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Are turbo-props considered high perf?

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In terms of the Jet, it's complex by far but more important, requires a type rating which includes a high altitude signoff per the training and type requirement. Also, it meets and exceeds both endorsements.
I've been to recurrent on a couple of different airplanes where I've talked with guys getting their types. In a couple of occassions, they needed an extra class to comply with the high-altitude endorsment requirement. It makes sense - the type-rating is basically a systems course and you train to proficiency on procedures. Very little, if anything, is ever mentioned regarding the physiology of high-altitude flight.

When I got my first Type, I had to take a class on high altitude ops. and get endorsed as a "pre-requirement" for the type. That was 10 years agao, things might have changed.
Check out www.innodyn.com pretty sweet little deal, I think they go as low as 165hp to 255hp...
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So I am confused. Is jet time complex and/or high performance time or not?
High performance or complex time/sign off is for the purpose of a rating. Warning: The FAR'S that most pilots used are not the same as the FAR'S the FAA uses. Part 61 is for AIRMEN CERTIFICATION.
High performance or complex time/sign off is for the purpose of a rating. Warning: The FAR'S that most pilots used are not the same as the FAR'S the FAA uses. Part 61 is for AIRMEN CERTIFICATION.

What about for the purpose of logging. Is a jet complex?
What about for the purpose of logging. Is a jet complex?

A jet is fine for logging complex time providing you are typed in that particular aircraft or the operations/aircraft calls for a qualified second-in-command. Good luck
What about for the purpose of logging. Is a jet complex?

Why would you want to log 'complex' time? Who cares once you you have the sign off or type rating?

Does this one qualify? A jet powered Cri Cri. It is a turbo jet....Does it require a type rating? :)

Original design has 2- 8hp chain saw motors. This guy gave it a bit more.

I have seen somewhere a pic of someone that put 2 small turbo props on the thing. I am sure that they were not any bigger than these little jets. But have not been able to find it.

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