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ASA AQP--- if you know the scenarios, please PM me

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Actually, you can't evaluate a pilot groups reaction to an emergency when they know its coming, know what's coming and have practiced how to handle it. That's like handing out the answer key to the final prior to exam day. EVERYONE should make a 100 and the "weak links" would not be detected and strengthened properly (i.e. retrained) before going on line and flying your family or mine around the countryside.

If you're so worried about failing a check ride, get the ******************** out of this game because even YOU know you're not up to standards. There are no tricks here. Nobody is trying to fail you. Go to"school"and take the opportunity to learn and find out where your weaknesses are (if you have any...most of us have some) and work on that area to get better.

The entire traveling public will be better for it.
Actually, upon further reading, you made my point for me.
Gosh, you are so awesome! You are an excellent pilot and your passengers are extremely safe in your hands. Please continue to excel.

Hahahahaha!! You seriously need some help in the sarcasm category..lame. Now I see why you need gouge (and Im sure you don't see it) to be able to pass a checkride. Sad really, but the best of luck in your career. :beer:
Hahahahaha!! You seriously need some help in the sarcasm category..lame. Now I see why you need gouge (and Im sure you don't see it) to be able to pass a checkride. Sad really, but the best of luck in your career. :beer:

The beer smileys are so cute. They provide a great accent to your statement. Best of luck to you too, even though you don't need it.
LAST year, the training department Stated on numerous occasions that they wanted all of the scenarios to circulate around and become common knowledge. It was their view that the more we talked about the scenarios, the more prepared we would be on-line. I also agree. Get you thinking About potential abnormalities months before you go to the scenario, not just the week before.

This year, it seems to be more hush-hush. I'm not sure why.
LAST year, the training department Stated on numerous occasions that they wanted all of the scenarios to circulate around and become common knowledge. It was their view that the more we talked about the scenarios, the more prepared we would be on-line. I also agree. Get you thinking About potential abnormalities months before you go to the scenario, not just the week before.

This year, it seems to be more hush-hush. I'm not sure why.

Their thinking is absolutely correct. It reinforces the training along the whole process. Maybe it seems hush hush right now because it's early in the year. We'll see what happens.
good lord.... i just wanted a little gouge. not discuss the merits of getting gouge vs not getting it. If you dont want it, then why not just ignore the thread and move on.
I knew the gouge last year and as soon as they gave me the city pair I knew exactly what was coming. I still learned more than any PC from previous years. The instructor even commented on the fact that he was happy to see we knew the gouge and had prepared so well for it.

Deapite some of its flaws, AQP is far superior than the scripted mind numbing PC's.

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