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Backlash grows against full-body scanners in airports

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Listen if it were up to me everyone I saw who made me wonder would be searched and sent through the machine

I'm sure you would. You have made it abundantly clear that your job is a result of the use of these machines.

but unfortunately PC is the name of the game now.

If that is true, then why no outcry from the usual groups of "community activists" and government organizations over these machines? Again, profile=bad and violation of rights, but strip-searching with this machine is ok? Why aren't they fighting 'em tooth and nail? Something doesn't add up.
I'm sure you would. You have made it abundantly clear that your job is a result of the use of these machines.

If that is true, then why no outcry from the usual groups of "community activists" and government organizations over these machines? Again, profile=bad and violation of rights, but strip-searching with this machine is ok? Why aren't they fighting 'em tooth and nail? Something doesn't add up.

What do you want from me? I received a job from the machine and I'm happy. I'll make a decent salary for the little work I'll do and that's it. I'm not going to argue my existence at work just because I don't agree with it all. Piss off seriously.
Then why don't you move to Europe if everyone is so fat and ugly here? Better yet, move to Cuba you whiny pissant.

Because somebody has to be here and work to pay for all the diabetes, amputations, heart disease, lung problems, knee and hip replacements, and scooter chairs (at "no cost" to them) for all the blimps waddling around Walmart in their stretched shorts, shower shoes, and wife-beater T-shirts.
I get frustrated too having to take shoes off and pull laptops out. I understand, but if this is what it takes to be safe I'll gladly do it regardless of it giving me a job. BTW it will be nice to finally earn a somewhat decent wage, and go figure my aviation degree may finally payoff with moving up the ranks quicker.

If you really think the TSA is making us any safer than before 9/11 then I am truly sorry for you.
Considering how many times they have found guns, knives etc. etc. I think that does make us safer than if they didn't check at all. For you to think otherwise makes me sorry for you.
Considering how many times they have found guns, knives etc. etc. I think that does make us safer than if they didn't check at all. For you to think otherwise makes me sorry for you.

No one will allow a flight to be hijacked with a knife gain. If the cockpit doors are adequately strong, a gun will not hijack a plane either.

Toothpaste, hairspray, coke and water bottles have not and will NEVER hijack a plane. They lose all credibility.
No you are right, but I've seen passengers fight other passengers if that person was crazy enough and was able to have a knife or gun on them they could harm another passenger more so than using their fists. Forget about hijackings for the moment. TSA was not just put in place for terrorist/hijackings, but safety for all passengers.
Wow, people are so uptight. Go through the scanner and get on the airplane. Stop whining, stop complaining. Are you really that concerned some stranger, male or female, in some other room, who has no idea who you are, who you will most likely never meet, who looks at hundreds, if not thousands of images a day, may get a 2 second chuckle out of your image before it is time to view the next one?

No wonder we are losing the ability to function as a society.
No you are right, but I've seen passengers fight other passengers if that person was crazy enough and was able to have a knife or gun on them they could harm another passenger more so than using their fists. Forget about hijackings for the moment. TSA was not just put in place for terrorist/hijackings, but safety for all passengers.

So why not ban guns and knives in public too?

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