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ASTAR'S Race to the Bottom

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OK all let me state for the record my post was in jest. I was kidding when I said (tongue in cheek) we should let an all Airbus operator have the new 767. But how far from reality would it be. Look how DHL has screwed the U.S. ops. Not going to get into the whole ABX / Astar argument but before the Germans both of us were better off. They have driven away customers. Ignored advice on startups. The only smart move was moving to ILN due to the fact that DHL was the red headed stepchild of the CVG airport. See previous post by MXer. Short of the good decision to come to the cornfield they have screwed up most everything else on the air side. The new hub starting up overnight without a test run, brilliant idea. I bet that guy got a promotion. Not having the vision to re fleet Astar with fuel efficient A/C, brilliant. Taking paid for DC9 and parking them and then through stooping a 727 two or three times, brilliant.

As I said before the jist of my earlier post was supposed to be in fun, but Euro is wound a little too tight. I mean no offense but lets do get you over here and get some beer into you, maybe even a nice corn fed local girl to take your mind off of things for a while........:beer:
FWIW AVIATRIX, You would be the one who needs to start asking more questions prior to posting trash about another airline - trash addressed to "all pilots and union members" and posted on not one but three widely read message boards. And when YOU "get your head out of your backside" you will find that ASTAR pilots are indeed defensive when we are grossly slandered and are guilty of nothing you accused us of.

I've gotten several emails that you had an "emergency" meeting the other night to take a vote on whether to continue down the path of reduced pay for aircraft. My understanding is that it was voted down. But just the fact , alone, that you were voting on such a proposal confirms my original post.
No it fcuking doesn't Aviatrix. It means that management put a proposal on the table and the guys on the coal face rejected it. That has nothing at all to do with the jest of your post, namely that ASTAR guys were willing to take a pay-cut to operate some shiny new metal.

The industry would like to thank you, especially if you crawled back to the hole you came from and stayed there for a while. Like eternity.
I've gotten several emails that you had an "emergency" meeting the other night to take a vote on whether to continue down the path of reduced pay for aircraft. My understanding is that it was voted down. But just the fact , alone, that you were voting on such a proposal confirms my original post.

Look Aviatrix, whoever is "giving" you this information is f*&ked up. There was no "emergency" meeting to take a "vote". Sorry, just didn't happen. Our MEC at a regular meeting showed the pilot group what was proposed and rejected by our MEC.

Go find some Midol and get over it.
Aviatrix, your source is giving you incorrect information. It is simply not true. Check it out. Yes, we had a union meeting is all that is correct.
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I've gotten several emails that you had an "emergency" meeting the other night to take a vote on whether to continue down the path of reduced pay for aircraft. My understanding is that it was voted down. But just the fact , alone, that you were voting on such a proposal confirms my original post.

Trix, you are just ill informed. Like the man said, we had a meeting the other night, (by the way we also discussed flight pay loss issues for our MEC reps, THAT was an actual discussion!), our our MEC BRIEFED the pilot group on what the company proposed and what OUR MEC REJECTED! What, did one of the Elks Lodge serving staff brief you? THAT is what happened. End of story. But you got on at least three different message boards, didn't ask us any questions, and went was of half cocked with rumor and conjecture as though it was FACT.

Truth is darlin, you owe us a friggin apology.
I just wanted to add that your information sounds like a rumor started by a mechanic, or some other employee. I personally never believe anything those guys say. They overhear something in bits and pieces and then they fill in the rest to make a entertaining story. They have to much free time on their hands. I would reevaluate the source, whoever it is.
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I've gotten several emails that you had an "emergency" meeting the other night to take a vote on whether to continue down the path of reduced pay for aircraft. My understanding is that it was voted down. But just the fact , alone, that you were voting on such a proposal confirms my original post.


That's three strikes: YOU'RE OUT.

You're out of your mind if you think that anyone will ever believe any of your posts again.
You're out of excuses for posting inflammatory and slanderous remarks.
You're out of credible sources - the next time you post ANYTHING you'd better be damn sure you know what you are talking about.
You're out of time for issuing an apology

Interesting intel about AeroLogic. What I found important was that DLH has no 767’s. My first instinct was that the 76’s were going to DHL UK – if not, then perhaps to EAT or Polar. I never thought we were in the running (even though Astar obviously needs to be refleeted). DHL UK and EAT both fly 757’s so that was my logic for their award and Polar has pretty low pay scales so, I thought, maybe them.

Polar is or will soon be in negotiations and if they have the 74-400’s AND the 76’s they will be in a VERY strong position for a major pay increase. I hope they stand strong and get an outstanding contract. Anyway it’s all speculation about the 76’s which makes for interesting reading but doesn’t get anyone any closer to more airplanes.

All I know is (contrary to some of the erroneous posts you see around here) Astar ain’t getting them. We’re supposed to get some two man airplanes as stipulated in our new CBA (it says “737 or larger), but so far Dasburg has produced squat he’ll probably default on that as well.
...All I know is (contrary to some of the erroneous posts you see around here) Astar ain’t getting them. ...

Hey I know!!! Let's ask Trix!!!!! Hey Trix, any of your peeps send you any emails that said where the ER's are going. I mean hey, you seem to be dead nuts on top of everything else that's happening around here. This should be a no brainier for ya.


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