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ASA managment ready to continue...

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ohplease! said:
1. yes they have and that frustrates me. Nothing I can do about that. I think its the system more than the management that is broken, which leads to #2. I can work by the book and still conserve fuel, keep on schedule, make our customers happy, etc.

2. I'm not sure they have. The system dictated that EACH side start at an extreme end so they'll have room for give and take. I am hopefully optomistic that Skywest mgmt. will prod ASA mgmt. along and ALPA will meet them out in the middle of the street.

3. Everything I've seen posted stated that ASA/SKYW asked for the meetings after Christmas and appear to be ready to sit down and get it done. If thats wrong, please shed some light....

1. Work by the book???? Remember this quote...

Sometimes I'll open a TR (depends on where I am and WHO I'm with) $8 a shot? Doubt it, even so, it takes a whole lot of TR cycles to equal the cost of one brake assembly.... or how about this one

I figure if they can break our contract and mess with you so much, the least I can do is rebel and break their rules and get back at 'em for ya.

2. Have you delt with Mr. Bill the company atty? I have and you don't start close to the middle. It's called billable hours for him.

3. Posted?? By the Company??
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Texx said:
1. Work by the book???? Remember this quote...

Sometimes I'll open a TR (depends on where I am and WHO I'm with) $8 a shot? Doubt it, even so, it takes a whole lot of TR cycles to equal the cost of one brake assembly.... or how about this one

I figure if they can break our contract and mess with you so much, the least I can do is rebel and break their rules and get back at 'em for ya.

2. Have you delt with Mr. Bill the company atty? I have and you don't start close to the middle. It's called billable hours for him.

3. Posted?? By the Company??
posted by people on this board...at the begining of this thread actually.

I never said anything about anyone starting anywhere near any middle. Reread what I did say.

I have NO IDEA what you're trying to say about #1.

You seem angry. Chill a little.
Has anybody considered what comes after the contract is settled?

I think that the company will settle to avoid a strike, but what then?

If DAL liquidates, then the whole effort will have been in vain anyway.

DAL is in bankruptcy so if our costs wind up getting too far out of line, we stand the chance of having DAL reject our contract and bring in cheaper help. Since the strike would be over, there would be no picket line to cross.

On the other hand, if a strike vote is delayed, we actually gain an advantage. If DAL is out of bankruptcy, they can't reject. Also, if management is telling the truth about a new codeshare, then they will most likely have to settle the contract to make a serious bid. It will be in their interest to get the negotiations moving, therefore we would gain leverage.

Additionally, Skywest has only owned us a few months. It might also be to our advantage to not PO the new management too quickly. They have a good reputation for employee relations, but if we declare war on them, they are going to have to fight back.

Furthermore, if we are getting pay raises and better work rules at a time when DALPA is taking pay cuts and losing their pension, we could easily end up in a situation where DALPA is calling for our heads to roll as well as management.

Even assuming that all goes well, under the current conditions I think that it is unlikely that we will see a significantly better contract. The current business climate just does not support that, even if Skywest is paying dividends. A regional airline can profitable one day and in bankruptcy the next. Take Mesaba for example.

I think that we should bide our time, see what happens at DAL, see what the Skywest does, and see if the pace of negotiations picks up. You guys have been patient for a long time, but I think that the status quo is not necessarily bad for us right now.
perhaps its because the vast majority of us, while aggravated by the snails pace these negotiations have been progressing, are leaning on our faith in our company coming around to do the right thing by us. .

Haaaaaaa, haaaaaaaaaa, haaaaaaaaaa.

Yeah, out of the goodness of their kind little hearts, right? Companies exist to maximize earnings and minimize cost, not to make their employees feel happy and secure. The only reason they will ever give you anything is if they feel like your unhappiness as a labor group is costing them something. By continuing to save them money, operate efficiently, minimize waste, etc, you are allowing them to drag their feet indefinitely.
blueridge71 said:
Has anybody considered what comes after the contract is settled?

I think that the company will settle to avoid a strike, but what then?

If DAL liquidates, then the whole effort will have been in vain anyway.

DAL is in bankruptcy so if our costs wind up getting too far out of line, we stand the chance of having DAL reject our contract and bring in cheaper help. Since the strike would be over, there would be no picket line to cross.

On the other hand, if a strike vote is delayed, we actually gain an advantage. If DAL is out of bankruptcy, they can't reject. Also, if management is telling the truth about a new codeshare, then they will most likely have to settle the contract to make a serious bid. It will be in their interest to get the negotiations moving, therefore we would gain leverage.

Additionally, Skywest has only owned us a few months. It might also be to our advantage to not PO the new management too quickly. They have a good reputation for employee relations, but if we declare war on them, they are going to have to fight back.

Furthermore, if we are getting pay raises and better work rules at a time when DALPA is taking pay cuts and losing their pension, we could easily end up in a situation where DALPA is calling for our heads to roll as well as management.

Even assuming that all goes well, under the current conditions I think that it is unlikely that we will see a significantly better contract. The current business climate just does not support that, even if Skywest is paying dividends. A regional airline can profitable one day and in bankruptcy the next. Take Mesaba for example.

I think that we should bide our time, see what happens at DAL, see what the Skywest does, and see if the pace of negotiations picks up. You guys have been patient for a long time, but I think that the status quo is not necessarily bad for us right now.

Yea, that's the ticket. Let's just wait another 3 or 4 years; the industry
might be in great shape by then and we'll get a great contract!

If we finish our contract now, we'll be in negotiations again at that time
anyway. I see no difference except we'll get something better now. Surely,
you don't want to be under our current scheduling rules for another 4 years.
ohplease! said:
posted by people on this board...at the begining of this thread actually.

I never said anything about anyone starting anywhere near any middle. Reread what I did say.

I have NO IDEA what you're trying to say about #1.

You seem angry. Chill a little.

#1 deals with you being anti union, from all your earlier posts, and being such a company man but yet you have a problem doing it by the book. I guess it's all about you.

You are correct about the thread and previous posts.

The implications from you that our pilot group has not negotiated in good faith.

Angry? No, I've played this game with the company for too many years.

It just gets old reading your posts bashing our union but yet you don't have the time to help out. I would guess that if you were called in by the Company for doing some of the things you bragged about you'd be on the phone for an ALPA rep.
Texx said:
#1 deals with you being anti union, from all your earlier posts, and being such a company man but yet you have a problem doing it by the book. I guess it's all about you.

You are correct about the thread and previous posts.

The implications from you that our pilot group has not negotiated in good faith.

Angry? No, I've played this game with the company for too many years.

It just gets old reading your posts bashing our union but yet you don't have the time to help out. I would guess that if you were called in by the Company for doing some of the things you bragged about you'd be on the phone for an ALPA rep.

It is all about me. And my family. That much is true.

You can't recognize sarcasm when you see it? Nobody does it "by the book". NOBODY. Not even you. That much is true as well.

maybe bitter is a better choice of words.

I don't bash anyone. I have no idea what ALPA is or is not doing. Every time I talk with someone on the CNC, I get the same thing. Rhetoric. Same thing I get from ASA mgmt. Who's right? Who's wrong? I have no idea. I'm pretty sure there is some third version of the truth and its somewhere in the middle of both sides.

I am anti union. I don't believe they are necessary in this day and time. I believe they hinder more than help. However, it IS the system that is in place and it isn't going anywhere. So, its what I must deal with and work within if I wish to work here. I knew this when I was hired and accepted the job because its the company I wanted to work for.

Because it is the system I have to work with, I have supported ALPA. I pay my dues, I've walked in the informational picket lines and attended functions and meetings. I have my philosophical differences with ALPA and anytime I have tried to voice those differences of opinion, I have been shouted down by the very people who claim to stand for me. Typical Socialism.

If I do need someone to represent me, I will call ALPA. They already have my money. Why should I pay for another rep.?
ohplease! said:
I pay my dues,

If I do need someone to represent me, I will call ALPA. They already have my money. Why should I pay for another rep.?

You don't have a choice about the dues.

And one thing I haven't figured out yet is will it be your use of TRs on taxi or your mouth that gets you in trouble. Don't be to sure about your FO not telling people. They talk a lot. HAHAHAHAHAH

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