And SIC's would still be making $40K a year....
keep thinking your really...
NJA/NJASAP would have opened negotiations in 2010.... That would have been superb... NJASAP would have held ALL the cards:laugh:
IBB is turning out to be about the best thing to ever happen to an aviation company in the last decade or more...
1) Higher pay for SIC's who are soon to be 10 yr. SIC's
2)reset the CBA schedule.. NJASAP got a renewed contract during a BOOM year. (rather than 2009-2011, the worst the economy has seen since the 1930's).. and by the time it comes up again there should also be some BOOM years...
3)Basing for SIC's was improved by..oh, lets see...2000%
4) The ONLY proof you've shown for voting NO as a good idea was the loss of your own personal CC usage, thus losing some points on a Hilton AMEX card.:bawling:
Word of wisdom..If you're gonna slam something atleast show some supporting evidence. (other than the loss of some CC points)
Well in that case since the first and only offer would only be the first and only offer EVER than you are saying that we should have passed the contract sent to us in 2003/2004 ??
because you couldn't possibly negotiate anything better?
IBB could have and should have been WAY better than it was.
I'm done explaining myself to the sheep on here that follow someones lead but they don't read what they are voting on.