet, move to Cuba you whiny pissant.

:blush: FATTY SPOTTED! :blush:
When I am standing in line at security I always love to count how many TSA clowns are working each line. My record so far is 14 for 2 x ray machines. Then for more fun add up the combined salaries I estimate average salary of 40,000 per year x 14 TSAers=560,000 x 2 shifts equals 1,120,000 per checkpoint per year. Those are probably conservative numbers also and people wonder why we are nearly insolvent as a country.
When I am standing in line at security I always love to count how many TSA clowns are working each line. My record so far is 14 for 2 x ray machines. Then for more fun add up the combined salaries I estimate average salary of 40,000 per year x 14 TSAers=560,000 x 2 shifts equals 1,120,000 per checkpoint per year. Those are probably conservative numbers also and people wonder why we are nearly insolvent as a country.

You can thank the 'small government, fiscally conservative' Republicans for that.
Now...I may be ill-informed, or just plain ill... :(, but I was under the distinct impression that the TSA bill was being charged to the airlines. If that is not the case, I stand corrected.​

However, if it is still true that the airlines are picking up the TSA tab,....my latter condition remains. In that case, the government not only chooses how many (ridiculous (cost be doomed) number) employees man those stations,...but also what their pay and benefits are, at the airlines expense.​

Profit sharing...:erm:...an overstated, outdated concept in this lackluster business.​

I think I'm getting more ill by the day...:puke:​

On the brighter side, next time you're being body scanned, at least it's by a fellow airline employee...smile :), after all,.. their just "fambly" ;)...:eek:
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