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ASA PBS is.......

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wrong wrong and wrong. speak for yourself please because pbs is a pay increase for me and many others. As a no voter means you represent the very very small boekel minority that opposes pbs. It's almost as if all the no voters congregate on flight info because 80 percent of the pilot group voted yes! After all the money that this company has spent on pbs it will be implemented in the new company, and they will make sure of it. what does that mean for us? More leverage during negotiations!

Vocal minority?
Without pbs i upgrade.
With pbs i dont. Dont give me bs about we will get growth with it.
Same guys whining now were wining about not upgrading in 3 years.
PBS maybe ok but alpa is unrolling this in the wrong way.
Without PBS........30-35% of pilots on reserve!
With PBS...........10% or less on reserve!!!!!

That alone is worth it to me!

That's a function of a deliberate and artificially created situation. You can rewrite it as:

Without proper staffing, 30-35% of the pilots on reserve. With proper staffing, 10% or less on reserve.

The company created this situation to convince guys like you to finally say "yes PBS is finally here!" However, what we haven't seen yet is if now the company will still staff thin with PBS, not really alleviating the situation.
That's a function of a deliberate and artificially created situation. You can rewrite it as:

Without proper staffing, 30-35% of the pilots on reserve. With proper staffing, 10% or less on reserve.

The company created this situation to convince guys like you to finally say "yes PBS is finally here!" However, what we haven't seen yet is if now the company will still staff thin with PBS, not really alleviating the situation.

I see what you are saying, but if they don't properly staff for PBS, i.e many more reserves than necessary, then there will just be a ton of open time left over (trips not assigned into lines), which kind of defeats the purpose of PBS.
I see what you are saying, but if they don't properly staff for PBS, i.e many more reserves than necessary, then there will just be a ton of open time left over (trips not assigned into lines), which kind of defeats the purpose of PBS.


If they don't properly staff, they will change the TLV and increase the amount if hours we each will get assigned. We gave them a HUGE window to use at their discretion, and they will use it to ensure that we all have 11 days off (on a good month.)

-When you lug low-value long trips into this system, you will lose days off like crazy. Some people just have to learn the hard way.
If this continues to work like it did for my bid, deep in the reserve list and getting a 22 days off vacation month, holding a line 3 times a year will not suck. Will be interesting to see how the mid-level folks do and what the participation was for this round.
With line bidding I got Long Call Reserve in January. With PBS I got a line with 19 days off. I'm ecstatic for PBS. Turn the sucker on!
I guess I did something wrong on this round, because I'm pretty sure I'm senior to you two and I got RES with vacation. CRJ200

If you look at the entire bid award it seems most of the guys around me got RES too, then some super junior guys got a couple of trips with a ton of days off.

If I'm reading it correctly.
My first serious post I think:

Why did some guys get vac and two four days and others get vac and three four days?? What options did one select and the other not? I looked at some mid level guys who got three four days but then some really junior guys got just two four days with a block under 75hrs thought that had to be the min according to the coversheet. Thanks just wondering so I don't screw it up when I have vac.

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