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ASA Lines

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Ok, admittedly things have gotten somewhat better now. We have some people in the GO that are actually trying to make ASA better. that being said.. why do schedules still SUCK!?

More 32-hour overnights, less than 120 lines had weekends off (out of 340ish?) only 30-40 more had partial weekends off. I've held a line for about a year, in what most would consider a decent position on the list and still can't even get partial weekends... is there any light at the end of the tunnel!? or am I stuck working fri-mon for the rest of my time at ASA?
well if you can't get a saturday or sunday off I'd say you're not in a decent position on the seniority list, despite how many people you have behind you.
Lines suck, think there is a reason behind it? The Jerks at the go love the fact you complain about this crap. Means they are doing there job to get closer to the pbs that they want.
Umm ........ Houston, We Have A Problem!!!
I'm #16 out of ~47 on my list. I'm working Sunday through Wednesday, and fairly happy with April. It's not that bad where I'm at, but the difference between not that bad and awful is only two or three numbers. My take is that the top of the lines seem to be better this go-around, but the bottom 2/3rds of the list are even worse than in times past.

Why do we need 14 reserve FOs on the ATR? Is 30% of the list being reserve the normal ratio? Seems high to me.
actually - talk to any of the many pilots who are working with the planners every month on line construction. block hours keep dropping, the delta schedule changes day by day. dont get mad at the planners or think there is a bigger conspiracy, lines stink cause they have nothing to work with.
In all seriousness, I would love to know the process behind building lines. not to use as ammo or for any other reason than just being educated on the process. for instance, why on earth are there 32-hour overnights? Why not deadhead us out and do a nap for the early morning instead of having us sit there
In all seriousness, I would love to know the process behind building lines. not to use as ammo or for any other reason than just being educated on the process. for instance, why on earth are there 32-hour overnights? Why not deadhead us out and do a nap for the early morning instead of having us sit there

Deadheads cost money, and more importantly bump a paying passenger from the flight. When load factors were 60% you could afford to take the hit, now with full flights it's a different story.

It's cheaper to pay us the 3.75 to sit in the hotel, unfortunately.
sh says repeatedly that 4 day is the most efficeint trip. Not for the pilots, so how hard would it be to make the plane a 4 day rotation and the pilot a 3 day rotation. i think the plan is make the schedules suck and pbs will come quicker. remember when kw built lines their was 200 lines with day trips a 3 days. but i believe he did too good of a job so he was removed.

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