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Asa Havco Starts

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Actually I know what will make me laugh the hardest now. You guys getting replaced then sitting there wishing you had an airplane to taxi fast in. I just wish I could be there to see the looks on your faces.
JB, I wish to apologize that it did not occur to me to do this yesterday. Yes, I admit it, I am a spineless weasil. You can call me "SW" for short. But this SW is going to do everything he possibly can in support of his fellow pilots. This in stark contrast to your selfish, childish unilateral personal agenda. And you can rest assured sir, at the next available opportunity I will most certainly make you quite aware of exactly how I feel...to your face.

Just curious, what do you consider my "personal agenda" to be? Are you aware that my fellow mainline "brothers" are bidding lower than our current rates? Are you aware that both DALPA and ALPA national are pressuring our MEC to cut a deal because they don't want a strike because it would hurt DAL too much? What exactly is my agenda, and what is your agenda?
Are you aware that both DALPA and ALPA national are pressuring our MEC to cut a deal because they don't want a strike because it would hurt DAL too much?

Bulls*$&. Just talked with a couple of the National Officers recently about the ASA situation, and this is far from true. There is no pressure from National, and I seriously doubt any pressure from DALPA either.
Bulls*$&. Just talked with a couple of the National Officers recently about the ASA situation, and this is far from true. There is no pressure from National, and I seriously doubt any pressure from DALPA either.

Oh I'm sure an ALPA National Officer told you the truth:rolleyes:

ALPA never really pushed for a release during the DAL BK and post BK because of the harm it would do to DAL.... which happens to be the largest contributer to ALPA.....

By the way gullible isn't in the dictionary...

By the way, a member of the current ASA MEC confirmed that ALPA national and DALPA are pressuring the ASA MEC to sign a deal.... they don't want DAL hurt.... This from someone who campaigned against me........ ALPA is a political machine just like everything else, and it relies on money.....
So you're saying you're a scab?

Nice try, but your beloved ALPA didn't call it "struck work"...... they should have, but they didn't..... ALPA failed us all again....

Besides even if they had, what does it matter? CAL had a former MEC Chairman who was a scab. CAL currently has a scab for a negotiating committee member. ASA has a committee chairman who is a scab. ALPA has thousands of members who are scabs............ there checks clear, so they are clear....

Next lame argument from the cheerleading section.......
Oh I'm sure an ALPA National Officer told you the truth:rolleyes:

Yeah, I'm sure you're right. I'm not even an active member anymore, I hold no official office, and I just talk to these guys off the record in a casual setting, but I'm sure they really felt the need to feed me a bunch of propaganda. :rolleyes:

I know these guys pretty well, Joe. They're not the conspirators that you make them out to be. They have no hidden agendas and they're not out to screw over anyone.

ALPA never really pushed for a release during the DAL BK and post BK because of the harm it would do to DAL.... which happens to be the largest contributer to ALPA.....

More conspiracy theory bulls*%&, none of which is true. By the way, UAL is the largest contributor to ALPA and has been for quite some time.

By the way, a member of the current ASA MEC confirmed that ALPA national and DALPA are pressuring the ASA MEC to sign a deal

Which one? What does Newie say? You hear an allegation (if you're even telling the truth) from a single rep, and you take it at face value? Where's the proof? Just more conspiracy theories and paranoia. You still have nothing of value to add.
It's not about being a "lemming" or blindly following ALPA. This isn't even about ALPA, Joe. Where do you see an ASA ALPA rep on this thread talking about writing things up or taxiing slow? This isn't about ALPA at all. This is about joining your fellow pilots and working towards improving your situation. Forget ALPA. This is about unity not with ALPA, but with your fellow ASA pilots. Just for once, stop thinking about how you're going to screw ALPA, and start thinking about how you're going to be part of the solution.

Thank you kindly, sir. Fantastic post.
Nice try, but your beloved ALPA didn't call it "struck work"......

You've stated time and time again how you aren't an ALPA lemming, yet your defense of scabbiness is 'ALPA said it was OK?"

Besides even if they had, what does it matter?

If you can't figure that one out, there's no point in listening to you further. You've said everything about yourself.
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Just curious, what do you consider my "personal agenda" to be? Are you aware that my fellow mainline "brothers" are bidding lower than our current rates? Are you aware that both DALPA and ALPA national are pressuring our MEC to cut a deal because they don't want a strike because it would hurt DAL too much? What exactly is my agenda, and what is your agenda?

There you go again JackAzz, telling more LIES..(BIG SURPRISE):rolleyes:, the more SH!T you talk, the less you matter. Apparently you did not read the negotiation updates from the Union. Let me guess...you would have taken one or the other of the 2 options...right? Yeah, again....big surprise!:rolleyes: You are such a Dirtbag in so many different ways....where do I start? Forget it...NOT worth my time.

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