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ASA parking planes???

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(If you care about the pilot group at ASA, and if you truly believe that I'm wrong on this, why not give me a reason as to why you feel that I've misunderstood? Would that not be a better thing to do?)

Cool. You disagree with the logic of my post?

Explain where I was wrong. Explain where there was a lack of truth.

It's not just me that feels this way: every FO (that I've spoken with) that actually read the algebraic formula of the distribution feels this way.
Every pilot I have spoken with said they didn't vote for the contract, yet it passed by a high percentage. The formula was fair and followed patterns at other airlines. When were you hired? What did you think you deserved?

Captains, especially senior captains, made far more from the signing bonus than FOs. Fair? Well, for the vast majority of the pilot group at ASA, it depends on how many stripes you have on your shoulders.
When were you hired? That will shed some light on the subject.

My point here is that a precedent has been shown in which those that have will do what they feel they can to not only protect what they have, but to get more. In my example, it was the signing bonus distribution. Down the road, I could easily see an environment in which the senior captains could aquiesce to the requests of management to sell out the junior FOs with regards to furloughs.
There were two junior pilots on the MEC. I heard that the most Junior guy developed the formula. If that is true, then how can you blame the senior pilots. Your pay was protected at 60% of Captain pay. The rest of the regional industry is something far less. Senior Captains supported this position in the last contract and the current one. Were they looking out for themselves, only, in doing that? I doubt anyone will be sold down the river, as you suggest. However, the system is based on seniority, just like the rest of the US carriers. Last in, first out is the protocol in a reduction--industry standard.

Again, this is not unique to ASA. Also, I'm not being judgmental, I'm simply stating the factual history and a hypothetical future. Contract or not, if its time to furlough at ASA, it will happen.
I doubt there will be furloughs and hope there will be no furloughs. There is a no-furlough provision that should protect everyone here at contract signing. However, the standard procedure in the industry is reverse seniority when it comes to reduction. Did you have a different understanding of that when you took the job?

It's my feeling that having an idea of what the future might hold is beneficial in the present. Disagree?
Can you pick lottery numbers? Being prepared, is always a good plan. The way things are going, we could all be looking at the street. For now, don't go out an buy big ticket items--a good position whether you are senior or junior.
No doubt the winds of change are upon us, question is, how bad will it get before something is done about it?

I am curious to know, however, how Europe has been dealing with this situation for as long as it has- does British Airways, KLM, Air France, etc get a government influx or subsidy? I'm under the impression that they don't.

Who would have thought ASA would be well possitioned for anything two years ago....kinda makes me laugh.
Can you pick lottery numbers? Being prepared, is always a good plan. The way things are going, we could all be looking at the street. For now, don't go out an buy big ticket items--a good position whether you are senior or junior.

First off, Thanks for the open, frank discussion. Even though I've disagreed with your logic from time to time, I respect your, whoever you are, ability to discuss without flaming in this thread.

The genus of my post was the idea that there would be no furloughs at ASA. I sincerely hope that I am wrong, and that there is a positive outcome to the current situation; I doubt it. I'm not normally too bearish about our side of the industry, but all indications are that all of the regionals will be dramatically different this time next year.

It's a disservice to (young/junior) FOs to tell them that their job is safe because of a no-furlough clause in the most current contract.

Clearly, Last in, First out, is the way it should work. I'm not advocating otherwise.
Regarding the shuffling of SkyWesters over to do more Delta flying: a good source has told me that the new Delta contract (if it passes) will restrict any future growth/DCI portfolio flying to Union only carriers. Sorry SkyWest- you had your shot........

Absolutely NOT true. I have a copy of the entire agreement and it says nothing of the sort....I will send you a copy of the agreement if you would like....

Even if it did say this.....Mesa would be able to get furture growth, while Skywest would not....Which would you rather have it? I would rather see Skywest get it than Mesa.....Union membership doesn't really mean squat.....Union members can undercut with the best of them......
Absolutely NOT true. I have a copy of the entire agreement and it says nothing of the sort....I will send you a copy of the agreement if you would like....

I'm curious, do you have a copy of the agreement that the Delta pilots did with DAL management back when the merger was announced, or do you have something new related to SLI that is supposed to be hammered out soon?

Joe, I understand what you are saying regarding Mesa, but I am looking at what SkyWest Inc could use/not use for a whipsaw. I am looking at it from a perspective of United and SkyWest. If United liquidated (and I'm not saying they are, or won't) it would keep 3000 non union SkyWesters from bumping 1700 union pilots out of ASA's flying in Atlanta.

If this is true, it effectively ends any sort of hope for a SkyWest/ASA whipsaw. I talked to a guy at SkyWest that was telling me he wan't worried about United, because if anything happened to them, SkyWest pilots would just replace ASA.....
I'm curious, do you have a copy of the agreement that the Delta pilots did with DAL management back when the merger was announced, or do you have something new related to SLI that is supposed to be hammered out soon?


I have a copy of the TA that is being voted on by the DAL and NWA pilots....If anyone wants a copy send me a PM....

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