Even Buffett's letter focuses on share price to BV (not profit!).
What is NetJets overall contribution to BRK's BV (not profit!)?
Next time you are in CMH ask what's NetJets Free Cash-Flow? What's NetJets BV? What is the Owner's Equity?
That's where you find a company's real value. Not, absolutely not, in a posted "pre-tax earnings" aka "gross profit." That's investment banking 101.
That's said, generally a profit is better than a loss. It's a positive. At least there is enough slop to post a profit. A turn-around? Ha! I submit the reach or desperation to post these silly numbers comes at the expense of investment for growth on long-term benefit.
In my opinion DLS hurt BV and the long-term to accelerate short-term results (profit). I believe the DLS/JH plan continues to hurt BV and the long-term to accelerate short-term results (profit).
Just one man's opinion. Where we don't agree we can agree to disagree. Only wishing everyone the best and enjoying a bit of the intellectual discussion. Would I call it a turn around? Nope, the brand is no better off in fact its a weaker brand (still strong but much weaker): this is just shrinkage and a little squeeze.
Cheers! :beer:
What is NetJets overall contribution to BRK's BV (not profit!)?
Next time you are in CMH ask what's NetJets Free Cash-Flow? What's NetJets BV? What is the Owner's Equity?
That's where you find a company's real value. Not, absolutely not, in a posted "pre-tax earnings" aka "gross profit." That's investment banking 101.
That's said, generally a profit is better than a loss. It's a positive. At least there is enough slop to post a profit. A turn-around? Ha! I submit the reach or desperation to post these silly numbers comes at the expense of investment for growth on long-term benefit.
In my opinion DLS hurt BV and the long-term to accelerate short-term results (profit). I believe the DLS/JH plan continues to hurt BV and the long-term to accelerate short-term results (profit).
Just one man's opinion. Where we don't agree we can agree to disagree. Only wishing everyone the best and enjoying a bit of the intellectual discussion. Would I call it a turn around? Nope, the brand is no better off in fact its a weaker brand (still strong but much weaker): this is just shrinkage and a little squeeze.
Cheers! :beer: