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B19 Flyer

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Ahh.. yes I do....
Originally Posted by fischman
Another lie by B19. He does not work for a 121 carrier.

Ahh.. yes I do.... and with the exception of two years consulting for fracs, I've worked in 121 for over two decades.

But you know that anyway.. and the beautiful thing here is that I've never told a single lie on these boards. You guys just can't believe that the union attitude is so far out of touch with real management.

Everything I write is what management truly thinks but will never state because they can't and it's not politically correct. They need to protect the entire company so they have to pull back and can't express their opinions openly as I can through my experience. I was muzzled too when I was in that position.

Unions don't care about anybody thinks. They are greedy, selfish and will use any method to achieve their goals. They don't care who they hurt or how bad the damage is.

Yes, fischman I work in 121. I'm proud of being non-union and the fact that I care more about the big picture of company, family than unions do.
Be careful what you ask for...
actually Bob I dont read your posts. Just checked your posting history when I heard you where on vacation and wanted to see if it lined up. AND IT DID!!. I couldnt stand you when I was there and I am anxiously waiting for the day that you get booted on the street. Gives me a little pleasure knowing that I am the one that pretty much confirmed your identity. Oh and be careful what you say I am good friends with someone that works with you everyday. Thats why my sources are so accurate. You never know who your real friends are. Hows it feel to live like that? Really must chaffed you to be outtted by a snobby NJ captain..
Ahh.. yes I do.... and with the exception of two years consulting for fracs, I've worked in 121 for over two decades.

But you know that anyway.. and the beautiful thing here is that I've never told a single lie on these boards. You guys just can't believe that the union attitude is so far out of touch with real management.

Everything I write is what management truly thinks but will never state because they can't and it's not politically correct. They need to protect the entire company so they have to pull back and can't express their opinions openly as I can through my experience. I was muzzled too when I was in that position.

Unions don't care about anybody thinks. They are greedy, selfish and will use any method to achieve their goals. They don't care who they hurt or how bad the damage is.

Yes, fischman I work in 121. I'm proud of being non-union and the fact that I care more about the big picture of company, family than unions do.
You are a LIAR! If you work at a 121 carrier, why do you only post your anti-union drivel on the Fracs forum? Why not on the majors forum? I've already heard your lies about being on the 91k team, you have multiple screen names, and that you have friends who work for fracs. BULL. All LIES.

Prove me wrong. Start posting your anti-union crap on the 121 forums.

No. You do NOT work for a 121 carrier. I searched the DOT. There are NONE that meet the descriptions you provided. You are a LIAR.
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Why are you so obsessed about me?

You are a LIAR! If you work at a 121 carrier, why do you only post your anti-union drivel on the Fracs forum? Why not on the majors forum? I've already heard your lies about being on the 91k team, you have multiple screen names, and that you have friends who work for fracs. BULL. All LIES.

Prove me wrong. Start posting your anti-union crap on the 121 forums.

No. You do NOT work for a 121 carrier. I searched the DOT. There are NONE that meet the descriptions you provided. You are a LIAR.

Really. You're also funny and why are you so obsessed about me?

I do post on other forums, but I don't ever venture beyond this forum on fliteinfo because I know how I get stalked. You look on other forums and other sites such as airlinepilotcentral and you'll find me there. My style is no different, just a different screen name.

As a union member, you don't want to hear the truth of management. You want to believe that you and your bretheren are loved and adored. Not true fischman. Unions are despised by management because they create situations that can bring doom, turmoil and financial ruin to a well run company.

Unions are only good for union members, and that is questionable at best. I've seen many union members get cast aside by the "forget the bottom third and save the pay and work rules for the top two/thirds" mentality of unions that you so adore. If you were on that bottom third, I have confidence that you would feel quite so secure with your CBA and the union attitude.

There are international carriers without unions fischman. I know because I work for one.

Everything I've stated is true. I was on the work group drafting the rules that eventually became 91K. I worked directly with Katherine and the folks in the FAA who were tasked with creating a formal package to remove the "cowboy" operators.

And furthermore, the funniest thing of all to me is that I have been truthful and people like you think I'm lying. I've worked for charter 135 through legacy and all points in-between. Not by choice because of unions, but it is what it is.

Your disbelief is fine with me because it just feeds my laughter.

You can't believe it's true.. so don't. I haven't a thing to prove to you or anybody else.

Either way, your union will eventually fail you and you will blame management because it's the union way.

You are the type of guy that can't believe you can't pay your mortgage because you bought more house than you could afford, or too much car. Yes fischman, you are the type of guy that will never believe or admit that your CBA was too much for the company too afford so you will blame management. When was the last time any union took responsibility for a problem? Has it ever happened? I can't remember ever where it has, but management always has to step up to the plate to fix whatever has gone wrong and take it on the chin.

All those union members that will get hurt in the upcoming months from the greed of the CBA will not blame the economy, they will blame the company and say it was mismanaged regardless of the what is happening in the rest of the country.

The funniest thing of all is that the union will not adjust the contract fischman. It will keep in where it is and blame the company when times get tight and it becomes difficult to pay for.

No fischman, I'm not a liar, just somebody that has been there and experienced the union pain first hand and is not scared to pass my experiences on to anybody that cares to listen.
Your a Liar you been caught and you sound like the desperate pathetic POS that you are. Your house of cards are crumbling
Really. You're also funny and why are you so obsessed about me? I like ousting LIARS.

I do post on other forums, but I don't ever venture beyond this forum on fliteinfo because I know how I get stalked. You look on other forums and other sites such as airlinepilotcentral and you'll find me there. My style is no different, just a different screen name. Go post yourself a thread on the 121 forums here on FI.com. I want to read it.

As a union member, you don't want to hear the truth of management. I am very familiar with the truth of management. You want to believe that you and your bretheren are loved and adored. Not true fischman. Unions are despised by management because they create situations that can bring doom, turmoil and financial ruin to a well run company. Then why does NetJets management use the union as a marketing tool for safety???

Unions are only good for union members, and that is questionable at best. That is why it is called a UNION. It serves the DUES paying members. I've seen many union members get cast aside by the "forget the bottom third and save the pay and work rules for the top two/thirds" mentality of unions that you so adore. If you were on that bottom third, I have confidence that you would feel quite so secure with your CBA and the union attitude. It's the Union way. Seniority rules.

There are international carriers without unions fischman. I know because I work for one. Really??? WHICH ONE?

You can't believe it's true.. so don't. I haven't a thing to prove to you or anybody else. If you want credibility you do.

Either way, your union will eventually fail you and you will blame management because it's the union way. How will that happen? The only way a union can "fail" is if it stops serving the best interest of it's members. the NetJets pilots have successfully ousted 2 unions that did not have our best interest at heart. As long as there are people like myself, flylow, CA1900, and BeeDubya to keep the leadership honest failure is not a possibility.
You are the type of guy that can't believe you can't pay your mortgage because you bought more house than you could afford, or too much car. Never been late on a car or mortgage payment. Try again. Yes fischman, you are the type of guy that will never believe or admit that your CBA was too much for the company too afford so you will blame management. If they couldn't afford it, why did they sign it?

The funniest thing of all is that the union will not adjust the contract fischman. .

That is why it is called a "contract".
If you were on that bottom third, I have confidence that you would feel quite so secure with your CBA and the union attitude.

I'm in the bottom third, and would rather be temporarily out of work from a well-paying job, than be continuously employed at a mediocre one.

You are the type of guy that can't believe you can't pay your mortgage because you bought more house than you could afford...

No, he's the type of guy who can actually afford a mortgage because of collective bargaining. My last job was non-union, and was nothing but turmoil.

The funniest thing of all is that the union will not adjust the contract fischman. It will keep in where it is and blame the company when times get tight and it becomes difficult to pay for.

The salary of the pilots has no bearing on the number of them that the company needs.
we dont make enough money to "alter" the contract to give money back. I can't tell you the specfics because of confidentiality laws, but, our contract don't even register on the bottom line.....it's that small.

The money we make now IS for the bad times......when things get good then we can maybe get some more money.

Bring it on
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Labor and fuel.

we dont make enough money to "alter" the contract to give money back. I can't tell you the specfics because of confidentiality laws, but, our contract don't even register on the bottom line.....it's that small.

The money we make now IS for the bad times......when things get good then we can maybe get some more money.

Bring it on

Two largest expenses for any entity operating aircraft: Labor and fuel.

It's laughable that you think your contract doesn't register on the bottom line...
Yep and our labor is paid for by our owners and cardholders in their contracts. Don't worry, it's covered.

So really B, why no posts in the 121 forums? You seem to have quite the impressive background in 121; I think you're doing the airline forum a disservice by not sharing your vast amount of knowledge there.

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