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ASTAR'S Race to the Bottom

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Rather she was right or wrong, was it intentional or not, is she a pilot or not, I have one question. WHO CARES? Really, the rant of one person has had this thread going for an awful long time. At a certan point, just assume her it have a screw loose and ignore the post. 99% of the people on each side are good people and want to see both sides enjoy long careers without having to send out more resumes. Worrying about the rant of one person makes for entertaining reading but its time to let this one die off.
Not telling you who you can defend...
"Get your facts straight before you defend her again."
Just trying to avoid major problems between our groups that are caused by bad information and an evil agenda. Tell me how you can have "crystal clear" facts when you are not directly involved in our union...

Would be nice if I could "tell you how" my point was there are lots of facts that are not avialable on this board we'll just leave it at that!

Send me a private message.

lighten up already

Rather she was right or wrong, was it intentional or not, is she a pilot or not, I have one question. WHO CARES? Really, the rant of one person has had this thread going for an awful long time. At a certan point, just assume her it have a screw loose and ignore the post. 99% of the people on each side are good people and want to see both sides enjoy long careers without having to send out more resumes. Worrying about the rant of one person makes for entertaining reading but its time to let this one die off.

Wow, thanks for letting everyone know when to post and when to be quiet. And you have been here all of what - five minutes? Who are you, the reincarnation of that Chubaka putz?

Seems like there are a lot of people here who have their panties in a wad over the fact that someone around here (besides them) could actually have an inside track that a) they don't have and b) are not privy to, to boot. You can always tell when someone has no real basis for their argument when they start running off at the mouth with the sexual innuendo/insults that have nothing to do with the issue.

As for the debate, it depends on which theory you subscribe to... and which information. But it is hard to hammer on someone's credibility without losing some yourself, unless you are personally accquainted with the individual in question.

At any rate, for those who would wish to see the end of this conversation, there's a little button just for you that you can click on - it says something like "unsubscribe to this thread." Just FYI.

Oh my god! Skankiatrix has a twin sister. Skydrol Annie!

Skydrol?? So you're a mechanic... sweet. But how much could you really know about the insider issues for the pilot group?

I just knew you would reply Chewy. Hey, it must be a slow month (year?) for you to fork out an extra 10 spot just for a new account name. lol

Sorry I’m so ignorant on this subject but could someone give me a “dual-given” on the corporate structure of DHL? Mainly I’d like to know which airlines are “DHL” and which ones are considered feeders? Who is using the DHL call sign?

I know that ABX and ASTAR do mostly DHL flying and additionally in Asia I see Air Hong Kong painted in yellow, I think they’re DHL too, correct? Also, doesn't Polar (or is it Atlas?) belong to DHL?

Sorry, I'm really ignorant here but it appears to me that the DHL structure must be every airline management’s dream? Talk about divide and conquer mentality... Has there ever been an attempt for all, or most of the DHL carriers pilots getting together to create one DHL union or maybe even to keep different unions but to ask for exactly the same contract?

Full disclosure, I work for the brown competition but I always felt that a good contract for one pilot group is good for other pilot groups too…
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Sorry I’m so ignorant on this subject but could someone give me a “dual-given” on the corporate structure of DHL? Mainly I’d like to know which airlines are “DHL” and which ones are considered feeders? Who is using the DHL call sign?

I know that ABX and ASTAR do mostly DHL flying and additionally in Asia I see Air Hong Kong painted in yellow, I think they’re DHL too, correct? Also, doesn't Polar (or is it Atlas?) belong to DHL?

Sorry, I'm really ignorant here but it appears to me that the DHL structure must be every airline management’s dream? Talk about divide and conquer mentality... Has there ever been an attempt for all, or most of the DHL carriers pilots getting together to create one DHL union or maybe even to keep different unions but to ask for exactly the same contract?

Full disclosure, I work for the brown competition but I always felt that a good contract for one pilot group is good for other pilot groups too…

AV8OR, Astar "uses" the DHL call sign they did before DHL purchased 49% last year so that did not chance. ABX is ACMI carrier, DHL uses many contract aircraft all over the US just as UPS does.
The 2 main US pilot groups have not tried to join forces, the unions have talked in a what "if" type situation but that is all.

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