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ASA Staffing problem

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I think they should make reserve a cush assignment and let it go senior, you'll get more senior (ie expensive) guys sitting at home and let the new guys fly their a$$es off. End result, same thing (and morale is improved).
Your idea has great merit. Unfortunately, most senior pilots are too stupid and lazy to realize an excellent deal.
The "posh reserve" thing does not work anymore. In order for reserve to be "posh" the pilots on reserve would have to be hugely underutilized, which negates the cost advantage of having them on reserve in the first place.

There have been times when reserve was poshish and some senior guys did bid it for that reason. I would not expect to see that happen again.

Due to contract changes and better bean counting, many things have flip flopped in a like manner. CDO trips at one time were primarily the life of a junior pilot. When was the last time you heard a junior guy griping about only being able to hold naps?

CDO trips now go senior on both sides of the list.
The company would be building the current schedules regardless of what work rules we have or don't have. They are trying to spread out the flying over the lineholders, and 4 days are an excellent tool for that. They could build 3 days, but then 40% of the pilot group would be on reserve.

Remember that during contract negotiations, the company offered us the SkyWest duty rigs. We of course accepted. SkyWest has had rigs and naps for years, and yet you don't hear their side talk about how if they gave up rigs they'd get more naps.

Not to mention, the company has figured out how to build nap lines to guarantee or close to it. Duty rig or no duty rig, nap lines would pay the same amount.

This company is very good at planting seeds in pilots' heads about giving up contractual language in exchange for something, usually better schedules. The MEC has been very good in dismissing all calls for that sort of thing, mainly because it's ludicrous.

The solution to our problems is higher block hours, not concessions. With higher block hours, you'll see better schedules. I guarantee it.

Completely agree that we need more block hrs. I just remember getting an email last year that naps were not cost effective and there was going to be a reduction of them. Thats when the 4 day complaints started. Anyhow you are right, more block hrs will be key.
Completely agree that we need more block hrs. I just remember getting an email last year that naps were not cost effective and there was going to be a reduction of them. Thats when the 4 day complaints started. Anyhow you are right, more block hrs will be key.

Just because SH or Papadouchbag say something, it does not make it true. Remember getting that email from papaDB that said something about how we needed to have all these 4 days and then we get an email from SH that they 'built too many 4 days' and were breaking them up hoping people would pick them up. Also, SH sends doom and gloom emails all the time, not to mention the $75 acars paper. Don't believe everything you hear.
Block hours for skywest inc. went up 7.3% from last year. Does anyone have the breakdown of ASA vs. skywest block hour increase? I got that figure from the release on OurAsa.
Block hours for skywest inc. went up 7.3% from last year. Does anyone have the breakdown of ASA vs. skywest block hour increase? I got that figure from the release on OurAsa.

ASA down 10%, Skywest up 17.3! :)

Really though, ASA has to be down quite a bit. There were nearly 450 lines on the 200 last year, and only 330ish this year. Add to that the ATR's and you have a lot of lost flying on this side!
Furloughees are being called, I doubt they'd waste time making those calls if it wasn't for a reason. No recall dates being issued, inquiring how soon they could be there though....
Furloughees are being called, I doubt they'd waste time making those calls if it wasn't for a reason. No recall dates being issued, inquiring how soon they could be there though....

Heard the same thing, but it was only a "survey" call. Supposedly ASA mgmt just wants to know how many would actually come back and how soon.

No recall yet though.
Furloughees are being called, I doubt they'd waste time making those calls if it wasn't for a reason. No recall dates being issued, inquiring how soon they could be there though....

I was about half way through the first batch of furloughees and haven't been called/surveyed.
Furloughees are being called, I doubt they'd waste time making those calls if it wasn't for a reason. No recall dates being issued, inquiring how soon they could be there though....

What part of the furlough list has been called because no one in my class (the first to be called back) has been called.

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