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ASA Negotiations Suspended Indefinitely

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D'Angelo said:
Not yet that remains to be seen. We did however save our jobs.

Seems to me that you have guys out on furlough right now, so that really isn't an accurate statement. What you mean is "I saved MY job".
JoeMerchant said:
Throwing money at problems, doesn't solve those problems. Liberals are famous for just trying to throw money at problems, but that seldom solves anything.

Kind of like your ass monkey pal "conservative Dubya" and the hundreds of billions he's thrown at the Iraq "problem"

or the other ****************************** bag conservative dip ********************s in D.C and the trillions theve spent trying to keep people from hitting the bong.

ALPA and Liberals.

I guess we should decertify ALPA, vote Pat Robertson in to the White House and you be happier than a pig in sh1t, huh?
JoeMerchant said:
I don't agree with most of what you write Hoser, but I don't put you on ignore.

Hey, we neutralize each other then because I don't agree with anything (not most) of what you write! And, if you read my post again, you'll see I was referring to DeAngelo as the one I ignore. I just read your comments and shake my head.....

JoeMerchant said:
I encourage to post your same crap on the ALPA board... oh wait, that would require you to sign your name to what you say.

You post on the ALPA board and make a fool of yourself there just as well as you do here. You love your little title, John Breiling, ASA LEC 112 Sec/Treas. If you had any self respect you would resign or do the job you were elected to do. You are so void of reason you don't care what the pilots that voted for you think of your dereliction of duty. You are truly the most self serving individual I have ever witnessed!
D'Angelo said:
Absolutely correct. ALPA seems to think otherwise. They prefer being stagnant and having outlandish contracts. If you meet in the middle everyone gets a raise. Plus you already get a yearly raise....

Hey D'umbA$$,

They aren't offering a yearly payraise you schmuck. You don't know what they are offering. 1.6% for 50 and ATR at DOS and NO YEARLY RAISES FOR COLA OR LONGEVITY FOR ANYONE FOR THE 5YR DURATION.
Hey D'umbA$$,

They aren't offering a yearly payraise you schmuck. You don't know what they are offering. 1.6% for 50 and ATR at DOS and NO YEARLY RAISES FOR COLA OR LONGEVITY FOR ANYONE FOR THE 5YR DURATION.

Im saying if one looks at your payscale clearly your already recieving a raise every year. As far as the future goes that remains to be seen. Irregardless the scale has been moving up every year until you max out. To say you havent had a raise in years is a lie. You have actually been getting a raise every year moving up the payscale. Until youve maxed out on the FO side then maxed out again on the CA side you are always moving on up. Now the new contract I do not know the specifics. If a small paycut is what it takes to get you in line with the rest of the industy then I say go for it. No need to follow ALPO to your death. Saving jobs is what im all about!
D'Angelo said:
Saving jobs is what im all about!

Well, you guys took it up the a$$ and still didn't save everyone's job. Now Portfolo Phred is out and Comair's future is very uncertain. Way to go.
WWEfan said:
Well, you guys took it up the a$$ and still didn't save everyone's job. Now Portfolo Phred is out and Comair's future is very uncertain. Way to go.

Saved quite a few jobs at least. The guys that dont like the paycuts are leaving and that lets furloughs come back. Uncertain perhaps but everyones future is uncertain right now. BTW we didnt sell you out. We never owed your group a think. We did what we had to do nothing more nothing less. We certainly didnt wake up one morning thinking ya lets vote just to screw the ASA guys. Your group started this mud flinging contest.
atrdriver said:
I'm talking about the ones from over a year ago, which they did indeed take. You remember, right after they sent out the stickers that said "CMR pilots support the ASA negotiations". They didn't get more A/C then, and I doubt that they will now. What you get paid to fly that ATR isn't going to determine whether we get more of them, whether the company can make money with them will.

The "cuts" you are talking about was CMR not taking their final pay "bump". That was the bump that would take their top 70 seat rate from $113 to $118 per hour. All that did was stop the payraises, but it still made their pilot contract the most expensive in the DCI system and one of the most expensive in the industry. The fact is they can't compete with their cost structure, even with the "cut" you are talking about.

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