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ASA Screening Call

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HoserASA said:
The new Kool-Aid from BL is "share the profits" with employees. Yeah right!

Do you who like 'performance-based' pay really want your income depended upon ramp and gate performance?

I don't think so.

We still have to wait to park now although the ramp operation is better than in the past. And nothing will change from the gate operation because of their low pay and being undermanned. Just pay us a fair wage and stick the performance crap where the sun doesn't shine! I'd rather have a salary I can count on and NOT depended upon other employee group's performance.


Are you going to be in YUL this month so I can give you a broken aircraft?
No, moved again! Every 3-4 years, must have been the military that made me like this! Plus, the law, and ASA Scheduling Police, can't find me!
HoserASA said:
No, moved again! Every 3-4 years, must have been the military that made me like this! Plus, the law, and ASA Scheduling Police, can't find me!

Merry Xmas. See ya next year!
HoserASA said:
Do you who like 'performance-based' pay really want your income depended upon ramp and gate performance?

Actually, the GO decided not to base our pay on ramp and gate performance. Starting in January our pay will be based on AirServ's Wheelchair performance.
Stifler's Mom said:
Starting in January our pay will be based on AirServ's Wheelchair performance.

So I'm guessing we'll be seeing a truck load of payroll audit notices in our mailboxes.

"An audit of your December pay was conducted and a we have concluded you were overpaid by 100 hours. An adjustment of 37.5 hours will be made for the January 31 pay period and we expect to receive the balance owed the Company within 10 days of January 31. If we do not recieve the outstanding balance by that time the collection process will commence, and no, we don't care that you were on Military Leave, nor do we care that you notified us of the error and have already offered to pay it back. Unlike you, we have no integrity and won't hesitate to haul your ass to court to get our money."
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ohplease! said:
Then, why the hell are you here?!?!?

Because I was furloughed and now I can't afford to leave. After spending a year working for peanuts, I've exhausted my bank account and credit. I actually took a pay cut from what I was making on unemployment.

I'm happy for the guy to have an interview, but I think that some straight talk is needed. If I had known the whole situation at ASA, I probably would have held out for ExpressJet or Air Wisconsin. From what I've heard from the people that I know there, those are much better contracts and much better corporate cultures.

As to the strike, as I said, I believe that there will be a strong showing in favor of a strike. The reality of a strike depends on the National Mediation Board and whether the management decides to give us a fair contract at the last minute.

I would not want to be a new hire in the middle of a strike and I think that prospective new hires need to know about that. Of course, the whole issue may be settled by the time he gets a class date. The new ASA Delta contract specifies that we will be one of the cheapest DCI companies in five years and I think that he deserves to know that as well, especially since other DCI companies include Mesa and Chataco.

In the meantime, a sampling of what we have:
-10 days off
-6 days off can be moved by the company at will with little or no advance notice
-15 hour reserve days
-virtually no chance of getting released early on your last of reserve
-no long call reserve
-no seniority based reserve (but you can bribe scheduling with a pizza if you can afford it)
-rampant junior manning
-no moving of your reserve days
-you can be released back to reserve after a reserve assignment but released from the airport
-no commuter clause
-occurrence system in which you can get a letter or be dismissed for being sick too much
-no bidding for sim slots - they are assigned, so even if you are senior in your class, you may get the worst slot
-an unfriendly work environment - a chief pilot reportedly told a pilot to wash his clothes in the hotel sink after his bag was lost

But to present a balanced picture, we do get:
-cancellation pay (unless you are on reserve)
-above guarantee pay for underblock
-day off if scheduling fails to notify you of a canceled trip
-good training department
-interesting flying from the Caribbean to California and from Mexico to Canada

I know close to half a dozen new hires who quit within their first couple of months because the working conditions were so bad. It really is in the companies best interest to improve work rules and morale. These guys probably cost $30K each to train and left after a couple of months with no training contract.

A contract is a matter of perspective. If you've never had a good one, then maybe it doesn't look so bad to you. If you have had a good one, it's hard to go back.

Congratulations on the phone interview. Good luck. I wish you well. Look at the whole picture before you commit to going anywhere. Look at some of the other threads about ASA to help you decide.
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