I think it is waiverable with the present day mission, particularly for someone who has already 'been there and done that.' I don't know the age limit but I think the Army raised it and if I am not mistaken it is in the late 30's or early 40's.
Someone on APTAP will be able to tell you. There are ALOT of opportunities out there right now.
I remember hearing about your flight. I think one of the guys coming to the unit I was at in Germany came from that flight. The story is familiar. I was 87-13....Purple Paladins.
Someone on APTAP will be able to tell you. There are ALOT of opportunities out there right now.
I remember hearing about your flight. I think one of the guys coming to the unit I was at in Germany came from that flight. The story is familiar. I was 87-13....Purple Paladins.