FedMagnet..forgive my naivety .. let me clarify, are you saying:Fedmagnet said:Most do not pay any attention to that, and the ones that have questioned it are told "It's ok, keep an eye on it". The flight planners at Flops default each flight plan to the highest known altitude of each aircraft and the pilots are compelled to struggle to these altitudes so they won't get into any trouble with the fuel nazzies.
The fuel savings are very good if you shut down both engines at TOD and land.
Flops pilots are taught to ignore all those pesky LIMITATIONS in the AFM.
a) that FLOPS flight planners put the planes at risk be sending 'em too high (cold soak wing, potential Prist issues / core lock..etc..)
b) couldn't FLOPS pilots just say .. "eh.. let's stop at FL 390, I'm not feeling like a good soldier today"? (or do they then get beat up for sipping too much fuel at 390 vs. 410 or whatever?)
We run this site www.fractionalforum.com and this site www.rsvpair.com and we have a vested interest in getting "the truth" out..whatever it is..whether FLOPS looks like a star or demon. Also.. if you have web links that can document / verify any big claims you can make.. we can post it for the members of those two sites.
I still don't know what the reason was for them not being able to get a restart.. wouldn't it be possible once they made it back to warmer temperatures?