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Backlash grows against full-body scanners in airports

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These machines are the reason while I'll prolly get hired by TSA within the next few months. Sure does beat the unemployment line.
I opted out once while traveling in civilian clothes on a bought ticket. When I told the agent I didn't want to go through, she asked, "why not?" I told her I had privacy and health concerns. She pointed at a picture where you could clearly see the penis and said, "That's what the person in the back sees." She then proceeded to tell me that I an exposed to more radiation in the air than in the machine. I replied I still didn't want to go through, and she starts over with "why not?" I then said, "Let me make this simple on you, I am not going through the machine. Do the alternate screening. This is not my first rodeo. I know the machine is optional." She made it obvious to me that she did not appreciate me not going through.
I opted out once while traveling in civilian clothes on a bought ticket. When I told the agent I didn't want to go through, she asked, "why not?" I told her I had privacy and health concerns. She pointed at a picture where you could clearly see the penis and said, "That's what the person in the back sees." She then proceeded to tell me that I an exposed to more radiation in the air than in the machine. I replied I still didn't want to go through, and she starts over with "why not?" I then said, "Let me make this simple on you, I am not going through the machine. Do the alternate screening. This is not my first rodeo. I know the machine is optional." She made it obvious to me that she did not appreciate me not going through.

You should have requested her personally to do your pat down. I agree I won't go through one of these. I don't care if it emits less radiation than flying. Even if it does, we spend a lot of time exposed in the air and around cancer causing products like jet fuel. We don't need to get another strike against us.
And...how comfortable are you in taking off your clothes in front of somebody?? Saw one of these machines operating in Omaha several weeks ago. Watched as several middle-aged ladies went thru the process...I don't think they had a clue what was going on! The two side posts obviously didn't didn't have a human being in them, as they were each about as big as half a port-o-potty, but through questioning, found out that the TSA "viewer" was in a viewing room well clear of the security area. Very innocuous in making you feel comfortable. (!!?!?!:eek:)
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I'd say that a lot of TSA agents are going to have permanent disabilities and mental problems later on from constantly viewing the 90% of Americans that are obese fat-ass butt-ugly pigs.
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I'd say that a lot of TSA agents are going to have permanent disabilities and mental problems later on from constantly viewing the 90% of Americans that are obese fat-ass butt-ugly pigs.

All we can do is hope....

I'm making a Twinkie run right now to do my part!
I'd say that a lot of TSA agents are going to have permanent disabilities and mental problems later on from constantly viewing the 90% of Americans that are obese fat-ass butt-ugly pigs.

Please don't give them any more ideas! The next thing you know they will be getting in-line to receive the disability that our more than deserving troops are receiving for suffering from PTSD. If you look at the majority of them, we are already going to be paying for their poor health with our tax dollars anyway.

Unfortunately, these are the times we live in now. Don't like it, don't fly. I'd rather an inconvenience then the alternative. I can't stand the flying public most times.
yea that will be good for the load factors and future employment in the industry. TSA is a farce, other countries have figured out this security thing, why can't we? Oh! I forget it would involve profiling and that might offend someone. BTW and looking at people through this machine doesn't?
It keeps a female scanner to females and males to males.
but what about gay's?, would we need four lines #1 straight female viewing straight female, #2 straight male viewing straight male, #3 gay female viewing straight gay male, #4 gay male viewing straight female. But what if someone lied on his or her application about his or her sexual orientation? I mean what if a straight male pretended to be a transsexual lesbian in order in line #4? Come to think it would fit right in with TSA, forget it.

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